When My Pale Coworker Suggested a Threesome
Published December 30, 2015
#Subtitled #HD #UncensoredReal Japanese amateurs find out how enjoyable threesomes can be when done in the company of professional actors uncensored and in Full HD by DREAMROOM.

When My Pale Coworker Suggested a Threesome
with English Subtitles
Japanese businesses often have year-end parties called bounenkai. Bounenkai can translate to English as a 'Forget the Year' party and the name has merit: in spite of your average office having frequent drinking parties throughout the week that are essentially mandatory to attend if you want to climb the corporate ladder, you certainly do not want to skip out of the bounenkai.
Why? Well, on top of it being a tax deductible (though we've seen our fair share of jippi--or everyone pays bounenkai's), bonuses are often awarded during this gatherings. Each employee is called one by one up to the big boss and he will hand them an envelope full of their year-end bonus which may be the equivalent of an entire month's pay! Oh my gosh!
Another big factor going for these parties is the fact that due to the drink, everyone in attendance has a kinda-sorta free pass to say whatever's on their minds. Hate a higher-ranked coworker? Let it be known and blame it on the Kirin! Do whatever--to a hazy limit of course--and all will be forgiven tomorrow.
With this in mind, is it possible to migrate the bounenkai mentality to real friends who've always shared a clandestine desire to have a threesome? Sure! At least for today that is.
This is the environment that brought into being WHEN MY PALE COWORKER SUGGESTED A THREESOME, an uncensored Japanese threesome release very similar to an earlier one released at the beginning of this year. In fact, both titles were released in the same amateur nanpa series by DREAMROOM. Both also are in Full HD making for a gargantuan viewing experience.
The theme this time is less street pick-up and more to-the-business. Granted, the first few minutes do take place outside on a wintry day featuring the huddled and shivering figures of SAYO- and NANA-chan, but the bulk of this brief, but very welcome 75 minute update is filmed in a hotel room.
The exact reasons why SAYO and NANA opt for a threesome with established AV actors is not provided. It definitely would have been nice to have some back-story. I mean obviously they were probably approached in real life by an AV scout about the filming opportunity and that set the wheels in motion to make this release a reality.
Was a threesome something they always wanted to do together? Really? Was remuneration a factor? Who knows, but in spite of both amateur performers being on the quiet side, they still put on a good show and by the end, it was very obvious that sex is something they both really, really enjoy.
The 'romance' scenes in SUGGESTED A THREESOME number three and the way they were done was rather unique. The first scene started a bit rough as it was quite apparent that both women were extremely shy and almost certainly never appeared in an adult video before. Stripping was done pretty quickly though and action went off without a hitch.
The next scene deserves some notable remarks due to the unique way it began and who starred in it: the camera was placed on a table for the first few minutes in a way that showed slim and naturally tan NANA-chan clad in a towel in the background. In the foreground was equally towel-clad SAYO-chan trying to focus hard on drinking some gratis hotel room tea. Her heavy concentration was due to the fact that her friend was being put up for another round of sex with everyone's favorite 'Mr. Charisma'--the fidgety actor from THE PUBIC HAIR SHAVING SALON.
What's more, we were soon joined by the other unique player from that release, CUNNI-BALL NANAME MUKAI. It's almost as if this release was the logical next step for our Pubic Hair Shaving artists...
WHEN MY PALE COWORKER SUGGESTED A THREESOME is a great release for fans of amateurs who have sex in numbers that may seem slightly unnatural. It's not the most beautifully shot nor acted, but that's part of its charm. Sex can be messy at times and not everything always go to plan. On the messy note, there even was a quick moment where we snuck a peek at SAYO-chan sitting on a toilet while relieving herself followed by several courtesy wipes. That's something you rarely see in more 'professional' releases.
Will SAYO and NANA return to the ever-welcoming world of Japanese AV or will they look back at their short time on camera with equal parts rancor and shameful arousal? It's a tough call! Both certainly enjoyed it though we're not too sure if they are outgoing enough to maintain being the 'stars' of future titles. Who knows though. People change and sometimes it's best to forget the past and start anew.
Lines of Subtitled Dialog: 531
3 Files 2.40GB
When My Pale Coworker Suggested a Threesome
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