All comments of User Senior Ranger
All adult video is fantasy, and reality can never match fantasy for sheer power. My own sexual entertainment fantasy is usually centered around seeing the woman as my wife and enjoying her sexual desire with another man. (And I’ve lived in such a marriage so I also know the reality!) I only have one dick, and I can really only do sex once a day, but women can have a bottomless capacity for sexual pleasure. The writer of this piece obviously loves his fantasy, but he does not like it to be spoiled with reality. He was put off by actually seeing the pussy of one of his fantasy objects. This is base human nature. It may also explain the financial success of JAV. The most telling example of imagination triumphing over reality is told in the 2006 book, “Crashing Through” by Robert Kurson. It’s the true story of a man who overcomes blindness that happened to him before adulthood, a very rare thing. There is only one recorded case of a human who was born blind and became sighted; this was 19th Century England. After only a few months, he done himself in because the real world was “so ugly” he could not tolerate it — this world was no match for the beauty of the world he had imagined through touch, sound, smell and hearing. Japanese culture, perhaps more than any in the world, values beauty. For them, perhaps, the beauty of human lovemaking is in the story and pacing rather than the biological details. So they pretend that part doesn’t exist. While I hate pixelation of genitalia, I may have to accept that it is a preferred characteristic of Japanese culture. The arguments, including economics, would seem to prevail. Yet, I also have to be in awe of cultural contradictions. Seeing a pussy is too much, but gallons of cum on a woman’s face, just great. Looking at a dick dead on, no thanks, but committing seppuku, sure! Cultures reflect humanity and we are nothing if not a bundle of contradictions. -edited by admin
Culture, Not Gender I think the premise that Japanese women are the source of JAV success, at least as argued in this blog, is flawed. It is the culture, not the women, per se, that make it unique and so superior (in my mind) to Western adult video entertainment. Looking at it point by point… Beauty The physical presentation of Japanese women is exotic, but it is not the classic idea of Western beauty. That begins with Greco-Roman sculpture and their definition of facial structures. Today, the Nordic ideal reigns — high cheekbones, highly arched brow structure, retroussé nose, chiseled jawlines, light hair, blue eyes, etc. If Japanese actresses had mass appeal they could (and likely would) migrate to Western Adult Video (WAV?), but that seems now quite rare. Personally, I prefer Japanese beauty — and my lifelong friend, Kumiko, born and raised in Japan, will confirm that! Sweet and Innocent? This really goes to the heart of the matter, and it’s pure culture. The West has always openly celebrated the female form and its power to elicit a sexual response. That’s evident in sculpture, painting, literature, etc. As far as I can tell Japanese culture has always hidden the female form and done everything possible to neutralize it. The Kimono may be beautiful, but it ain’t sexy! Western women embrace their sexual appeal; given an option they will dress the slut. Frederick’s of Hollywood and Victoria’s Secret are staples of the West. When a western woman wants a man’s attention, there is no end the apparel that will augment, decorate and enhance her bodily appeal and boldly transmit her message. I’ve rarely seen an adult Japanese woman who is comfortable putting her body out there as “bait.” Sexy lingerie is rare in JAV. From all I’ve seen, even in JAV, the women wear pantyhose and full panties like armor. I have never, ever seen a JAV where a Japanese woman wore pantyhose without a panty underneath. It’s just not in their nature. In WAV, the norm is some sort of slutty dress, tear it off and get down to hardcore fucking ASAP. This is not how it happens in JAV. That’s the Japanese culture speaking, not the actresses!! For me, I much prefer JAV for this reason. Japanese actresses also exhibit what I call a resistant sexual wantonness. They nearly always resist a sexual advance, sometimes fairly strongly. Yet once they relent, a virtual bonfire of lust erupts. For me, that’s always the most powerful moment (the climax?) of any JAV. It can be as subtle as a tongue reaching for another tongue or as blatant as a hand reaching for a dick, but it’s always as if a switch was thrown. Performance The JAV actress outperforms any WAV actress, no contest. First, Japanese women are the best dick suckers in the world. If I liked having my dick sucked (I don’t), I’d want a Japanese woman to do it. I fantasize that Japanese women must go through some sort of finishing school to learn this. They are a joy to watch — and I wish men would stop shoving women’s heads onto their dicks. It’s so much better if you simply let the woman do what she wants with the dick. (But that’s just me, I know some people like seeing rough face fucking.) The hallmark of Japanese performance for me is a subtle sensuality. I never see such a thing in WAV. There is little pussy movement in western actresses unless they are on top and then it’s just up and down. Japanese women seem to reach out with their pussies, yearning for the dick inside them. When a hand is manipulating her pussy, a JAV actress will give as much movement as she gets while the WAV actress will simply lie there and take it in. The Japanese actress is far superior in communicating lust, but she does it with a subtlety never seen in the West and usually unnoticed by the Western viewer. My only complaint with the Japanese actress is their propensity for chewing the scenery. I have never seen a real woman of any culture go into the ecstasy a JAV actress displays when having her nipple touched. And the tortured faces almost suggest pain rather than pleasure. And the ones who do the ceaseless chirping send me for the mute button! Different Yes, JAV is different from WAV. And yes, the actresses are different. And yes, the whole approach to video presentation is vastly different. But it’s a cultural thing, not attributable to the differences in actors. I almost exclusively watch JAV, and it’s because I love Japanese culture. Now if we can simply convince the rulers that pussies and dicks are beautiful, they can relent on the ridiculous pixelation I so hate.
A Modest Proposal: Theater of the Mind Human genitals are unsightly and should not be seen in videos depicting sexual activities. And the human brain is the controlling sexual organ so imagination is all we really need. Therefore I propose we eliminate entirely the video aspect of provocative sexual entertainment. Audio will surely suffice. A hundred years ago information broadcasting was in a nascent phase. It was called radio, and that was a purely audio medium. Content was mostly music, with some political speech and sport play-by-play thrown in as filler. It didn’t take long for drama to become a dominant format. Compelling dramatic stories were scripted for audio performance, excellent voice actors were employed and a couple of sound pattern men filled out the production crew. People spent their days talking about the latest adventures of “Buck Rogers in the 25th Century,” ‘The Shadow” and “Superman.” The phenomenon became known as “Theater of the Mind.” Many people who grew up in that era said it was far superior to television. Imagine how superior today’s sexual performance entertainment will be when we get rid of all that pesky and distracting video. All the discussions about who has the best ass/tits vanishes. No more problems with fake cream pies. No need to mask those offensive genitals with electronic pixelation. This is a solution to virtually all the problems now plaguing the sexual entertainment industry. Production companies will no longer need visual sets, so no set designers. No costumers needed. No camera crews with all their lighting paraphernalia. No screenwriters needed. A simple sound studio will suffice. Costs will fall dramatically. Some of the saved Yen can be applied to script writers so the content is first rate. Yes, those pixelated screens hiding unsightly genitals were a good start, but they are only the beginning. The obvious final solution is no video at all.
I've read this "blog" several times over the past two weeks. All I can say is I don't get it. Apparently the JAV business is beyond my comprehension. They say they do not want their intellectual property stolen, yet they make it impossible to purchase everywhere in the entire world except in Japan. If I made desirable cars in Japan, and knockoffs were being sold all over the world because I only sold my cars in Japan, I'd do whatever it took to export my genuine product outside Japan. That would seem to be basic economics, simple supply and demand. A final note on the story of Sumire Mizukawa doing interracial porn. That would seem to be a very lucrative market as there are countless fans of the giant dick/tiny woman films. Add the exotic looks of a beautiful Japanese woman, and it's a no lose proposition. -edited by admin
I'm pleased you're writing about this --- although I'm sad that it needs to be pointed out! This focus on story and good acting is 90% of my attraction to JAV. My adult video introduction came through the typically ridiculous Western "porn" as it's called. If there was any plot at all, it was as simple as a woman's cable TV service fails, the repair guy shows up and they have sex. I've always loved the line from the porn producer, Jackie Treehorn, in the movie "The Big Lebowski." He tells Lebowski: "Yes, regrettably, it’s true. Standards have fallen in adult entertainment." JAV today gives me a story with realistic pacing and usually acting that can be convincing. A good example of this is a 2017 Dreamroom film that I don't have a title for; I don't think Zenra has it. A new widow in mourning is visited by a man who is owed a lot of Yen by the deceased. Apparently, he convinces the widow she is responsible for repayment --- and they agree on a sexual services repayment plan. The woman acts repulsed as this man begins his sexual advance, and this is clear in her facial expressions and body language. However, her hormones get fired up, and she clearly communicates that she wants the sex. As the film progresses, her acting communicates that she needs this man for sex just as much as she needed her now departed husband. It's a beautiful transition to see. While I deplore "chikan," that genre has one of the best acting films I've seen in JAV. I have no idea who made it or when or who the actress is; I've never, ever seen her in anything but this. The scene runs as long as 40 minutes and develops almost painfully slowly. A woman and man are nearly crushed together on a transit bus. As they are jostled about by movement of the bus, their faces get very close. Eventually she starts to glance furtively at him, and eventually she is giving him longing looks. This is not about squeezing as you can see she obviously wants to kiss him. Finally they do kiss, and the more they do the more passionate it becomes. She is timid as each step of the sex continues, but each time she communicates that she wants it. When it's all over she gets off the bus to run home and the man is left forlorn as he obviously wants a relationship with her. All in all, a great little story that you would never see outside JAV. You know every time that man gets on that bus he is looking for her and remembering.... -lightly edited by admin