All comments of User vienna

In response to Periph's comment

More Than Sex: An Opinion on Kisses in JAVs

I am definitely set on exploring the topic further in the near future. This article was mostly an experiment so it's shorter and less meaty than initially planned, but given the interest we'll definitely see a sequel with more examples and elaboration!

In response to Frank Doyle's comment

vienna's Top 10 January 2022 JAVs Part I

Thank you. I'm still trying to process that we are in 2022.

In response to jm's comment

More Than Sex: An Opinion on Kisses in JAVs

Thank you! And yes, everything is possible in JAVs: I was more referring to the dissonance between the 'common actions' and their JAV counterparts, which definitely make up a good part of the appeal of JAV for me.

In response to Aldiriz's comment

Top 5 JAVs With Bunnygirls That You Can't Miss

I don't, sadly. Maybe someone else on the blog does.

In response to ramp_it_up's comment

Top 5 JAVs With Bunnygirls That You Can't Miss

She is stunning indeed!

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