10 More JAV stars Anton Wants to Meet

Published : June 14th, 2023 Written by Anton Algren

Alright. So, I really like writing these fan meet articles, and you all seem to really like reading them. That’s why I’d like to take this opportunity to showcase actresses whom I would like to meet, either in a fan meet, a convention, or an informal setting, some time within the following year. I’d like to continue writing for ZENRA as long as I can, but I also know that life could take me away from Japan for whatever reason, which is why I am setting my goal at the time of one year. And if anyone here follows these actresses on social media, by all means, feel free to ask them to come on down to Kansai so that I can meet them and write an article for the site.

[A brief note before proceeding, when I ask you all to encourage these actresses to hold more fan meets in Kansai I DO NOT mean to harass or pester them online. Please, while I would definitely appreciate a kind suggestion sent in their direction, I do not in any way condone online harassment or generally being an annoying creep to actresses. Be nice, folks.]

1 - Sumire Mizukawa

Now, I know what you all are going to say. “Wait, didn’t you already meet Sumire?” And I know, I know that I did. But I also remember that during this time I was desperately trying not to have an accident, and subsequently was rather awkward and standoffish towards Sumire. While she didn’t make my Top Ten List (seriously, next month I’m writing a new one of those), I’m very much a fan of her. She’s so cool and seductive, a proper femme fatale like Kurea Hasumi, and I hope her transition into the Western market goes well for her. While I don’t think anyone wants to listen to me go full SJW in this article, I don’t think I’ll be riling anyone up if I express hope for Sumire to not get shunted into any roles she may find limiting or insulting, while she transitions from JAV to Western porn. And I would also hate for her impression of me to be a negative one. As such, there’s an annoying voice inside my head that worries I left a bad impression, and who wants another chance to show that I’m not normally this weird! I mean, okay, I am still pretty weird, but not in the way I probably came across in our last meeting! Please, Sumire, give me another chance.

2 - Kaho Shibuya

Okay, so this one is kinda cheating. Kaho has well and truly retired from JAV by this point, so she probably doesn’t belong on this list. And I didn’t even really discover her until after her retirement, through her collaboration with folks like the boys on the Trash Taste Podcast. But from what I’ve seen of her since then, she seems like a really cool person, to the point where while meeting her most likely wouldn’t result in a ZENRA article, it would certainly result in a memorable experience, and I’d get to meet someone cool. If nothing else, the height difference would probably make a good photo. And who knows? Maybe if I hit it off with Kaho, I’ll even get invited onto the Trash Taste Podcast. One can dream. And, you know what? Let’s try to make that happen. If anyone here is in their fan circles on social media, ask them to invite me on the show (with the rule of remaining polite and civil and not harassing anyone still in force). Haha. Now as for active actresses…

3 - Riasu Mizutani

Riasu Mizutani is an actress we recently interviewed, and she seems really cool. She also said that she would love to hold a fan meet event some time in the future, and read my article if I write one for the event. So how can I say no to such an offer? While my Japanese is decent enough to talk to the actresses I’ve met thus far, it would also be nice to speak with someone fully fluent in English. Sure we probably won’t be discussing classical literature or anything, but we can at least bond over our shared appreciation of the Oxford comma (anyone refusing to use such a venerable punctuation mark in the comments section will earn my disdain and contempt). And speaking of English speakers…

4 & 5 - June Lovejoy and Melody Marks

I’m counting these two as a single point on the list because the reason I want to meet them is essentially the same. And also because, since they’re good friends, I may very well have a chance to meet them together. You never know. But anyways, June and Melody are both insanely popular (they had their own display at the Namba KT Max store I visited for the Sumire fan meet), and I’m sure there are scores of their fans who are reading this article right now. So I’d like to meet June and Melody, if for no other reason than the chance to serve as the messenger for a missive of their love and appreciation for their English-speaking fans on this site. Also, I must admit, I’d like to see what conversations we’d be able to strike up, with no language barrier getting in the way. Since they’re both Americans, they might not be as impressed by my height as previous actresses I’ve met. But on that note…

6 - Arina Arata

As I mentioned in my Top Ten article, Arina is pretty tall (she’s also pretty and tall, but that’s neither here nor there). And as such, I am interested to know, given how each actress I’ve met has had a unique reaction to my height, just what sort of reaction I would elicit from Arina. Hopefully it would be a good one, but maybe, like Sumire, she won’t even notice my height. Maybe she’ll even be unimpressed, and I’ll learn that she has a boyfriend who’s 6’9” (an appropriate length, I should think). But the point is, I won’t know until I have a chance to actually meet her, and I get to stand in front of her at my full height. Also, as a fan, it would just be nice to meet an actress whose work I really like. So there’s that. On which note…

7 - Minami Kojima

Minami Kojima is another actress I’d like to meet simply because I’m a fan of her work. Like Sumire, I didn’t include her in my Top Ten article (yet another actress I should highlight in the next one), but I’ve been a fan of hers for a really long time, and given how petite she is, I’m sure she’d get a kick out of my height. Since she’s a senior actress at this point, I don’t think she really ventures outside of Tokyo that much. But if she ever comes to Kansai (or I ever get a chance to visit her in Tokyo), I’d very much like to meet her. And speaking of actresses who rarely venture outside of Tokyo…


Okay, so, I must confess, this is really more for Oppaira’s sake than my own. After I got AIKA to sign something for drk, Oppaira was curious to know if I could do something similar for him with one of his favorite actresses. He even gave me an image to print out for JULIA to sign (it’s a pair of boobs with his name underneath), and since Oppaira is such a swell guy, I heartily agreed to it. Mind you, I have no idea how I’m gonna print and laminate such an image. I live in the middle of nowhere, so there aren’t really any printing locations one can go to without running into someone who knows you (especially if you’re a tall, foreign man such as myself). But if it’s for Oppaira, I’ll find a way. Actually attending a JULIA fan meet though? That’s probably going to be even more difficult, given how rarely they happen, and how quickly they sell out. But maybe I’ll find a way. Who knows? I found a way with Yui and Hibiki, after all. And speaking of which…

9 - Eimi Fukada

This spot was initially supposed to be for Yui Hatano, simply because she’s awesome and I hear that her fan meets are the rarest and most exclusive, selling out in minutes. But then I managed to attend one of her fan meets! So, uh, that happened. Admittedly I didn’t get to chat with her like with the actresses at all the previous events, but still, given how rare the chance to even be in Yui’s presence is, I’m happy with what I got. A week before that event, Eimi Fukada was giving out free hugs in Osaka, and you’d think I’d leap at the chance to attend, given how I’m alkaline enough to be a fan of hers, and given how it was also free. But when the day came around, I confess I was completely wiped out, and in no mood for traveling, especially when I knew what a long trip I’d have in store for the following week. Also, if the Osaka hug event would be like the Tokyo hug event, then there would be a camera broadcasting my face to an audience larger than that watching King Charles’ coronation, so I ended up not going. Having missed that chance though, I hope in the future at least there’s a way for me to attend a fan meet of Eimi’s. And speaking of missed chances…

10 - Mayuki Ito

One of the worst feelings in the world is finding out you missed a chance, after that chance has long passed you by. Mayuki Ito is a face I’d seen showcased at every fan meet I attended, culminating in a giant poster of her at the Trend Kansai Bookstore (where I met AIKA). But I didn’t find out her name and become a fan until the latter half of March this year… just after her special 5th anniversary tour in Osaka was over. Yes, that still stings. And yes, part of me wonders if I’ll never get a chance to see her again. But maybe. Maybe she’ll come back to Trend. Maybe she’ll come back to Kansai. Maybe I’ll finally be able to meet her. I certainly hope so. As with Sumire, I’m really just hoping for another chance.


So now, with the circle complete, those are the actresses I hope to meet in some capacity by June of next year. I’ve got 365 days to check off all the names on my list. So here’s hoping I can do that. And if you, dear reader, can whisper in the ear of these actresses to come on down to Kansai, that would be most appreciated (though again, please don’t be weird, creepy, or pestering towards anyone).

In the meantime, if you’d like to help pay my way to the Asia Adult Expo in Hong Kong, you can do so at my GoFundMe page. The event is only a few months away, so any little bit people can contribute helps. Thank you.


drk 1 year ago
I have just 2 names on my list.

Realistic: AIKA (unless she retires before the end of 2024).

Unrealistic: Shoko Takahashi - already retired, never did many events.
ZENRA 1 year ago

We only allow Anton to meet JAV stars and closet metal-head former JAV stars, not beauticians so this "AIKA" is not eligible, sorry!

drk 1 year ago
I'm talking about myself, you can send Anton to sunday school / inaka grandma clubs for all I care. XD

Also not sure on the 'closet' part of the 'closet metal-head' re: Shoko. She was quite open about it.
ZENRA 1 year ago

Wow! Where did she write about the metal? Going by her look and the guitar ability and 'it takes one to know one', I figured she is a bona fide certified fan of tech death.

drk 1 year ago
For a while she had a column in the Japanese Rolling Stone, probably there. I'll post the link in a separate comment to avoid this one being purged.

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