2022 Debut Review - Minato Maiha

Minato Maiha
Birthday (Age at debut): 1985-09-28 (36 years old)
Height: 166cm
Measurements: B97 - H58 - H87
Cup Size: J Cup
Debuted: For Madonna on Apr 12th, 2022
Social Media: Twitter
I think at this point people know how much I love MILFs and how much I love big tits, so when you couple the two together in Minato you get someone I was bound to watch. Minato was the first Madonna debut I decided to watch and I think it was more so a matter of her getting to a video I felt like I could enjoy.
Facially I wasn't crazy about her. She wasn't exactly bad but she wasn't anything special either. I found her double eyelids highlighted how much plastic she must have gotten on her face because she didn't seem all that natural to me. Again, I wouldn't say I disliked it but a more natural aging grace would have been more of my cup of tea.
Minato's boobs were the highlight of her. They were big and full in the best way. I think one thing about her boobs is that they often came across like they were so full that they were fake. I found myself flip-flopping between a decision on them throughout the video. Sometimes they seemed very fake with the way they spilled or how they didn't really bounce, then other times they jiggled so nicely you had to rethink. At the end of the day they were still quite nice to look at.
One thing in particular about her boobs were just how full they were. They filled out her tops really nicely when they exposed her cleavage and were an absolute treat to look at.
Minato's ass wasn't half bad. I think at one or two moments it seemed solid but by and large it wasn't the standout. I can accept that the front side of her is way nicer and what people want to focus on for obvious reasons.
Minato was a horrible performer. Her moaning was downright awful and made it sound like she was sobbing. The plot had her initiating the action which made it really difficult to enjoy. I tend to be someone who cares a lot that an actress can hold up during sex, and while many actresses cannot there are few that do quite as bad a job as Minato.
The paizuri she gave was the highlight of her performing. It wasn't even the paizuri itself so much as it was the other things she did, like smacking the cock against her boobs. It's so rare to see actresses do stuff like that so it always stands out a ton when they do it.
Minato also got sweaty in the last scene that made things look nice. I can't say if this is something she'd do normally or not, especially since the guy got sweaty too, but it's always a nice bonus.
Video Review
Minato's husband is away for work and her sexual desires start building up. When Kosuke visits she manages to get a glimpse of his big, stiff cock and can't help herself. Thinking she'll get just the release she needs she instead finds out he can go at it longer than she can handle.
I thought the video was definitely the weakest I've seen in the series, led largely by how mediocre her performance was. I think the series has an interesting plot that can make the narrative quite enjoyable, but the video requires a pretty solid performance to make the most of it. Without that performance it does often fall quite flat and fails to capture the nuance between her desire to satisfy her urges while being overwhelmed by his insatiable sex drive. You just never got the sense that Minato was enjoying herself despite it giving clear prompts for her to do so. Did the whole thing suck? Certainly not, she had some solid paizuri, and of course her body was nice enough to enjoy regardless, especially while glistening from sweat.
Unfortunately Minato appears to have checked out after just four videos. It happens a lot, especially with Madonna debuts, so it's not exactly the most surprising thing. She had a pretty typical Madonna debut as they tend to do around three or four videos, and then after that is the real test to whether they continue on in the industry or not.
Original Rating - B
I plan to watch them again eventually.
As much as I want to like her the fact of the matter is she's a terrible performer. It's just so hard to enjoy someone who isn't in it. I think there are some themes she could do that her natural tendencies might be beneficial so there's always that chance she has a release that's worth watching. While my initial gut reaction was to give her a C I know my own preferences make it more likely than not that I do check out a second one. Especially with the kind of plots Madonna has, I think there's at least one that comes to mind she would do justice to among a couple others that might suit her. I feel like it's a matter of time with her to see if she winds up in those kind of videos. If she does I'm sure I'll be checking her out and if she doesn't, oh well.
Updated Rating - F
I plan to never watch them again barring some sort of perfect storm.
I provided my original rating above when I first watched her back in July but evidently things have changed significantly since then. As much as I could get behind Minato as a debut, having just four videos to her name hardly inspires me to ever bother with her again. I've seen cases like this where I watched the actress, they retired right after, and I never bothered with them again. The one I will always remember off my head is Riho Agatsuma, who was a great debut that checked out quite quickly. In fact, Riho was the original reason I started waiting longer in the year to check out actresses, but really it's about checking them out after a certain number of videos have been done. Especially with Madonna actresses, we see a lot of them leave the industry quite early on. I think it really goes to show that for older debuts you need to wait quite long before bothering with them, unless of course you're okay with them retiring underneath your feet. Part of me thinks that it's a bad idea because I want to always watch actresses that are likely to become my favourite, but part of me thinks I should just gamble on them because I really actually don't want every actress to become a favourite because it would be too much. At any rate, there are plenty of other actresses to watch over Minato and I just don't see myself caring.
This year I am doing 31 debut reviews, one each day in December. Make sure to come back tomorrow to see the next one! If you want to see which actresses I've reviewed so far, check out my advent calendar post.
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