2023 Debut Review - Yuko Haruno

Yuko Haruno
Birthday (Age at debut): 1994-01-09 (29 years old)
Height: 158cm
Measurements: B90 - W65 - H90
Cup Size: I Cup
Debuted: For SOD on 2023-07-06
Social Media: Twitter
Yuko is someone I identified early last year as a catch but when she went missing for a while I decided to skip her. She came back earlier this year and after five videos I figured she was here long enough to give me confidence in watching her.
Facially Yuko was a bit underwhelming. She had a very plump face with big cheeks and a bit of a second chin. If you saw her face alone you'd assume she was heavier than she actually was. It goes without saying but a big face like hers is just generally unflattering.
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Yuko's boobs were similarly not as nice as I had anticipated. Were they big? Sure. Did their size seem dictated at least partially by her body? Absolutely. Very reminiscent of Kana Momonogi who debuted three sizes bigger than she currently sits now that she's skinny. Yuko feels like she's perhaps only F or G at most naturally and it's a little bit sad seeing her boobs against her body. They feel like they ought to be bigger to hit that ideal ratio and instead you see boobs that just feel small when viewing her entire package.
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Yuko's ass was just okay at best. A lot of unflattering angles throughout the film but it also just seemed mediocre because of her general frame. It was just big more than anything and without her properly arching it came across as quite bad. It wasn't complete trash but you certainly won't go around telling anyone you like it.
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Yuko's body was a little underwhelming. I wouldn't call her particularly fat or anything but she was clearly heavier than the average actress. Some angles really highlighted her weight quite a bit or the unevenness of her belly. Some angles even had me second guessing if she had done some liposuction which might explain why her face seems to be heavier than the rest of her body, and if she did she should tell others because her body looked a lot better than a few others I have seen.
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Yuko's performance was characterized by a lot of light moans and some decent eye contact with the camera. The theme of the video helped with her maintaining a decent amount of eye contact and offset how lame her weak moaning was. There were simply a lot of camera angles pointed directly at her face or up close to her face that sort of made it easy to do. Better than nothing, for sure, but still disappointing.
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Yuko could come to life a little bit when prompted but it really took things to prompt her before she did. She generally looked pretty disinterested or spaced out, like she had other things on her mind besides the cocks in front of her. I thought she did alright when she came to life in those plot portions but I've definitely seen better. She just never really smiled bright enough or showed enough enthusiasm to get me interested, especially because all of it was prompted.
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Yuko also had very little paizuri in the film which honestly seemed to suggest them intentionally downplaying it. She seemed particularly bad at it but it was really strange considering her H cups were supposed to be the highlight of her. Like we got a blowjob scene instead of a paizuri scene to start us off for whatever reason. I think it might have just been a circumstance of the scene rather than her being particularly bad at it.
Video Review
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Yuko plays a cosplayer who finds herself giving the camera guy a little something extra. Then as more and more people find out what special services she gives out she eventually finds herself having very unique photo sessions.
Yuko doing cosplay felt like a nice layup to me, she's done some stuff like this in the past and it felt right at home. Turns out doing things solo isn't quite the same when a penis is involved. Yuko was kind of mediocre the whole time, having brief periods of okay enthusiasm throughout but basically never being impressive. You'd see her give a half-baked smile for a few seconds and chuckle as they tied up a used condom on her outfit and then go back to being mediocre again. It really felt like she needed to be more engaged especially when they had lots of opportunities. Some of the cosplay stuff was decent and other stuff fell really flat. I didn't care for her in some fuzzy clothing or in a small inflatable tub getting toyed and oiled up. Really, the only exciting cosplay was her in the cowgirl outfit in the finale. If you packaged up more of the final scene it could have been a solid film but the rest of the video was really underwhelming.
Yuko's career seems all over the place. She did some independent work before becoming a full time actress and dipped after two videos only to reappear several months later. It's really hard to gauge how into this she is and it feels like she's really not that fully invested in being an actress. She has been very active in the past on social media but I've been told she's a bit of a loose canon. As far as the eye can see though she seems to do well in cosplay/hentai stuff, or at least made that her niche. It does make her feel a bit narrow at times but it really could be worse.
Rating - C
I am open to watching them again if the right content comes around.
I'm rarely a guy that says never and Yuko isn't that bad, but Yuko is more toward the never side than she is my good graces. Part of why I wait on actresses like Yuko is to find actresses that I have faith in, because nothing is worse than finding someone good and then finding they're gone. Yuko strikes me as someone who won't have a stellar career. She'll probably give up at some point or get annoyed at how the industry isn't head over heels for her. Maybe I'd look past it if she was extremely attractive the way I look past Anri Okita spewing conspiracy theories but she's not. She certainly wouldn't be the least attractive actress I watched from 2023 but again, not enough upside to offset all the issues. She's still on SOD's main roster for the time being and your guess is as good as mine. They seem so all-in on the one direction that it seems inevitable she will fall off at some point. We'll just have to wait and see but I'm really not impressed.
Last year I did 31 reviews in December and this week I am doing one per day. Check in tomorrow to see the next actress and make sure to check my advent calendar post to see all of the debuts I've reviewed from 2023.
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