2024 Debut Review - Nami Nami

Nami Nami
Nami is someone I've been paying attention to from her debut. I mean sure, G cup boobs is obviously someone I'll pay some attention to, but more than that was just the name. As awful as I think the name is, I must admit, it's a catchy name. You won't forget it because who the hell comes up with a name like that? It's also just a simple name too so again, very memorable. As she started getting drama videos I started to think she would be one to watch if the right video came out, or else maybe I would leave her for next year. She wasn't one of those guaranteed watches but when her konbini film came out I knew it was time to watch.
Facially I was so-so on Nami. She had a really large, bulbous nose that made her face come across a lot bigger/rounder. Her face came across a little bit heavy at times, just based on the angle. You could tell in general she wasn't quite as slim as most are and it translated a little to her face. I wouldn't say she was inherently unattractive but she didn't stand out.
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Nami's tits were pretty solid. I found them to be a touch too full for my personal preferences which resulted in them not bouncing or jiggling as nicely in every position. You really needed the right positions or energy to bring out the best in them and I found that held them back a little bit. 95G is still a very respectable size and I could appreciate not just their shape but the areola and nipples as well, I just wish they were a touch saggier.
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Nami's ass was just okay. I think that more often than not it looked very mediocre due to her inability to arch her back. Without any arch it looked pretty underwhelming, and the same was even true for doggy as well. I think just the sheer amount of times she didn't arch her back at all just left a sour taste in my mouth and I ultimately don't think it's that nice.
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Nami's body was fairly nice. While some positions had you noticing a bit of extra fat most of the time you didn't. Just looking at her standing up she looked quite nice, especially with arms that weren't twigs like you sometimes see. I do feel like some thiccer thighs might have complimented the slight pudge but I still think it was enjoyable.
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Nami's paizuri was kind of underwhelming. She could smile brightly and look around for direction as well, but she did a rather weak job of putting it between her boobs to the point it looked like she was giving a handjob. I feel like how full her tits was made it a bit more difficult and nobody told her what she needed to do so she didn't.
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Nami was quite good at looking at the camera during the action. Definitely when giving blowjobs or other foreplay things but even when she was riding and in her world of pleasure, she managed to keep it together with that eye contact. It was a bit strange to see a video with such a heavy plot do something like this but I think it's something that would potentially carry over quite well into other videos.
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When Nami wasn't staring at the camera it felt quite bad. Closed eyes, a lack of engagement, and a lot of moaning. It was just really not that good and really made you want to go back to the other style. It's rare that I say this but Nami might actually stand out if she worked with Samoari, since he would encourage that style of performing and draw out the good parts from her.
Video Review
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Nami works at a konbini and one of her coworkers is a huge pervert. The dude straight up has no shame jerking off in the back room, and when Nami catches him in the act, he still has no shame and even invites her to join in. Seeing his big cock right there, let's just say he and Nami become real close real fast.
The video was incredibly mixed from how well it did some things and how poorly it did others. Konbini theme was on point with great use of settings (including risky bits in the aisles or front), utilizing the setting well during the action, or even just making sure someone kept on their outfit. On the flip side, the cameras were tilted at such odd angles it made cowgirl look like doggy at some points. I found the plot was quite nice with this blend of realism with the guy masturbating and her being into it. It just generally struck me as the right way to do this kind of theme and with a stronger performer than her and a couple of small fixes, it could easily be a banger (and thankfully there's a handful of great actresses on the Moodyz roster to do it).
Nami's career has been going well so far. She's been on the Moodyz roster for half a year now and is at a pretty solid agency as well. She's started getting a lot of drama films as well, perhaps a bit ahead of the general curve, which is nice to see. Maybe not all of them seem great for her but I do expect a few solid films in the next year.
Nami also has a VR, and for a change it's not quite as generic as the first VR typically is. I find they seem to enjoy this sort of beach / swimmer / athletic vibe with her, often giving her those types of outfits. Even from the very beginning, her debut film was interestingly filmed out at a beach (despite not really utilizing it in the film). I think it's a great sign when they give some sort of a theme to the actress to run with like they have with Nami.
Rating - C
I am open to watching them again if the right content comes around.
Nami strikes me as a somewhat forgettable actress. Like when I look at everything combined I just sit here and go "eh, there are others that are nicer". It's hard when nothing really stands out. Her career being strong really isn't such a huge point when a ton of debuts have strong careers and you really need a major physical attribute to be better. There's some potential there for sure with the eye contact she made but that's the one thing she has going for her. Okay fine, maybe her boobs are still nice, but it always comes back to how nice they are amongst the crowd. She could maybe squeak into the top third which in reality means they're not "to die for" and I think that's where you need to be to stand out these days. The last couple of years have been so incredible in that respect that the bar has been raised so unbelievably high. There's always that outside chance that her performing does become a strong point but I think unless that happens I just wouldn't be that interested in her.
This year I am doing 31 debut reviews, one each day in December. Make sure to come back tomorrow to see the next one! If you want to see which actresses I've reviewed so far, check out my advent calendar post.
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