2024 Debut Review - Toa Kiyomiya

Toa Kiyomiya
Toa immediately struck me as someone that needed to be on my radar. When you get to triple digit bust size it's basically a given that I will watch you. While sure, Toa didn't strike me as being as nice as some others we've seen recently (looking at those lovely 108K boobs over at S1), especially because E-Body's track record hasn't been the greatest, I was still more than happy to review Toa.
Facially I found Toa to be solid. Sometimes I would look at her and think she was fairly pretty and other times I would think she was just average. I think a lot of that came from her round face and lack of well-defined features. The puffy cheeks, the weak jaw, it all sort of decreased my opinion of her. Then again, I also know I generally don't mind it. Maybe it was honestly the more youthful appearance since I prefer women a bit more mature. I do get a sense that I will come to enjoy Toa more as she ages.
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Toa's tits were pretty nice; simply put, 105J is a great size. I found them to be a bit on the saggy side but considering I am a fan of those kinds I was pretty pleased. I found you could see some wrinkles in them as they jiggled and the two things combined betrayed her age a little bit, but again those are not things that bother me. Interestingly enough she doesn't have an age listed, as if they're trying to downplay that she's a bit older than she seems. I do think some perspective mattered with her tits and certain angles or positions, or especially as paizuri were happening, made them look quite a bit nicer.
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Toa's ass was decent. It was a bit bigger of an ass and not exactly the curviest out here. It still came across like there was some decent fat in there and you could see some enjoyable qualities when she was riding and the guy was having fun squeezing it. It came across a lot better in reverse cowgirl than in doggy. I also found the guy playing with it to be nice since it helped mitigate some distracting blemishes.
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Toa's body was a mixed bag for me. For sure she was slim, no doubt about it, but the 170+cm height was a bit of a detractor for me. It's not that tall women are inherently bad or anything but that her boobs don't come across as big as a result. She had one of those bodies where you could only really tell quite how big her boobs were when you saw them next to something for reference (like a hand or cock). She seemed a bit more lanky to me, perhaps too much at times. Even angles up close had you realizing the size of her legs and all. I do find I tend to prefer shorter actresses because of how their boobs stack up and feel bigger from the perspective.
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Toa was usually quite good about starting scenes off strong. She knew how to act when prompted to do so and came across quite jovial.
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Toa's performance was a bit mixed to me. Her moaning was somewhat heavy handed and her expressions were often a bit flat, which was contrary to how scenes started out. What you did notice was how often she was able to keep it together and maintain eye contact during action. It's so rare to get performances where they moan that heavily and keep eye contact and she showed a lot of good promise as a result. I think it was ultimately more good than bad though.
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Toa's paizuri was quite good. She kept it between her tits nicely and had some nice variety throughout the scenes. There was definitely room for improvement as it felt a bit clumsy at times but she maintained great eye contact.
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Toa's hip action was quite nice, able to move it back and forth hard and fast. It was very reminiscent of Hibiki Otsuki who we all know has some wondrous hips.
Video Review
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Toa Kiyomiya stars in a variety pack video featuring nurse, office lady, and some more generic scenes.
I came into this hoping for a good variety pack video and left feeling a bit underwhelmed. Two of the scenes had good themes with nurse and office lady but the other two were very generic. On top of that the nurse one wasn't even a proper nurse scene and was just some sort of cosplay setup instead. I couldn't help but remember back to Moodyz a decade ago when they were doing six scene cosplay videos and outshining this by a lot. You could have at least given her hotter outfits and utilized them better, not a revealing top that came off early on or a simple green bikini. For as much as I complain though it's also important to note that this was the most appealing video oh hers at the time, which kind of goes to show both how lame E-Body is as well as the standard debut slew of videos.
Toa's career has been going well enough so far. Still somewhat bland releases and her December release later this month looks to be the most interesting one so far by far. This is not uncommon for major studios to milk the debut phase of actresses, especially for an actress as hyped as Toa. She also has a Fair & Way VR, which they are cementing themselves as a major player in that space, which is another great sign for her.
Toa also has her first VR out. It looks relatively plain for VR though most early VRs are. And perhaps more importantly, I see Toa's first VR being plain being less of a problem because I think getting a better look of her physically is far more important for her compared to others.
Rating - A
I will definitely watch them again.
Toa is an actress I think needs a bit more experience to be worthwhile. I get why some people are excited by her, and she is good, I think just maybe a little below top tier quality for me. Sure she has big tits, a slender frame, and some decent qualities all around, but the total package just isn't quite there for me yet. I think to some degree it also matters how this year has been going and I think she gets outshined by a lot of other debuts I've seen to this point.
This year I am doing 31 debut reviews, one each day in December. Make sure to come back tomorrow to see the next one! If you want to see which actresses I've reviewed so far, check out my advent calendar post.
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