2024 Debut Review - Yuika Onosaka

Yuika Onosaka
Birthday (Age at debut): 2001-12-30 (22 years old)
Height: ?
Measurements: B97 - W62 - H100
Cup Size: H Cup
Debuted: For Idea Pocket on 2024-06-11
Social Media: Twitter
Yuika was another IP busty IP debut from this year. While most of the bustiest actresses seem to end up at S1 these days, I always find it a good idea to check out those who are debuting at other major studios, such as Idea Pocket or SOD. It's definitely true that she wasn't the same caliber as others which is why I said she seemed mid in my debut preview of her. She's also conveniently sandwiched between two actresses with 100cm busts in that post just to show part of what I mean. It wasn't until the video I watched dropped that I committed to her, realizing she likely had a nice enough ass to make it worth it. I think to some degree there's a bit of faith in Idea Pocket as a studio compared to lesser studios that, even if she isn't quite the same level as others, the video quality and steady releases would outweigh other factors.
Facially I thought Yuika was fine. She seemed a bit rough around the edges to me but was honestly fine. To be honest, she looks better in films than she does on covers which is a rarity for me. I don't think her nose seems quite as big among other little factors making her alright. I think to some degree the video did downplay her face to cater to other features and perhaps one with a strong facial focus might make me feel different.
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Yuika's tits were just okay. They might have technically been big but I think she generally had a larger frame that seemed to downplay them. If you compare the size of hers to others with similar bust and cup size they just don't have the same impact, and quite frankly I might honestly suspect them of labeling her boobs bigger than they actually are. Yes, the video I watched was a terrible video for seeing how big her boobs really were, but other videos I've peeped at don't really change that. As a comparison, they don't strike me as bigger than Hikari Azusa's F cup tits. Ultimately, what seemed like it should be good on paper just wasn't.
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Yuika's ass was quite nice. It was obviously the star of the show with the film I watched but also clearly the stand out quality about her physically. It's big, it's meaty, it's curvy. It's a bit rare you see asses with these kind of dimensions, especially on someone relatively average. She's listed as having 100cm hips, which puts her in a league with June Lovejoy just for comparison. June is way heavier than Yuika with a much bigger frame, so Yuika's meaty ass definitely stands out.
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Yuika's performing generally had that soft, disinterested personality to it. It was relatively unpleasant throughout the entire film, irrespective of whether she was into it or not. The film definitely had that typical "I came to enjoy it in the end" structure to it but being unable to tell the difference really wasn't great. I think to some degree it felt like that was due to the ass focus of the film as opposed to Yuika herself but even in the moments where she was somewhat into it things felt a bit too reserved from her.
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Yuika was able to squirt, though only when prompted for it, so I don't really feel like she has those skills. But, as I say, anything is better than nothing in that department.
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Yuika's paizuri was quite mediocre and really helped give you a frame of reference for her bust. You'd expect someone with tits that big to look a lot bigger but they looked quite small to be perfectly honest.
Video Review
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Yuika starts a job being a house keeper for a college student. What does anyone think a college student alone with an attractive women would yield? Wanting to provide the best service, Yuika ends up cleaning more than just the home.
The video was premised around this "I fucked my housekeeper" narrative that just felt like a medium to show off her ass. I do like videos like this where they give you enough of a narrative instead of just something bland showing off her butt. It wasn't great as far as the narrative went or the pacing or any of that, but her ass definitely came through. I did also enjoy the fact that it having a narrative that allowed for more spontaneous action meant we got better locations for the action; it wasn't just sex on the bed and scenes felt reasonably refreshing. Yuika being bland hurt the video but I think the narrative's pacing messed that up more than anything. Really only a video worth considering if you need a decent way to look at her ass.
Yuika's career seems just fine to me. Six videos in for Idea Pocket is a generally good sign. It's hard to tell exactly how debuts will end up these days with the new AV law and all so I think as long as they beat out their debut contract (which is typically 3-4 videos) and are still at a major studio, that's enough to give me some faith in them. She did miss her December release which makes me take the slightest of pauses just because that's an early indicator she might be out of Idea Pocket. What I've noticed recently is a one or two month gap often happens when they're swapping studios and I've seen it from another couple of 2024 debuts. If I were guessing she might be headed to Fitch but that's just pure speculation from my part. What I do know for sure is that she's still active on Twitter and that's at least enough for me to be happy she didn't disappear.
Rating - C
I am open to watching them again if the right content comes around.
At the end of the day Yuika seems just fine to me. Yes, her ass is big and meaty, and some may enjoy that, but that's just not my thing. I should maybe clarify in that it's not that I dislike big butts but that a big butt alone doesn't push enough of my buttons. I care much more about other factors like her face or tits, which ultimately aren't nearly as nice as others have been. Idea Pocket using a fish eye lens in the video is somewhat telling because that's not a thing they do, and it felt like they needed to prop up her ass a little bit. IP doesn't strike me as the kind of studio that can do justice to a meaty ass like hers, though just to be clear I do think there's a place for her. 100cm hips are pretty rare and on a frame that isn't heavy, it comes across a lot bigger. I'm sure there are people out there that would enjoy Yuika though I'm not sure I'm that person. I wouldn't say that I inherently disliked her but when push comes to shove, there are just plenty of better debuts, including at Idea Pocket.
This year I am doing 31 debut reviews, one each day in December. Make sure to come back tomorrow to see the next one! If you want to see which actresses I've reviewed so far, check out my advent calendar post.
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