5 More JAV Actresses Anton Really Likes

Okay, so, those of you who keep up with my articles know that I recently promised a followup to my Top Ten JAV Actress article. This was initially supposed to be that, but, uh, well, it turns out I had so much to say about each actress that I fulfilled my word quota with only five of them. So instead of a Ten More JAV Actresses Anton Quite Likes article, you’re getting a Five More instead. I promise to list the other five next time. Honest.
In the meantime, if you do remember my Top Ten article, you’ll remember that these actresses aren’t listed in any particular ranked order, because I like different actresses for different reasons. Trying to place some numerical value on each of the qualities I like about each actress seems a bit silly to me. If you are someone who does that sort of thing, more power to you. I ain’t hating. But for me at least, that’s not how I roll. So, without further ado, let’s start the list!
1 - Eimi Fukada
Yes, I know. I’m basic. The pH level of my tastes is so high it’s practically lye, and that’s the truth. However, I feel the need to defend Eimi because she gets a lot of hate for reasons that I find silly. Now, obviously, I’m not here to police anyone’s tastes, merely showcase my own, but a common refrain I hear about Eimi is that her body is plastic and fake. She’s had so much cosmetic surgery and implanted so many enhancements that she’s practically a robot at this point, and like Pierce Brosnan in Lawnmower Man, I often hear folks scream about how she’s not even human anymore! However, I think this misses two important tricks.
Firstly, I don’t think Eimi would have gotten as popular as she’s gotten (and been able to afford all her enhancements) if she wasn’t good at her job. I can’t speak for her personality off-camera, but I know that more than her body, what draws me to her work is the charisma and attitude she expresses. In every scene I’ve seen her in, she has the same energy and enthusiasm that makes for a great performance. She seems to be really enjoying herself, that helps me enjoy myself, and she knows just how to arch her back or move her body in the way that best enhances the shot.
Secondly though, let’s address that body of hers. Yes, it’s artificially enhanced, but I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. So long as it doesn’t cause her health issues later down the line, and so long as the procedures were all safe and on the up and up, if she wants to spend her money on plastic surgery I don’t see why I should judge her for that. I know some men have a snobbish disdain towards fake tits, but my motto towards that has always been that if I can feel them they’re real enough for me.
More than that though, I have to wonder why people are decrying fakery… in JAV of all places. Surely we know that the spectacle of JAV is reliant on a great deal of movie magic and smoke and mirrors. It’s not reality. It’s a performance, a fantasy, and if Eimi has transformed her body into a fantastic ideal, I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. True, there’s body dysmorphia issues that can result from comparing yourself to a fantastic, impossible ideal, or from being harshly judged by men for not living up to this ideal. But this strikes me as less an issue with Eimi herself and more a larger issue with guys being unable to let go of fantasy. Don’t hate the player, hate the game, if you will. As someone who enjoys the fantasy presented by Eimi’s films, and who knows that it is only a fantasy, I don’t find her body to be an issue. If you’re just not into her look or her attitude or any other qualities that make her distinctly her, I’m not going to yum your yucks. But as for me, I’m a fan, even if it makes me utterly alkaline.
2 - Mayuki Ito
Another actress I love for the fantasy she represents. With her full lips and hourglass figure, she perfectly evokes the pinup models of old. I would love nothing more than to own a signed pinup poster of her, though how exactly to acquire one without putting my hat in one of those fat-chance-in-hell lotteries remains a mystery to me. Such is life, I suppose. But what I find surprising is that, even perusing Mayuki’s gravure shoots, I can’t seem to find any pictures of her in a 50s pinup style. Despite her body and persona being pitch perfect for such pics, the only gravure modeling I can find of her involves the same standard beach and outdoor shoots, which, while nice, don’t really play into what I think are Mayuki’s best strengths as an actress. Maybe I just haven’t been looking in the right places (I’d certainly appreciate any suggestions readers have on finding this 50s pinup poster of Mayuki I so desperately seek), but I do hope that Mayuki doesn’t retire without ever having embraced this image, since I think it would be a perfect exhibition of her strengths. Given how Kaho Imai never played into her similarities to Lauren Bacall, when I think that was easily her greatest asset, I fear the possibility of no-one on Mayuki’s team sharing my tastes. But if before Mayuki leaves the JAV industry, I can get a signed pinup like I want so badly, then I’ll be content with that.
3 - Karen Yuzuriha
I’ve said before that, being a very big, strong dude, the two types of women I’m drawn to are cute and petite girls and tall and elegant women. Karen is very much of the former type, but I think what makes her special illustrates a larger phenomenon I want to discuss.
While JAV is replete with girls who are cute, this cuteness tends to come with being cutesy, in some cases almost childlike. There’s this underlying assumption that the thing that must appeal to us about cute girls is that they’re girlish and innocent. And, in turn, when cute girls in JAV play into this childish innocence, it can be off-putting to those of us who prefer actual adult women, instead of what the worst type of Reddit Libertarian creep is into. What I love most about Karen though is that, even though she’s cute and petite, she’s also evidently a grown woman, with her attitude and the way she carries herself clearly being that of an adult woman who enjoys sex.
I’ve known women who, despite being grown adults with the same sex drive as most adult people, have been frustrated and beaten down by people being weirded out by their desires for adult intimacy, as though if your appearance is too cute and girlish then it’s disgusting for you to want to fuck. But damn it, cute girls can fuck too! And yes, obviously, Karen has a large advantage (or, well, two large advantages) to help her escape this predetermined role given to most cute, petite girls. But I admire how Karen is showcasing that girls like her can be just as sexual as other women.
After first discovering Karen, and checking out her earlier videos, I was surprised at first to learn that she was initially in gyaru JAV, in one video even looking like an AIKA clone. I suppose every JAV studio wants to find the next AIKA, which, hey, I can’t blame them for that. But given how so much of AIKA’s appeal comes from her own individual personality, I feel like this is a search as futile as trying to find the next John Wayne or Bruce Lee. You’re never going to find a new version of a classic icon, but you may at least be able to find a Clint Eastwood or Jackie Chan, figures who fit a similar archetype but are iconic in their own way. Looking at Karen now, and seeing how popular she’s become, I think she’s done just that.
4 - Momo Sakura
Okay, yes, I’ll admit it, a lot of this list is just an excuse to gush over the stars of the latest Beauty Venus. I freely admit that. But come on, you know there’s a reason those actresses were selected for that film. And with Momo, I’m honestly surprised she wasn’t selected for Beauty Venus sooner, given how long she’s been in the game.
While one could wax poetic about the charm points of the most popular porn performers, ultimately the appeal of most actresses boils down to a single, unique quality. And in the case of Momo, I think that quality is the way that she pouts. It isn’t simply with her lips, but her eyes, the tilt of her chin, the purr in her throat, the way she drapes her arms around her man, the way her whole body bends when she looks pitiably up at you. Momo has mastered the art of pouting, putting her whole body into it, and as any man can tell you, a well-placed pout can drive one to do many things. Whoever Momo’s boyfriends are, I’m sure they have no chance whenever she wants something. All she needs to do is pout, and no matter how outlandish her requests are, her partners’ only response can be “Sure thing, honey!”
Seriously, look at her.
5 - Rino Kirishima
There’s nothing quite like the feeling of disappointment you feel when you learn that something amazing you’ve discovered ended just before your discovery of it. Case in point, I only learned of the horny awesomeness that is the hentai art of Yamatogawa after his Vanilla Essence Kickstarter ended. God, if only I had a time machine so I could go back and acquire all that merch! But now it is lost to me forever, without my having even been aware of its existence until it was too late (Yes I’m still salty about this). Similarly, Rino is an actress whom I didn’t discover until shortly after her retirement, and even with the plethora of content she left us during her career, knowing that I can never watch any new JAV by her fills me with a wistful listlessness. Her poise is so elegant and sophisticated, but her performances are so raw and passionate, it’s impossible to not fall in love with such a big-tiddie onee-san. But alas, in the end it’s only loving a shadow. She’s still on Instagram, and she seems to be doing alright for herself. I hope she got everything she wanted to get out of the industry.
So that’s my addendum to my previous Top Ten! I’m not sure if the other five actresses I intended to talk about would have enough word count for a full article, but there are so many awesome JAV actresses out there, I’m sure I’ll discover even more amazing gals to stan soon enough. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing what new works these actresses will create in the future.
Social media links:
Eimi Fukada - Twitter, Instagram
Mayuki Ito - Twitter, Instagram
Karen Yuzuriha - Twitter, Instagram
Momo Sakura - Twitter, Instagram
Rino Kirishima - Twitter, Instagram
By Oppaira @ December 25th, 2022
By Oppaira @ December 15th, 2024
By Panking @ December 26th, 2022