A Case for Mosaic in JAV. An In-depth Opinion. Part 2 of 3

Fiddys and Tittys
Part Two of this three part series of articles talks about the economy behind JAV and how it relates to censorship. Censored JAV has a lot more demand behind it, full stop. With so much more censored JAV coming out, the economics allow for there to be higher demand. Of course, this is the result of censorship laws being a requirement for mass distribution but let’s not get lost in the chicken and egg rhetoric here(ie. Whether JAV would be better if it was released uncensored), that doesn’t matter for this case since I already said my points about the advantages of censorship to aesthetics and eroticism in my previous article. Also, we would have to consider that if uncensored JAV were more popular, it would have won out not just in the market but also in the law. The point I’m getting is towards the question: how does economics, keeping in mind the reality of censorship, affect the quality of JAV?
III. Economics
Uncensored JAV is almost always low budget which leads to that low quality look. Poor lighting, cookie cutter camera angles, poor photography, derivative script/narrative, lack of creative direction, poorly executed concepts. But the biggest deficit that uncensored JAV has is the lack of star power in the talents. JAV actresses are deeply disincentivized to go uncensored because it doesn’t pay a lot, it is illegal and also the Japanese can get weird about it. (More on this in the next article). While there have been some big stars doing uncensored JAV before, they are growing rarer and rarer, especially nowadays with more stringent laws and enforcement over uncensored JAV. When popular JAV stars did end up in uncensored works, it was usually the harbinger of death for their careers, like it did for Nozomi Aso, Maria Ozawa among others. To produce an uncensored JAV also has a lot of baggage involved around it, due to its illegal nature. Producers had to go out of their way to find loopholes, or shoot overseas, or just be as stealthy as possible from the law. And because they are prohibited from mass distribution, even the good films end up not getting profit because of lack of paying customers.
With censored JAV, we just literally do the opposite with the above list. Better lighting, unique production, good narratives, cool creative direction, better aesthetics and eroticism in general. And yes, of course, hotter, cuter, sexier JAV stars. Censored JAV can afford all these things because for the most part, JAV is funded majorly by the Japanese, and its target market prefers the censored stuff for a multitude of cultural / social reasons. Foreign sales barely make a dent to this because of many reasons but the biggest reason is that JAV just isn’t made to be marketed outside of Japan. If it was, it would be more accessible. The market speaks and creates the almighty demand, and the demand is whatever is popular, which is the type of content that mainstream censored JAV makers create.
IV. What about those Uncensored Leaks?
Now there IS a way to check if you do prefer censored or uncensored in JAV without the obvious barrier between the official versions of uncensored/censored types of JAV. A few years ago, a massive leak of censored works leaked before they were censored. AI is getting better and better at decensoring mosaic censorship. So if you are crafty, there is a way to watch “uncensored” censored JAV with all the production value, star power, etc. What effect did that have on my JAV watching habits? Almost nothing. I did check out these uncensored works more for curiosity, but in the end as a JAV fan, I still go back to the censored stuff because of accessibility and freshness. I still prefer the aesthetics that censorship brings. In fact, for some of the uncensored leaks (especially those that had more narrative), the lack of censorship barely mattered to the overall feel in aesthetics and eroticism. It actually turned me off a bit, seeing one of my favorite actresses, Kaho Shibuya’s pussy without a mosaic because it just didn’t look as appealing as I thought it would be in my imagination. (Though, I still love Kaho even despite that). No mosaics just made my lizard brain more active, but it wasn’t really more pleasurable unlike when I watch and engage deeper with censored JAV for the erotic narratives and sensual aesthetics.
V. JAV vs. Uncensored Western / Eastern Porn
Of course, we can’t ignore that censorship is weird compared to all the uncensored porn released literally everywhere else. We can’t deny that uncensored JAV vs censored JAV was always gonna be an unfair matchup between two different economic weight classes. But censored JAV vs uncensored western JAV, now that’s a matchup. What uncensored JAV lacks to take on the bigger censored JAV, western porn has in its pocket. With Western companies like Vixen, Brazzers, Marc Dorcel, Deeper among others, all capable of amazing porn productions gathering the biggest star power. So how do we analyze which is better?
Well… the answer is: it is impossible to make objective value judgements on subjective arguments. Primarily because the key point to consider with this matchup is the audience’s taste. Specifically, what does the target audience want? While I can’t speak for you, I can speak for myself. I watch both, but why do I like JAV better than western porn? The biggest reason is the most obvious: the women. I like Japanese women because I enjoy the East Asian aesthetic. You don’t see that kind of woman in western porn. Even if Japanese actresses also performed in uncensored Western porn, there is also a big consideration in how they portray themselves that separates it from the Japanese productions. JAV stars have no tattoos, their makeup is styled differently, their natural beauty is differently portrayed, they are clothed differently, act differently, fuck and get fucked differently, and if they have surgical enhancements, those are done differently compared to their western counterparts. Also, moving back on to the topic, the required censorship in JAV adds a certain stylistic flair, which I discussed in the last article.
A good way for me to check what my true preferences are is to check actresses who have crossed over from JAV to Western porn (and vice versa). The prime modern example for this is Sumire Mikuzawa (aka Emiri Momota, in western porn releases.). She is a Japanese bombshell beauty who crossed over, gained success in the Western Porno-sphere, while maintaining her prestige in the JAV world. The visuals are supreme. The sight of her vagina in its uncensored glory, shot in high profile Vixen videos, are a sight to behold. But the narrative and the eroticism is… pretty much on par with the rest of the premium in western porn, with the same problems on too much focus on penetration and a lot less focus on the erotic narratives. Meanwhile, The Taku Yoshimura’s adventures in LA fuckin pornstars of all colors is a treat. Watching American women gasp, then moan to the legendary Frogman’s sexual prowess is erotic and a turn on for me, even with mosaic added. Though this doesn't have a lot of narrative since Japanese Male x Foreign Woman is a bit of a niche genre. But I succinctly remember other foreign actresses crossing over for full on Japanese narrative movies, like Melody Hina Marks and if you go back further, Mia Malkova in her prime.
Western porn does have its advantages like: the variety of women indifferent shapes, colors and sizes, the sexual expressiveness of gendered sexuality(especially with Women on Women) and the accessibility of watching porn in a language you understand. But the aesthetics and eroticism is just such a different flavor compared to JAV, which, if it isn't obvious by now, is my bias. To be fair, there are some steaming hot western porn out there, and I do enjoy both, as a sexual degenerate myself. But if I had to choose, it's JAV all the way, censorship and all, because I like how it is presented, delivered and enjoyed. It's a vibes thing I feel. Some people like Anime, others people like Football.
Then there is the Chinese AV scene, like in Taiwan, with women also of East Asian descent. A fledgling adult industry aiming to replicate the success of JAV but uncensored. And a quick verdict is: it’s just not there yet. I tried to give it a shot but the few I’ve watched rarely feature quality women, and there are too many questionable choices in the production of Chinese AV that are neither aesthetic nor erotic and make me scratch my head. (Like, temporary tattoos of sponsor logos? really?)
What YOU want matters more because ultimately, it's you who will decide for yourself. What kind of content do you like, in what style it is available, and ultimately what you consume is the answer to this question. I’m just here to convince you that JAV looks, sounds and feels this way because of cultural conventions in Japan, censorship is among them. And I, for one, prefer these stylistic creative choices found in censored JAV(partially due to them working around said censorship) over that in other porn.
And whose to say that if we like one, we are no longer allowed to enjoy the other? We are free to like what we like without getting hungover value judgements. Both can be good, but like in cuisine, maybe I just like Japanese cuisine better because of their unique taste and ingredients.
Regardless of our preferences, there are advantages to keeping JAV censored not just inside of the JAV movies itself, but outside of it. For the final article in this series, we explore the social impacts of censorship as it relates to JAV and talk about why JAV is censored in the first place.
That’s all for now! See you in my next article! -Vez
What do you think about western porn vs JAV debate? Let me know in the comments!
The most telling example of imagination triumphing over reality is told in the 2006 book, “Crashing Through” by Robert Kurson. It’s the true story of a man who overcomes blindness that happened to him before adulthood, a very rare thing. There is only one recorded case of a human who was born blind and became sighted; this was 19th Century England. After only a few months, he done himself in because the real world was “so ugly” he could not tolerate it — this world was no match for the beauty of the world he had imagined through touch, sound, smell and hearing. Japanese culture, perhaps more than any in the world, values beauty. For them, perhaps, the beauty of human lovemaking is in the story and pacing rather than the biological details. So they pretend that part doesn’t exist.
While I hate pixelation of genitalia, I may have to accept that it is a preferred characteristic of Japanese culture. The arguments, including economics, would seem to prevail. Yet, I also have to be in awe of cultural contradictions. Seeing a pussy is too much, but gallons of cum on a woman’s face, just great. Looking at a dick dead on, no thanks, but committing seppuku, sure! Cultures reflect humanity and we are nothing if not a bundle of contradictions.
-edited by admin
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