Anton’s Fetifes Adventure - Chapter 4: June Lovejoy and the Romantic Parade

Yes, after three articles of me describing the event June Lovejoy introduced me to, we’ve finally reached the point of this series where I can show off the pictures I took together with them. Just as I took the chance last time before the Oshiri Juku Girl show to snag a pic with Mion Hazuki, I took this half-hour window of time to dash down to the 4th floor and get a pic with June. I exchanged pleasantries with the crew while I waited in line, and then when I got my pictures taken, told June my basic plan for the day. Then, while there was still time, I went over to the little alcove room where Erika’s booth was located.
But while Erika’s booth was there, Erika herself was not, and while a lady with a DVD titled “The Magic of Ass” was kind enough to exchange business cards with me, it didn’t look like Erika would be back anytime soon. So, glancing at the clock, and my mind filled with thoughts of the magic of ass, I decided to swing back round to the 6th floor and pay a visit to Momochino again. She remembered me from before, and was more than happy to pose for several big booty pics, which I appreciated thoroughly. Hopefully you all enjoy seeing these pics as much as I enjoyed taking them. But if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to head to the second show.
This show was called ROMANTIC PARADE Little Devil Show. June’s official English description of it (courtesy of the Tokyo Love District) reads:
[Watch six sexy models show off kinky accessories from indie brand @RomanticParade on the runway! Romantic Parade is known for their horned headbands themed around fantasy creatures and animals.]
And I must confess, when I first saw the headbands of the models in the show, I wasn’t quite sure what they were supposed to be, but I did notice that they were of the same shape and design as the horns of Yamato from One Piece (a show I… yeah, I’ve totally watched that, definitely). Ever since that character showed up and got popular I’ve noticed that style of horns has come in vogue, and at Fetifes you could buy plenty of horns from the Romantic Parade booth. Of course if you were at the show you probably weren’t there just to see the horns.
The little devils at this show were all very beautiful. And unlike last time I decided that instead of trying to get as many pictures as I could, it was better that I take a few snapshots for you all and then simply enjoy myself. The show was very nice, after all. And soon I had put aside my phone and relaxed, content to be a regular spectator instead of a reporter.
For some reason, and I am still not entirely sure why, but for some reason I found myself remembering something from many, many years ago whilst watching the models for Romantic Parade romantically parading about. See, way way back in 2002 (oh god has it really been that long!?), as part of the tie-in merchandise of the Dinotopia miniseries, Hallmark released its own series of plushies based on the character of 26, a Chasmosaurus egg that hatches to become an adorable Chasmosaurus hatchling (and yes I know the CGI has aged poorly, but believe me, for 2002 26 was absolutely precious). These were 28 Chasmosaurus beanie plushies (though not official Beanie Babies per se), each of which had a number and a name corresponding to a letter of the alphabet (Z got 3 for some reason). The idea was that you were supposed to get the one whose name matched the first letter of your own (so I got Adventurio) but you were also, like Pokémon, supposed to collect as many of them as you could. Of course this was back in the day when the most income I earned was a weekly allowance, so I couldn’t exactly afford all the Chasmosaurs, but I tried. Wait, how did we get here?
Oh, right! Horns. And horniness. Yes, see, I don’t know why, but for whatever reason upon seeing the beautiful models parading romantically up and down the stage with their dracontine horns, my mind kept wandering back to little Adventurio, and all the Chasmosaurus plushies I managed to collect in my more youthful years. I could picture them now, transformed and transmogrified into beautiful women, all draping their arms over me seductively, and at once I became aroused in a way that made very little sense to me.
It was a perfect example of “I have the weirdest boner right now.” Yet in a way that’s sort of what fetishes are, isn’t it? When you get right down to it, aren’t fetishes all about finding something that evokes a feeling or memory from one’s formative years, but you make it sexy? Perhaps I’m wrong. I am, after all, not into the fetish lifestyle in the same way that June and all the other participants of Fetifes are. And I feel like this conversation could potentially bring us into the danger zone with S&P. So perhaps I should simply drop it.
Whatever the case, after the show I checked the 4th floor again and found to my surprise and delight that Erika was there. At once my spirits were thoroughly lifted and I excitedly waited in line for a chance to have my picture taken with her. When it happened, it was Erika’s turn to grin in delight as she mentioned to me that I was tall enough for her to rest her chin on my shoulder. It seems that for both of us having a chance to do a pose so common to other male-female pairings was a rare enough occurrence to savor (I confess this is the first time it’s ever happened for me), and by the time we parted ways I was on cloud nine, so happy I was at having gotten my picture with Erika.
I’m sure I’ll never see her again. That’s how things are in this job. And I don’t think she even got my name. But it was a nice moment, and I’m sure I’ll remember it for years to come.
I still had some time until the third show, so I decided to head on down to the 1st floor, where the Zentai folks were. I knew I couldn’t fit in the weird tank thing they had, but I wanted at least to take a picture of it, and figure out just what was in it. Was it some sort of lotion, or lubricant, or liquid? It certainly looked sticky from the outside. But when I at last arrived at the tank, the Zentai folks were happy to explain the inner workings of the tank, and give me a demonstration on a little ojii-san who was eager to get in it.
The tank was basically like a condom. You squeezed in through the neck hole, which they then sealed around you, making everything from the neck down airtight. And then they pressed a button that caused all the air to be sucked out, so the rubber (not plastic, as I’d initially suspected) casing of the tank sealed itself tighter and tighter around the ojii-san as his eyes bugged and his mouth gaped.
“Waaaaaa! Oh-oh oh-oh ohhh!” the little old man exclaimed as every detail of his body was visible through the tightly stretched rubber. He didn’t seem upset or afraid or anything, mind. He just seemed like he was experiencing a strange, new sensation. I confess, I’d never seen anything like it before in my life.
It was at this time that I got to chatting with one of the Zentai staff members. I can’t tell you what she looked like (all the staff members for Zentai were dressed in full body suits), but she’d lived in Australia for 9 years and so her English was superb. We chatted for a bit before finally I got a picture with her and another staff member, and I made my way to the third show.
So what’s next for our intrepid JAV reporter? You’ll have to stick around to find out. Stick like a rubber glove that’s stretched too tight, I, uh, I think I may have lost the metaphor here. Whatever.
Social media links for the girls I saw:
June Lovejoy (
Sakurako [Magic of Ass] (
Momochino (
Yuka Hanyu (
Tomo Toudou (
Rutapi (
Rinacy (
Nami Minami (
Ao-chan (
Erika Momoyama (
Tokyo Zentai Club (
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