Beta: Sales Report - Most Popular Actresses Historical Ranking
Hey guys, I've got something really cool to share with you today. One thing I've wondered over the months I've been doing the sales report is "who are the most popular actresses". While it's easy to figure out when we keep seeing the same names up at the top, it can get volatile over a long period of time. Especially as new actresses become stars or veterans retire, over a long period of time things will change.
That brings us to this post, where I've found a pretty cool way to visualize it. The visualizations show the monthly change over the history of our sales reports and they can be paused at any month to look up data. I'll also try my best to keep this up to date each time I do a new post. Fingers crossed that it remains pretty simple and easy for me to do.
I'll leave it at that, I think the visualizations speak for themselves. Enjoy!
By Panking @ June 28th, 2021
By Panking @ June 6th, 2022
By Oppaira @ October 16th, 2021