First Impressions - Anna Kami

I've seen a few clips of Anna Kami around and she slowly started to pique my interest. After a while, I decided to give her a shot. As always I'll watch and review five different films and score them at the end with my closing thoughts. Now I realize the timing here is rather unfortunate as I do believe she recently announced her retirement. Better late than never right? Well without further ado, let's begin!
Butt Goddess Teacher
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I think it's pretty easy to see why I picked this video to include here. An ass-focused film with a teacher theme? Sign me up! The setup isn't anything too fancy with it centering around Anna playing a lewd teacher who openly seduces her students by flaunting her big ass while sporting all the usual teacher garb such as skirts and pantyhose. It's pretty well executed across the board and there's a fair amount of variety when it comes to the individual scene scenarios like one where she leads you through a workout session while wearing leggings all shot through POV. Honestly, the action as a whole is quite good. It features three sex scenes, an assjob scene, and a blowjob scene. The assjob scene is kinda wasted due to a fake cumshot ending but beyond that I have no major complaints.
All the scenes highlight her booty in a terrific fashion and are decently paced for the most part. Next up we have her performance which is pretty good but could've been a bit better. Her enthusiasm is definitely on point as she's quite active and engaging to the point of dripping sweat at times. I think she does a good job at leading each scene but can fall back into being a little too submissive once in a while. Not a huge complaint though. And the production values are all up to par, as is usually the case with an IdeaPocket film. The settings are all varied, the lighting is nice, and of course, her wardrobe is very fitting and looks superb. IPX-757 is easily one of the best films I've seen from her. You just can't go wrong with a seductive teacher theme.
Overall Rating - 9.1/10
Sister-In-Law T-Back Mid-Summer Temptation!
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It's a hot summer day and you catch your sweaty sister-in-law walking around pantsless while sporting a thong. That's precisely the setup here with this film. Eventually, the guy can't resist anymore and decides to fuck her. The rest of the film goes to place exactly as you'd expect with the two getting it on over and over again. I do like the summer theme mixed with an emphasis on sweat as it makes for some nice eyecandy but the complete lack of risk whatsoever is a huge bummer. Now thankfully, action helps to make up for that consisting of three full sex scenes altogether. The intensity overall is superb and there's a nice range of positions used. However, there is a ton of fake cumshots used which is quite annoying.
Now when it comes to her performance, I wasn't too impressed honestly. She's mostly just submissive here which does make sense in the beginning at least but I think she should've opened up a bit more in the second half of the film. Her facial expressions aren't too great either making for a really mediocre performance all the way around. While her acting may have been underwhelming, the production values fare much better. For one I really liked her wardrobe despite it being pretty simple as it mainly just consists of just thongs but it highlights her ass very well. In addition, the lighting and camerawork are both amazing. IPX-883 is a mostly satisfying watch despite some untapped potential with its plot, lackluster performance, and copious fake cumshots.
Overall Rating - 8.3/10
Super Close-Up Butt Fetishism And Flesh-Angled Sex
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This happened to be one of the first films I checked out from Anna Kami and it ended up being one of the better films on my list. It should be pretty obvious why I chose this one right? Plot-wise there's very little going on here as it's entirely just focused around her ass. It's very vanilla and straightforward which is fine with me as it's nice to just get a simple video devoted to showcasing her booty. Which speaking of, is easily one of the best asspects of the film. Now one important thing to note is that there is plenty of fisheye lens used here to enhance her ass a fair bit. I don't mind it really but it is utilized pretty heavily to give her ass a boost. The lighting is also brilliant and goes a long way in bolstering all the lovely shots here.
In addition, the pacing is pretty lean and her hair and makeup look solid. Moving onto the action, which is fantastic. It consists of three sex scenes, a blowjob scene, and a scene at the beginning where she basically just shows off her ass. All the sex scenes feature a decent range of positions with mostly real cumshots to boot and plenty of ass focus. My only real gripe is that the 2nd scene gets off to a slow start with a little too much toy use that is rather dull. And lastly regarding her performance, I thought she was pretty good. Her enthusiasm is solid and I quite liked her facial expressions throughout. I think this serves as a great introduction to Anna Kami even though it can be a little deceiving thanks to the fisheye lens but it will still get your attention regardless and make for a satisfying watch.
Overall Rating - 8.5/10
Nurse’s Full Ass Power Healing Service
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As someone who is a massive fan of nurses, this one seemed like a no-brainer. And thankfully it turned out to be one of her best films. Plot-wise there's nothing too surprising here. Anna Kami plays a lewd and seductive nurse who fucks her patients. What you see is exactly what you get. Needless to say, I immensely enjoyed the plot here. A large part of that can be owed to her excellent acting. This is easily one of her better performances that I've seen. One of the best aspects is just how active she is. It's to the point where she is literally dripping sweat making for some really lovely shots. Her facial expressions could be better at times but overall she gets the job done. The action is no slouch either as it's equally just as good.
It consists of three sex scenes, and two scenes featuring a mix of blowjob, assjob, and handjob focus. The only issue I have really is some fake cumshots. Beyond that, it's all pretty satisfying. The position variety in particular is terrific as it does a terrific job of highlighting her ass with its frequent use of cowgirl and doggystyle. And of course, I gotta praise the top-notch production values. The camerawork is mostly on point with some great POV mixed in, the lighting and settings are all varied helping to make each scene feel fresh, and the pacing is extremely balanced across the board. This may just end up being my overall favorite film from her. Besides a few issues here and there, it's an amazing watch.
Overall Rating - 9.3/10
Sister-In-Law’s Lips Feel Too Good… Intense Tongue Kiss Continuous Sex
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It should be pretty obvious why I chose this film in particular. Despite her booty being front and center, there really isn't much focus on her ass sadly. The plot revolves around a man having an affair with his sister-in-law with a general focus on kissing. I'm not a fan of that particular aspect but the plot itself is one I usually enjoy. However, there's no risk here at all which seems like a missed opportunity and just in general the execution with it seems half-baked. Now one of the film's strongest elements is easily the production values. The camerawork for one is fantastic as it uses some selective focus technique which ends up highlight Anna very nicely, especially in the POV scene. The lighting is generally great with the highlight being the 2nd scene although it's a tad too bright in the first scene.
I should also mention the pacing is a bit too weighed down with foreplay as we only get three scenes here. They easily could've trimmed some fat to make room for another. Speaking of the scenes, each one is a full sex scene which is always nice to see. The action in general is decent but unfortunately the 2nd sex scene only features about 5 min of actual sex which is just laughable. And personally speaking, we barely get any shots of her ass in the first two scenes which is a huge miss. Rounding all this out is her terrific performance. I'd say it's one of her best that I've seen. Her facial expressions are on point and she's brimming with enthusiasm. All in all, I had a decent time here. I just wished there was more ass focus and the action can be a mixed bag.
Overall Rating - 7.8/10
Overall Thoughts
After trying out five different films of hers, how do I feel? Honestly, I'm kind of mixed on her. So right off the bat, we have her ass which many would say is her signature physical trait and while it is nice, I don't think it's quite as great as some say it is. It's decent for sure but I feel like her ass was enhanced quite a bit thanks to the fisheye lens. And in instances where it wasn't used, it looked good but nothing that really blew me away. Same goes for the rest of her figure. Her boobs aren't really anything to write home about and while I think her body is solid, nothing in particular stood out. Her face is fine and I do think the short hair suits her well. Although her acne was noticeable at times which may be due to how sweaty she can get at times during a scene. And as far as her acting goes, I think she's relatively solid. She often boasts nice enthusiasm and is reasonably expressive. Now the question is, will I watch more of her? Well, since it's looking like she's retiring, I think that question is answered. I don't really have a strong desire to wanna watch more of her previous works because I'm honestly only interested in her ass and I think I scoped out all the major ones. I don't think I'll be watching any more of her but it's still a bummer to see her go. I definitely wish her all the best!
By Oppaira @ December 4th, 2023
By Fried Chikan @ December 16th, 2021
By Panking @ November 21st, 2022