Hitomi: 2014 Films Ranked

2014 was an interesting year for Hitomi. She spent nearly the entire year as an exclusive actress for Tameike Goro. This studio focused heavily on housewives and cheating. And while on paper it may sound like things could get repetitive, which they do a little bit, they manage to create just enough variety throughout all these releases. Yes, she does play a married woman in many of these films but her role/profession is different every time which certainly helps to freshen up the plot to ensure each one feels different than the last. I really feel like this is one of her most memorable years. You could see some shades of a budding performer emerge. This is most notable funny enough in some of her more submissive roles. Not just that but physically she's in real nice shape as her boobs are bigger than ever before. All in all, 2014 gave us some real nice storylines that we've never seen from Hitomi before. And while a few don't quite land, most of them are pretty impressive. Now let's begin with what is easily my least favorite film from the entire year...
12. MDYD-921
"Busty Married Woman Ends Up as a Hostess at the Creampie Hot Spring"
Coming in dead last is one of my least favorite Hitomi videos ever and one that is absolutely forgettable in every single way. The premise involves Hitomi having to work as a hostess for a hot springs in order to make some money and pay back a debt. In typical JAV fashion, things don't go quite so smoothly for her as she ends up being used as a sex slave by the boss to satisfy both himself and his customers. He even tasks her with tittyfucking a visiting minister so he'll give a good review for the place. Honestly, it's not really a plot that I can connect with and in general, I don't really care for hot springs-themed films.
Unfortunately, the rest of the film doesn't impress in any way. Her performance overall is very submissive which is fitting sure but she'll still lackluster across the board. Facial expressions are weak and she can get pretty whiny. Hitomi has definitely delivered better submissive performances, some of which you'll see on this list shortly. The action at the very least is decent with several sex scenes including a threesome at the end. The production values are relatively solid too with great atmospheric lighting and fitting set designs. Overall I just feel absolutely nothing for this film. It's just not my cup of tea at all and falls flat.
11. MDYD-885
"Wife Was Made To Orgasm Continuously By Her Students Who Invaded Her Home"
This video features a premise that has been done before not only by this studio but other studios as well such as Wanz Factory. Hitomi takes on the role of a married teacher who is struggling with a few underperforming students. She decides to invite them to her home to maybe get through to them but things take a turn. The students end up groping and fucking her as she becomes a slave to them. Throughout the film, they continue to fuck and humiliate her all the while the husband is unaware. This leads to a rather somber ending with her still being a slave under their control with the husband clueless about the situation. There's no typical ending with her starting to enjoy it at all as you'd expect.
Right off the bat, I didn't enjoy this plot. It's pretty dark(in more ways than one) kind of depressing. The other reason it's dark is because of the super low lighting. Many of the scenes are very dimly lit which I understand fits the tone of the film to an extent and creates some atmosphere but the end result makes it hard to see the action at times. Hitomi's submissive performance is lackluster as well. She can certainly do well in submissive-style films but not here. Her facial expressions and excessive whining leave a lot to be desired. There are a few group sex scenes that are nice but are bogged down by slow pacing and a mediocre masturbation scene. If you're into dark plots and teacher you may enjoy this but otherwise, just skip it.
10. MDYD-905
"The Married Woman Who Lost Her Key"
MDYD-905 casts Hitomi as a married woman(get used to hearing that) who is seemingly in an unsatisfying marriage. She is having work done on her home and becomes attracted to the construction worker. She ends up purposely dropping her keys and has him "find" them and bring them to her just so she can use it as an opportunity to make an advance on him. The two end up going at it, as you expect, and the rest of the film follows them and their ongoing sexual relationship. It's an alright setup but I just wish the film including some risk in the scenes to make them more exciting. As it is it's just an average plot that has ultimately been done before in some way.
On the plus side, the lighting is great and certainly fits the theme of the film pretty well. Her wardrobe is very appropriate too and she's in terrific shape as always. And she delivers a mostly solid performance. She won't blow you away but she gets the job done. However, the rest of the film leaves a bit to be desired. The action is pretty basic and vanilla and doesn't offer up anything truly memorable. But worse than that is the overall pacing. First off the film takes 35 before any real action starts. Then the film spends about 10 minutes on a shower scene with no action at all and just serves as foreplay for the upcoming sex scene, which has its own foreplay too. All this results in a pretty underwhelming film that is pretty forgettable.
9. PPPD-291
"Nude Big Tits Maid"
Wouldn't it be great to have Hitomi as your own personal nude maid? That's precisely the setup here is this memorable release from Oppai. A man hires a busty maid in the form of Hitomi to help clean up around the house and cook for him, all the traditional tasks like you'd expect. Of course, though he gets a little hands-on with her and eventually the two have sex. Hell there's even a scene where she goes to a convenience store completely naked and ends up fucking some customers there. It's a very silly plot and one that fulfills a fantasy I'm sure any Hitomi fan can only dream of.
Admittedly I wasn't a huge fan of this film initially but upon giving it another shot I appreciate it a bit more. The action is pretty solid with a few nice sex scenes complete with some creampies and a decent paizuri scene. Hitomi delivers a relatively satisfying performance across the board. Her enthusiasm is great all around and she truly shines the brightest during the paizuri sections. The technical side of things is a bit of a mixed bag. The camerawork is fantastic but the lighting I personally feel is quite dull in the first few scenes. Other than that the pacing is very well balanced and Hitomi looks terrific. PPPD-291 serves up some stunning eye candy and a tantalizing premise sure to whet the appetite of any Hitomi lover.
8. MDYD-868
"Mama-in-law Slave"
MDYD-868 features a slightly twisted premise. It centers around Hitomi playing a married woman who gets turned into a sex slave by her husband's coworker and her own junior-in-law or stepjunior(not entirely sure which). Regardless the two end up blackmailing her and using the recorded footage from the first scene of the film to keep a hold of her and fuck her as they wish. This all results in a final threesome scene where they fuck her silly and she begins to succumb to her lust. It's an enjoyable plot if you're into this sort of theme. Me personally I'm not a huge fan of it but it's executed well enough all around. One of those reasons is the top-notch production values. For the most part, the lighting is soft and helps to highlight Hitomi's curves.
The camerawork is superb as it captures some stunning close-up shots as well as pulling back for some wide-angle shots such as when she's giving a tittyfuck while her husband is asleep. The film does get off to a slightly slow start but keeps a steady pace for the rest of the film. And lastly, her wardrobe is basic but fits the film's theme nicely. Not to mention Hitomi here makes for some incredible eye candy. The action is terrific too with several sex scenes and a paizuri scene all bolstered by some solid intensity. Hitomi's performance can be hit-or-miss but she mostly gets the job done. Ultimately, MDYD-868 is a rather fine film with a slightly niche plot but backed up by some outstanding production values and great action.
7. MDYD-960
"A Wife's Lusty Bondage"
MDYD-960 is an interesting video. Despite the title and cover giving off the impression that it's heavy on bondage the only time where it's relevant is in the second to last scene. The title is really mispresenting the actual premise. The actual setup involves a series of unrelated and standalone scenarios with Hitomi in various situations. Such as playing a guy's crush in his dorm who he then fantasizes about or playing a shy librarian who gets fucked in the library. The underlying theme seems to be her being the center of their obsession. It's a nice setup that presents a great amount of variety but it can be very hit or miss.
Some scenes fall very flat such as the bondage scene due to an awful wig that she wears and the fact that she's tied up in ropes. Thankfully though most scenes fair pretty well. The film is a whopping 3 hours with loads of scenes that all present a unique setup ensuring you'll never get bored. The action is superb with nearly every scene being a full sex scene and some even include an element of risk heightening the excitement. The pacing is decent although near the end the final scene encompasses a full hour of the runtime making it a bit unbalanced. Her wardrobe and the set design variety are amazing with plenty of memorable setups that all lead to a wonderful film that may not hit every note but provides a very unique experience.
6. MDYD-971
"My MILF Is A Former Gravure Idol"
Gotta love a JAV film that is a bit "meta". Here Hitomi plays a married woman yet again but this time she has a junior(sun). The plot revolves around her having to repay a large debt to a group of loan sharks. But she doesn't have a lot of money so she offers up something else instead, her body. They then realize she's a former gravure model and uses that to taunt her throughout the film. This all leads to the final scene when she finally loses control as she begs to get fucked and be their slave. It's got a twisted ending too with her junior walking in during the aftermath and telling him while she's naked and covered in cum that she's a "dirty slave". All around an interesting plot to say the least that is sure to entertain from start to finish.
One of the best aspects here is Hitomi's acting. It's great watching her slow transformation from being resistant at the beginning to fully enjoying it by the end. It's paced quite nicely. Definitely one of her better submissive performances from this year. The action is fantastic with an incredible group sex scene at the end as well as a few other sex scenes throughout. There's even a scene of her masturbating while sitting at the edge of her junior's bed. The lighting and camerawork are all on point as you'd expect from this studio with some nice outfits to boot. This film hits every note with quality acting, a nice plot, amazing action, and brilliant production values. Gotta love that cover too.
5. MDYD-875
"Wife Strips at Neighborhood Meeting"
That's a pretty tantalizing cover, right? Thankfully the video lives up to it. The premise involves Hitomi and her husband getting busted for stealing money from the neighborhood association to cover a debt of theirs. To repay it they order Hitomi to perform and dance at an upcoming festival all while wearing skimpy bikinis. Of course in typical JAV fashion, the guys get a little hands-on and fuck her for the rest of the film. It's a fine enough setup that makes for some gorgeous eye candy courtesy of Hitomi which is easily one of the best aspects here. There's nothing quite like seeing Hitomi in super skimpy bikinis. The rest of the film is just as good too for the most part at least.
For one thing, the action is remarkable although not without its flaws. The sex scenes themselves are terrific with the highlight being the threesome at the end. There's some really nice position variety there. In addition, we're treated to a nice double blowjob scene with a great finish. The main flaw here is the pacing as the scene count is just 3 which means there's a lot of foreplay and build-up. No action occurs until nearly an hour in. Beyond that, the lighting and camerawork are exceptional with no real flaws. Hitomi's performance is fine with some really nice facial expressions. If the film boasted a bit more action it'd rank higher for sure. Even still it's a splendid film filled to the brim with wonderful eye candy sure to please any Hitomi fan.
4. MDYD-895
"Mama Dresses Like A Slut for Parent's Day"
Pretty interesting title here. The film's plot indeed follows Hitomi who is a single mama going to her junior's parent-teacher conference. She is misled by another mama who tells her to wear something "fashionable". Well, she decides to wear some very revealing outfits which of course catches the attention of nearly everyone. She indeed proceeds to get fucked by a student, faculty member, and even a few fellow parents. Hell, she even tittyfucks her own junior for reasons I'm not quite sure. Maybe with subtitles, it'd be a bit more clearer. Regardless it's one of my favorite plots from this year of Hitomi's career leading to some very memorable scenes. As you may expect Hitomi's wardrobe is one of the best elements here.
Every single outfit is super sexy and revealing. The rest of the production values fair pretty well with adequate camerawork, lighting, and set designs. The pacing is expertly handled too as it moves along at a steady stride without any major hiccups. Hitomi delivers a mostly satisfying submissive performance with fitting facial expressions and enthusiasm. Lastly, the action is fantastic. There are 3 sex scenes in total with one of my personal favorites being the 1st where she gets fucked in the hallway by a student while everyone else is right inside the room. And the filler is very minimal too. All these factors combine to make for a super memorable film that exceeds in every category.
3. MDYD-951
"A Cock's Temptation"
MDYD-951 is definitely one of my favorite films from this year mainly thanks to its fantastic premise. The setup revolves around Hitomi once again playing a housewife who is ashamed of her huge tits. However, she starts to take a shine to a new neighbor who is well endowed. The two have sex and she starts to appreciate her boobs much more as a result. This all ends with her seducing a random man who stole her bra from her balcony. It's a well-crafted plot that does a terrific job at showcasing the growth of her character and newfound self-esteem. Her acting helps to bolster the plot very well as she delivers a solid performance all around.
She plays her role excellently in a believable fashion. From being submissive and reserved at the start to finally letting loose a bit and really enjoying herself at the end. The action here is good but a little light. There are 2 sex scenes here along with a blowjob scene. They're all great scenes in their own right however the film really could've used another scene at least. As it stands it's a little dry. Thankfully that's the only real issue as the production values are superb as always. Marvelous outfits, remarkable camerawork, and excellent lighting. Pacing is a little slow at times but it's not a big deal overall. Easily one of the best highlights from 2014.
2. MDYD-940
"Ravished Female Boss With Colossal Tits"
I never really gave this video much of a look back in the day but upon revisiting it last year I was blown away. It features a very nice setup with Hitomi playing a very bitchy boss whose employees are getting fed up with. They discover she's been secretly making undercover deals with another company and threaten to release that info unless she becomes their sex slave pretty much. This leads to her being broken down and succumbing to the lust at the end even going as far as to be used as a negotiation piece for new contractors. The plot is handled very well and is paced out quite nicely. Bolstering the premise is Hitomi's superb acting. She delivers one of the better submissive performances of her career to date.
Her transition over the course of the film is done wonderfully. She boasts solid enthusiasm as well as some incredible scowl facial expressions that really drive home how pissed off she is at first. All this definitely helps to make the setup more believable. The sex is equally as good with several group sex scenes all ending in a messy facial. It really capitalizes on her being a fuck toy. And there's virtually no filler to bog it down either which leads me to the production values. Across the board, it's fantastic with top-notch lighting, amazing camerawork, and expert pacing that keeps the film entertaining from start to finish. By far one of her best submissive films to date that nails every single aspect. A true must-watch.
1. MDYD-931
"The Ravaged Female Money Lender With Colossal Tits"
Let me just say, this is one of my all-time favorite covers. The juxtaposition of her in a position of power on the right and being fucked and humiliated on the left is sublime. And thankfully, the film lives up to its stunning cover. The plot features Hitomi as a stout money lender who seems to have pissed off some people in her time. Her right-hand man orchestrates a ploy to betray her and have her used as a fuck toy. It's a nicely executed setup with good pacing all around. Showing us early on via a masturbation scene that she is very horny and hasn't had sex in a long time since her husband's passing. She's appropriately resistant at first but in the final scene she fully gives in to her inner lust and lets loose. Speaking of this her performance here is outstanding. Her energy is great but most noticeable in the final scene.
And I must say, her facial expressions are some of the best I've ever seen from a film in this genre, ever. That pissed-off scowl face of hers is perfect. Best of all she never goes over the top or gets too whiny. Simply flawless. Production values are all fantastic too, for the most part. The only nitpick is the lack of setting variety as the whole film takes place in one room. Besides that the lighting is on point, camerawork does a marvelous job at capturing her face and her entire body in key moments, and lastly, her wardrobe is spectacular. Now granted it's only one outfit but it perfectly captures her high position of power. Rounding all this out is some great action with a few one-on-one sex scenes, a terrific threesome, and a nice group blowjob scene. They all feature a nice intensity to them along with a solid position variety. Overall, this all comes together to make her best film of 2014.
By Fried Chikan @ February 21st, 2023
By Baskerville @ September 11th, 2020
By trapstar @ May 9th, 2024