I met Anri Okita at her JAV retirement event

A JAV actresses retirement event is always a day filled with happiness and sadness. You're happy they get to retire, can be free to do what they want, get married, etc. You're sad though as they are retired so that means no more JAV from them and likely no more meeting them in person. This was true of Anri Okita who had her retirement at the famous M's Akihabara event space where JAV actress events happen at least once a week. Her last JAV, MIMK-044, which the celebration was for, was released on May 7th 2016. Fans across Japan, and some from across the world, including yours truly, came to this event space to celebrate and say their goodbyes to Anri as well as to wish her well on May 29th 2016.
As per the usual to attend such an event, a few days before the event I went to M's main building that's separate from their event space, and bought 3 DVD's to attend the full event, including one of them being Anri's retirement JAV. After purchasing the DVDs I'm given a paper ticket with basic information about the event and 3 spaces to put stamps on depending on how many DVDs you buy. When you buy 1 DVD you can get your DVD autographed, shake hands with the actress, talk with them one on one for a few minutes, then you gather in a group of 5 in a line where you each take your turn to take pictures of the actress.If you buy 2 DVD's you get the benefits of 1 DVD and you get a personal minute to take pictures of the actress, sometimes after a change in clothing into something usually sexier like a bikini, where you can ask her to pose or let her pose on her own and you can take as many photos as you want. The 3 DVD benefit includes the previous benefits and you get to take a photo or two with the actress, while normally locking arms and matching poses or more submissive poses like the actress holds you up by your necktie when requested, as long as the actress is OK with it.
In case you didn't know, Anri, while 100% Japanese, grew up partially in England, so she was able to speak with her English speaking fans without a problem. She knows some Chinese as well, though a majority of her fans at the event were either Japanese or English speakers.
The tickets were numbered based on the order of customer who purchased the ticket at the time, so I was customer 53 out of who knows how many. The number on your ticket doesn't matter though when it comes to your seat at the event, it's first come first serve for your seating.
Since it was Anri's retirement event, as is tradition I had ordered a bouquet of flowers to give to her from a nearby flower stall in Akihabara on the same day I got the event ticket and DVDs.The flowers you see her holding below are said flowers.
You don't have to bring a gift to fan events but many do, normally candy, sweets, maybe art of the actress, or even their own DVD.
Anri entered the event and thanked everyone who came in while wearing her dress from AVN 2016, a surprise for everyone, and a welcome sight for those who missed seeing her at AVN and for those of us who did.
She talked briefly about her life in the industry, her life in general, and thanked everyone for coming. It was brief as she had who knows how many fans to meet and greet, sign DVDs, and have her picture taken of and with.
When it was my turn to talk with Anri and get my DVD signed the staff member on the side of her gave me a printed photo of the cover of her retirement DVD and a small ticket stub as a reminder of the event as well.
After her initial group photo shoot in her AVN dress she changed into a sexy leopard bikini for the personal 1 minute photo shoot and taking pictures with fans. It wasn't my first time meeting Anri at a fan event but it was a little sad it would be the last as I stood with her o the stage for my photo with her where we locked arms, did a heart shaped hand pose with the other, with smiles on our face.
As you probably know, one of Anri's best friends and active JAV actress at the time, Hitomi Tanaka, visited her during her event. Hitomi brought Anri flowers and took a few pictures with her at the event and had some kind words as well about Anri. Apparently Hitomi was nervous going up on stage to talk, holding back tears, as she talked to Anri and her fans, likely some of them being Hitomi fans as well.
There was also the sexy backstage photo that can't be done in public eyes.
JAV actress Mion Hazuki who also brought flowers. She had cried in happiness for Anri right before the event, a once in a lifetime event.
There was also Shoko Akiyama, was active then and now retired JAV actress.She didn't go on stage with Anri during the event so I didn't get to see her personally.
When you look at the pictures with Anri and the other JAV girls you can get a really good idea of how tall Anri is in real life, 168 cm / 5 feet & six inches tall.
After Anri finished her last photos with fans she said her final goodbyes then went to the changing / rest area in the back. As we, the fans, all left the event space, there are some who took the giant leaflets promoting the event hanging around the room, including yours truly. A small piece of history to remind us about Anri.
I had to leave after the event was over but some fans stayed behind to talk and to say their final goodbyes to Anri as she left the building and got into a taxi, giving a final bow to her as the taxi left from the streets of Akihabara and off into the night, just like the night of her debut JAV fan event.
If you ever go to M's event space there's a chance Anri's autograph is still there on the wall which she signed during the event. It's been a while so it may be there or it might not be there, let us know if you've seen it!
If you still want to see new content with Anri, where she wears sexy and revealing outfits, or even none at all, you can sign up for her fan page.
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