JAV Director Oppaira Case 2 - Hibiki's Bakery

Hey guys, Oppaira here. Have you ever thought about writing your own plot for a JAV? I definitely have, multiple times in fact. When you review as much JAV as I do you simply get ideas about what you would do differently or, in some cases, what you would write instead. This is one such idea I had for a video, in fact it's one of the earliest ones I can remember. Someone posted this photo, people started talking about what if Hibiki really did have a bakery, and the rest is history. As you're probably aware I've already started publishing a recurring entry on Milfy Apartment and I highly encourage you to check that out. This time I'm doing a single one-off video, the second like this, and if you haven't read Oppai Academy it's an awesome, hilarious tale that you should totally check out! Today I present you with my take on Hibiki's Bakery.
The video casts Yuki as a college student walking home after school one day. He passes by a new bakery that opened up, enthralled by the aroma coming from it. We cut to inside the bakery where he starts talking with the cute lady behind the counter, played obviously by Hibiki Otsuki. He purchases some melon bread from her and it's incredible. DELICIOUS! Hibiki is so happy that he's a huge fan of it. The scene pans to him leaving the bakery with him having a monologue as he is walking down the street: the bread was nice but the lady behind the counter was even nicer. So begins the tale of Hibiki's Bakery.
The goal of the intro is just to set the stage for the rest of the film. We're not even trying to do anything sexual whatsoever and instead establish a few key points:
- That Yuki is a college student
- That Hibiki has opened up this new bakery
- That Yuki enjoyed it so much he'll definitely be coming back
I'm envisioning Hibiki behind the counter like this preparing the goods although maybe in less formal clothes and more of a baker style. I would also envision her chatting with him briefly with a giant smile on her face just like on the right. Maybe that would be as he sits down at a table although that's not my preference, but I would film both and see how it goes in editing.
The bakery is obviously going to play a huge part of the film so it's important that we set the stage properly. If you're a frequenter of JAV you'll recognize the bakery and realize it'll be used in the action parts of the video itself, otherwise you'll just have to sort of read between the lines and see that it's going to be at the forefront from the title.
This cafe has always struck me as the ideal setting for this story. Unlike other videos this one actually features a bakery section with real food in there. I've seen it feature both sweets and breads so I think it gives me the flexibility to play it out however I want. I've always thought bread made more sense as a quick on the go snack, especially if you can use something like メロンパン (melon bread) or カレーパン (curry bread) that is more complete than just a baguette or something (French people please don't destroy me in the comments for that).
In case the ideal setting isn't available (because I've only ever seen it used by SOD / Natural High) then these serve as reasonable alternatives. I think the left one being a cafe is a better alternative but any restaurant setting like the other two will work. I think so long as there's an open area, tables to have sex on, and some booth style seating, we can make it work. My intention for the first scene has always been for Yuki to purchase the bread and eat it right away so if we're using a setting like this we would maybe need to change it to him sitting down and ordering a coffee/tea as well. Again, just trying to be a bit flexible with the setting since I know these have been used recently by Faleno/Dahlia
Scene 1
Yuki is walking home late from class and decides to stop at the bakery to get a bite to eat. Unfortunately it's closed, but right before you leave you see a couple of thugs inside. The lighting is quite dim so it's hard for him to make out the action going on inside at first, and they're off toward the back to avoid the prying eyes of people passing by.
The two of them are tag-teaming Hibiki, not what Yuki would have expected from the kindhearted shop owner. The scene swaps back and forth between an angle outside the shop as Yuki is watching as well as indoors to see the action a little better. The door is locked so he can't go in and Yuki is just helplessly watching. He can't believe someone would do such a thing to such a nice lady. The scene concludes with them covering her face with their spunk and then fading out as you see a distraught Hibiki laying there.
I'm not too picky with respect to who I cast for the thugs in this scene. The ones I picked above have worked with Hibiki as recently as four months ago so it would be easy to get them to work together again. That video's first half also shows the rough kind of content I would aim for with this video but also what Hibiki is capable of. I mean sure we aren't doing the whole jail cell secret agent thing but that aside the rest of it suits the style I'm going for.
I do also want to make sure the lighting and camera angles hit just right. We need to ensure we get some views from afar that demonstrate Yuki looking in to show his perspective. We also need to ensure the lighting isn't too dim (so we can actually see) but isn't too bright either (because they don't want other people looking in).
Plot Portion 1
Yuki goes back to the store the following day but is too nervous to say anything. Hibiki has been so kind to him and he can't bear to bring it up. However, he can sense that things are amiss with her. He asks her if she's doing okay and she lies saying she's alright. All this scene really has to accomplish is Hibiki putting on a facade and lying to him as it's going to further the plot that she's actually in an unbelievable situation and that Yuki won't stand for it. Hibiki obviously won't be fully nude there but her expression might be kind of like that. I anticipate her saying 大丈夫よ (I'm alright) and just setting the mood of the film.
Scene 2
Once again Yuki goes to visit the bakery after class to find the thugs back again. This time they're just getting blowjobs from her, or perhaps more accurately facefucking her. This time we're a bit closer to the door so Yuki gets a bit better of a view.
We spend a few minutes showing this before Yuki gets there as well as a couple of minutes after he gets there and is a bit too stunned to move. That is to say, the scene starts with them deepthroating her and Yuki only gets introduced part way through as he's coming back for a late night snack.
He checks the door to find it is unlocked this time and he barges in to her rescue. Hibiki nooo, I'll save you! She yells for him not to get involved but it's too late and he's ever the knight in shining armour. We see the aftermath with Yuki on the floor as the two thugs smugly exit.
After they leave Hibiki is still nude, makeup messed up with spit covering her face, but she comes to check in on Yuki, wet towel in hand to tend to his injuries. She's clearly emotional telling him that he didn't need to and worried that he's injured. Of course, he shrugs it off saying he couldn't help but save the kind, pretty woman, melting her heart a bit in the process. She whispers ありがとう。本当にありがとう (thank you very much) and pecks him on the cheek as the scene fades.
I'm kind of leaning into overdone tropes here but I'm thinking the whole "save the damsel in distress" type scenario fits right. Last time Yuki didn't have the chance to do anything but this time he's got a pretty clear path to step in. Maybe it's stupid but people do stupid things for love, and while at this point it's clearly still infatuation it's also just Yuki being a kindhearted person who wants to do what is right. Imagine something kind of like this where Yuki is sort of helpless there and Hibiki is being used by them and there's this sort of emotionally heavy scenario like above.
I'd probably just cut out a bunch of stuff and simply show Yuki running to save her and then cut to him on the floor. I tend to be a bit more verbose than I need to and at this point things would be quite obvious. I'd have Hibiki with a towel like Julia there tending to him, though of course she would be fully nude, obviously not smiling, and not cleaning up his leg.
Plot Portion 2
Yuki heads over to the bakery once again and Hibiki is elated to see him. With an expression of joy and sadness she thanks him for saving her and invites him over for dinner (which is at the bakery as she lives upstairs). He happily accepts as he is realizing he can't leave it alone, between wanting to know what's going on and starting to fall for her.
At this point one has to expect that the whole situation is a mess between them. Yuki has seen Hibiki at her most vulnerable but then he also kind of saved her so it creates this weird dynamic. The direction I'd be giving Yuki is that he's supposed to be conflicted by the fact that he feels like she's not into him but the feelings he's developing make him not really care because something is better than nothing. The direction I'd give to Hibiki is that she's sad about the whole mess and for getting him involved in it (not that she did it, he did it himself) but also extremely grateful for it. We'd totally see her saying the ありがとうございました (thank you) like in the above clip.
Scene 3
Yuki's back at her place having dinner together, upstairs at a table in her room. She's very thankful for the other day but you can feel the tension in the air about it. Yuki pries a little bit and Hibiki opens up about how she got into this mess. It was always her husband's dream to open up a bakery but they could never afford it. When he passed away she decided she would honour his memory by fulfilling that wish of his and opening up the bakery. She unfortunately had to amass capital for it from less than reputable people and hasn't been able to satisfy their terms yet. It's at this point that Yuki notices the ring on her finger.
Yuki then consoles her as she starts crying. It's too painful to think about between the loss of her husband and the tribulations they make her endure. Yuki is saying she has the best bread he has ever tasted and that he's sure she'll pull through. The emotional tension is overflowing at this point and Hibiki then kisses him as the scene leads into a sex scene. The two start going at it and wind up on the bed having some incredibly passionate sex. I'm envisioning the sex on the bed being something like this where it's less on the wild side (and less of Hibiki moving her hips as she is known for) and more on this sort of sexual based tension where her expressions tell the tale.
I went around looking for a photo of Hibiki cooking food and this is a pretty good representation of what I anticipate it to look like. Okay yeah there won't be two other actresses there but it would be a small t able for sure. I might actually intend for it to be a nice big meal considering she really wants to show her appreciation and can evidently cook, and it will probably look like a cross between the photo and the earlier clip. I anticipate it being in a small room more like you see on the right, a tiny table for them to eat and then a bed for them to wind up having sex on.
Plot Portion 3
Yuki is at the bakery and Hibiki is clearly upset. As he talks to her he finds out that they'll take the bakery if she can't meet their terms. The undertone of the scene is that they were happy with their little arrangement but that Yuki went and messed it up. At this point Yuki can obviously tell that Hibiki was enduring it, not really happy about the situation and Yuki really put a wrench in it. Business isn't bad but she can't come up with all the funds and she's not quite sure what to do. Yuki tells her not to worry about it, that it will all work out, but Hibiki is clearly a wreck.
As with many heavy dramas we need a short interlude here to set the stage for the finale. I admit that the narrative being tied so heavily to the bakery makes some of the interludes a bit awkward because they don't get to be sexual; it's certainly not ideal but it's what this video needs to be successful.
Scene 4
It's late at night and Yuki is seen running down the street toward the bakery. He gets there just in the nick of time as the thugs are there but nothing has happened yet. He slams a stack of bills on the table and tells them to take it and leave. The two of them eye the bills, take them, and leave saying they were getting bored of her anyway. Hibiki is standing there stunned, overwhelmed that someone would do such a thing for her. Hibiki falls to her knees in tears about just how amazing Yuki has been, in shock about the kindness he has shown her. He tells her that people do amazing things for the ones they love and she realizes in that moment he truly does love her. More than that though, Hibiki realizes that she has feelings for him too. She never thought she would move on from her husband but everything Yuki has done for her is too much for her. At this point Yuki is holding her hand staring intently into her eyes.
Once again, the emotional tension can be cut with a knife and the two of them start making love, right there in the bakery. The scene goes as they have sex everywhere around the bakery, whether on the table, the couch, the counter, etc. In their spontaneity they forgot to put on a condom and as he mentions he's about to unload she tells him to let it all out inside. We see the cum flowing out of her as Yuki is lying beside her, bodies intertwined. Yuki mentions that he wishes this could last forever and Hibiki says that it can, the scene then fading to black as the two are staring at each other, hands locked, and passionately kissing each other.
I totally want the last scene to have the dynamic that this image here has to start off. If you've ever seen this lesbian series from Marrion, all the final scenes show one of the actresses crying and this mix of passion and sadness. I'd be reminding Hibiki about this scene and about the dynamic and getting her to evoke this kind of emotion in the video.
I also imagine the final scene turning into the above except the outfits are reversed and Hibiki starts out in the baker's outfit. Just the idea of them having sex in the bakery on the table, on the couch, etc. is exactly how I have it visualized in my mind.
I also envision the finale ending like this JULIA clip where Hibiki pulls him in, passionately making love and telling him to bust a nut in her. It's really the ultimate ending to the video where you see the culmination in their love for each other, especially with Hibiki being the one asking him to do the deed. I also really need her to hit the moment right and I would insist on redoing it if necessary to ensure that, we'll need a cut to fake the creampie anyway so it won't be that bad (yeah I know, I wish we didn't have to fake creampies either but in 2024 that's just how it is).
The video ends showing the two of them happily running their bakery together. We first start by panning to the sign and then seeing Yuki behind the counter cashing out a customer. Hibiki then walks by and, to our surprise, she's pregnant. She comes over and kisses Yuki on the cheek and the two are seen happily ever after. Thus concludes Hibiki's Bakery.
The ending is entirely supposed to show where the plot ultimately went. I tend to really enjoy videos that take the extra effort to show this kind of thing because it adds so much depth to the narrative with so little effort. I also just really like the wholesome ending after the video had such an emotionally heavy narrative. Between all that Hibi had to endure and go through to the heartwarming efforts of Yuki you just simply need this type of feel good ending. I can't imagine anything more loving than her being pregnant and still being affectionate toward him.
First off I want to shout out the friends that posted the photo that inspired it and were chatting about it as I fleshed it out. It really didn't take very long to come up with something conceptually. Sometimes I can get inspired by as little as an image and go down a rabbit hole of a plot like this. I wrote the original plot outline on a Saturday afternoon in about 20 minutes almost three years ago. It's not without those friends giving me crazy ideas that I can bring stuff like this, so thanks guys for giving me these ideas.
Attackers seems like the right studio to pick for this given the less than wholesome start to the video and the way the ending goes. As the director I'd obviously play a big part in shaping it but for anyone who has watched their stuff they tend to do this plot structure a lot. The thugs are half there just to set the stage for the video and create the powerful backstory that we need because the video is ultimately supposed to be about this older woman who finds renewed love with a younger man after tragedy. I also do think the contrast is important to the video, showing half of it with her getting used and the other half showing a sad love story with some extremely passionate and sensual stuff.
I also feel like Hibiki just suits this narrative quite nicely. I've seen her get roughed up like the clip and images I've shown earlier but I've seen her do more passionate stuff or just in general manage her character and expressions accordingly. There's a reason she's one of the best in the business and has had such a successful career over 10 years.
At any rate I hope you've enjoyed my ramblings again as a director. I think after the way some of my more recent posts have been going people may think differently about how I would direct than this. I feel like I would wind up being more like a Nao Masaki with my crazy ideas (she is my favourite director after all) but I do get ideas for these more passionate, drama heavy films too. The simple truth is that I watch way too much JAV and have way too many ideas in my head. It's kind of crazy to see myself posting these ideas on the blog now but it's really fun to throw together an entire properly planned video. This is the second narrative I've written on the blog, you can see my first one here and of course there's the entire series I'm writing, you can see the latest episode here. I've got one last director idea I'm going to write later this year so I hope you'll join me again when that goes up. Until next time!
By Oppaira @ December 16th, 2022
By Oppaira @ December 8th, 2022
By Syndrome @ July 21st, 2023