JAV Director Oppaira - Milfy Apartment - Season 1 Episode 3

Yuki moves to a small town to live with his step-grandmother while attending university. Miki happens to be the landlady for a small apartment complex, and unbeknownst to Yuki it's filled with gorgeous older women. This time he runs into one of the neighbours, Rei Kimura, who is a single lady. She plays a teacher at the university Yuki will be attending and offers to give him a tour of the campus, Yuki not realizing what's in store for him.
Intro 1
We start off seeing Rei in her apartment doing some work. She’s got graded papers in one stack and is looking at some other administration paperwork. We see a list of names as she’s looking down the list and see 数学 at the top of the paper (数学 = math). We also see 秋 at the top of the paper (秋 = autumn).
Our goal here is to set the stage that Rei is a math teacher and that she’s looking at her class list for the upcoming semester. We should be able to glean, if one really is trying, that the mathematics on the graded papers is somewhat complex, though people might not really be glancing there. I promise this scene will have some importance later on.
Intro 2
We see Yuki helping Miki take out the trash when Rei walks into the trash room. Miki, seeing Rei there, introduces him to her. She mentions that he’ll be attending the university in the fall semester for engineering and Rei mentions that she works there. We see her looking at him with a puzzling look and dozes off for a second before Miki asks her what’s the matter. Rei replies nothing it’s all good and then asks if Yuki has seen the campus yet. When he says no she mentions that it’s closed right now for the break but because she’s a teacher she can take him on a tour even when it’s closed. Miki loves the idea and is super thankful for Rei’s offer.
This scene is just meant to introduce the two and shape the rest of the content. My thoughts behind a teacher episode were wanting it to involve both the school and the apartments. I don’t think this season of the series can afford to have episodes completely away from the apartment setting but I also don’t want a teacher episode that isn’t at least partially at the school otherwise we completely lose the spirit of the theme. That image above except in the garbage room with Miki standing to the side pretty much sums up exactly how I want it to go.
Scene 1
Rei is walking Yuki down the hallway. Yuki is mentioning that he had a rough time of the exams and he was originally from Tokyo but didn’t make it into any of the good schools there. After some chatter we see Rei open up one of the classroom doors and ushers him inside. Turns out this is the one she teaches in and offers to let him in to see what the classrooms are like.
She starts writing some math equations on the board asking Yuki if he understands them. When he doesn’t she comes over to his desk, leans over, and asks if he’s been studying to prepare. She then catches him peaking at her cleavage. She grabs his chin, points his head up, and says her eyes are up here. When Yuki feigns embarrassment she mentions it’s okay, it’s not like she expected him not to stare at her tits.
She then grabs his head and smothers it into her tits. “These are what you wanted, right?”. She then takes off her top as she lets those puppies out and gets him to play with them. After a little bit she pulls down his pants and starts sucking him off. The scene ends with him getting a paizuri and blowing his load all over her tits.
My thoughts on this scene are to accomplish two things. Firstly I want there to be some foreshadowing about who Rei is and the math equations is a great way to do it. You don’t need to do a lot and you can transition from it very quickly, just throw some differential calculus equation on the board and we can call it a day. You probably wouldn't be surprised that it's hard to find examples of complex math equations in JAV but Rei Kimura herself with some basic algebra is a close second and honestly more than I expected. Of course, the scene won't quite look like that, more like if the guy on the side wasn't there.
The second thing I aimed for is to have a foreplay scene happen first. Rei showing a bit of cleavage getting Yuki into it was a no-brainer for me. As soon as she leans over to show cleavage that’s honestly enough to get things going. Just like Karen Yuzuriha and basically everyone who has done this Oppai teacher series does, I'd have her exposing a little bit there and clearly getting the action going.
Scene 2
After our earlier debacle we see them continuing to walk through the school. Yuki mentions he needs to use the washroom and Rei walks him over. We see Yuki with his pants down taking a leak, contemplating the scene not too long before. As he’s saying he’d love to stick it inside her instead of between her tits we hear Rei say “I thought you might”. A stunned Yuki then looks up to see Rei standing beside him with her tits popped out of her top. Rei gets on her knees to start blowing him and eventually leads to her riding him on top of the toilet in one of the stalls.
As you may know from reading some of my reviews I am a huge fan of using non-standard locations to have action and although a washroom isn’t completely out of the ordinary it’s also surprisingly uncommon in teacher videos. I figured it would naturally fit well in this video after a scene in the classroom. Yuki would obviously need to go to the washroom at some point and it just made sense to do something like this. I would take inspiration from Center Village who tend to use it a good amount in their teacher videos, especially just full on having sex both in and outside of a stall.
Scene 3
In the third scene we see Rei in Yuki’s room sitting at a table together with him. She’s tutoring him when she once again has a low cut top and sees him distracted. She puts her hand under the table and starts messing around with him. She eventually gets under the table and starts blowing him. The front of the table is blocked off with a bunch of binders and textbooks as well as Rei’s bag and Yuki’s backpack. This is pretty key because Miki walks in with some refreshments in hand. She wonders where Rei was off to and he mentioned she went back home to grab a few things. All the while, we can see Rei blowing him under the table. Miki drops off the refreshments and heads back out and the scene finishes shortly after that.
I mentioned it earlier but this video needed to have content both in the apartments and school and now we’ve come back to the apartment. We got our school fix in and can now get back to the risky action with Miki that we want in all of our episodes. I often mention how mediocre it is when directors abdicate a theme by changing to a weaker setting but a lot of that comes from not fully running the course with the setting. We set the video up as them just doing a tour at the school and one would expect they'd be back before dinner. This is also a bit interesting of a series in that, at least in season one, we need all of the episodes to prominently feature Miki in some sort of oblivious risky scenario.
Tutor content was the obvious thing that came to mind, especially after the stint in the classroom with her asking if he was ready. It also carries the theme to a decent extent since it's still teacher adjacent. We’re also intentionally going to skip any plot portions here about any background to this leaving it alone for now. We’ll simply just cut to right before they get busy and go until they finish. We want to continue to have this air of mystery around exactly what Rei does even if at this point it has to be pretty obvious.
I'm envisioning something more like the first one with Miki entering except of course the actress is hidden. Imagine the view to be something more like Yuri in the third photo blowing him but very discretely. I promise there's a way to make it work and maybe being under some sort of kotatsu would work even if a kotatsu in summer might not make sense. Even if you get rid of the blanket and convert it, I think we can cover it up well enough.
Scene 4
In the fourth scene Miki hears a knock on the door and answers it to find Rei standing outside. She then asks if Yuki is around and if he can help her out moving some stuff around in her apartment. Yuki then heads over to her apartment. As soon as hey gets inside Rei then starts making out with him. “It was so hot almost getting caught in your room but maybe at my place we can do a bit more” and the two go at it big time. The two start going at it in the living room before heading off to the bedroom to finish.
From a visual perspective I once again want to make it clear that Rei is a teacher, which I would do by showing a bunch of textbooks and papers across the rooms. It would be really nice to show something rather obvious at some point whether at the beginning, during the action, or at the end. Show that it’s for his program to really emphasize the main question the viewer should be thinking about: what exactly does Rei teach? As you can see in the Miharu clip right above there's some papers in the background which is how I intend for it to be. There would be a very strong emphasis on it the entire time, more than tutor videos typically do. In fact, a world where they knock over some papers by mistake at some point would be quite nice as a visual aid, as it would reinforce their desires while drawing attention to the visual aid. Hell, maybe we can include a whiteboard with some math on it just to really drive the point home.
Other than that there’s really nothing too special about this scene and we have a bit of flexibility to be a bit more normal. It might feel like a bit of a letdown to have the final scene not be quite as wild but we can make sure the two of them have a good time during the scene and get enough entertaining action. I think one of the big things is just ensuring it doesn't feel too dull, meaning we just have to avoid excessive bedroom content. Considering more of the visual stimuli would be in the living room we would focus mostly there, and I think it will work out nicely.
Outro 1
Miki and Yuki are sitting in the apartment eating dinner and Miki is asking about Rei. She mentions it was really kind of her to show him around and help tutor him. Miki then asks Yuki what classes she teaches and Yuki responds that he actually never asked. The scene then fades out with a puzzled almost worried look on Yuki’s face.
The idea here is to leave the viewer with a sense of “what if” about her being his teacher. It should be somewhat obvious from her tutoring him in advanced math that she might legitimately be his teacher in a few weeks. The expression on Yuki’s face is meant to convey that exactly, that the thought just crossed his mind. It would be understandable given that she kept having sex with him for it to escape his mind completely but when it’s right at the forefront he’s met head on with the reality of it.
I envision the scene looking like the above except it's just two of them and that worried expression on her face is actually on Yuki's face.
Outro 2
The final scene of the video shows Rei in her home looking up the list of students in her class next semester. We see one name in particular circled in red and it says Yuki. The scene also pans out wider to show an image of Yuki on the side of the paper that we never saw before. We then cut to Rei who has a devilish grin on her face as she says 楽しみ (I’m excited) as the scene fades out.
The outro is meant to convey one thing: that Rei is definitely going to be teaching Yuki next semester. It’s supposed to also convey that Rei knew this whole time that Yuki was going to be in her class, so when she was having sex she knew exactly what she was doing. I would actually just straight up use the footage from earlier and just show an extra bit here that I didn't show before to really drive home the point of her knowing what she was up to. Yuki might not have connected all the dots but Rei absolutely did and concocted the entire thing knowing full well what it would lead to, from her low cut top to taking him around the school while everyone was out.
Episode Philosophy
In this episode I was thinking primarily about who I would want to cast as someone in future episodes down the road. As I mentioned in my series overview post, the intention is to have a second season that is more school oriented than this one. Teachers I cast here need to show up later on so I need to pick someone I’m going to have show up again. I also wanted to have a mix of different members of Madonna’s roster in these videos and picking one of the newer debuts seemed like a great idea to me.
I started off wondering who had debuted for Madonna in 2023 and who I might have some confidence in sticking around the industry for a while, especially at Madonna since actresses often do not last very long. When I filtered it down to just main label debuts who made it to their fourth release (and I did this back in January) the list was quite slim: Shoko Matsumoto, Nami Okimiya, Rei Kimura, and Sayuri Hayama. I cut Shoko knowing she's nearly 50 leaving me with just three options. I wanted to make sure to pick actresses that weren’t already highlighted in some of their major works to spread a little bit of love so I settled on picking Rei Kimura. Nami and Sayuri both made it into the mega anniversary video and while Rei isn't highlighted as highly as the other two she has recently gotten some more love (as you can see her alongside Yuri in the above image) and I think they have more faith in her going forward.
Rei is also a great pick here because she has already done a teacher video before. It’s not quite as upbeat as this one is but I think the familiarity will be nice and it will give fans the more pleasant teacher video they would have wanted. As a fan of her myself I found the other teacher video just didn’t cut it with the strong NTR theme so I was happy to do this.
Another big part of the episode philosophy was about the idea of Rei knowing but Yuki not. One of the big things we can do with a true narrative we have going here is foreshadowing. We can do it both within the episode itself as we allude to her being his teacher but also allude to what will come in future episodes. I’ll be straight up and say that there aren’t plans for another Rei episode this season but she’ll definitely have another solo episode in season two. I really like the idea of making the viewer interested in coming back in a year to see more. As I mention often in my debut actress posts I’m often willing to give them a second chance once they get a bit of experience under their belt. If this was your first Rei video (and given how new she is it might be), coming back in a year would be great. It would also be nice to see her in the same sort of theme / setup to see how she has improved as an actress.
I hope you've enjoyed yet another episode of Milfy Apartment. I really enjoyed putting together an episode with the teacher theme. I know I can make lots of non-teacher themes work but knowing where the plot is supposed to go in season 2, and with the back story, it felt like it made sense to do it in season 1. I'm also glad I got to pick a new actress like Rei Kimura and give some non-veterans a spotlight.
I know this one is a bit delayed but I should be able to put out episode four later this month and get back on track. Trust me, I've already got it all planned out so don't worry, I've got all 12 episodes figured out. Until next time!
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