JAV Sales Report - April 2022

Published : May 10th, 2022 Written by Oppaira

Welcome to this month's sales report. We're nearly half way through the year and so far so good. Just a quick reminder you can click on the images to view the top 100 report as well. With that reminder said let's jump into this post.

Top Actresses

The first thing that strikes me is some basically all of the SOD folks dropping down the charts. We're seeing drops straight across the board. Last month we had Mana and Suzu in top spots and we've got both of them down, as to be expected. They're still both fairly popular but we were expecting that surge in popularity to be more related to them coming back to SOD as opposed to sustained popularity. This can really be seen by the fact that everyone dropped: Mahiro is down 21 spots, Mei is down 27 spots, Meisa is down 34 spots, Chiharu 49, Iori 7, Hibiki 24, Minamo 26, Himari 68... it's just devastating for them. That's not even to mention some that aren't even on the list at all, like Kanan Amamiya and Yuna Ogura who made last month's list. I'm more interested in seeing where actresses settle when the dust clears. I expect the more well known names like Mana and Suzu to still do reasonably well and continue to make the list, but I expect a lot more of them to fall off the list completely.

Misono is someone I reviewed earlier on and came out with mixed opinions. Sure she's got some huge boobs but that's not everything (yes, I'm fine). But I'll be damned if Misono isn't doing her best to convince me she's more than a pair of tits. She's starring in a ton of heavy hitters each month, especially with other similar actresses. Sachiko, Ena Koume, and Hana Himesaki are just some of the names she's working with and that's great company for her. It's hard not to be interested when all the content looks so great, and the fact is that her stock is on the rise. I don't doubt she'll continue to keep selling and I'll be very curious to see if she can replicate what Hana Himesaki accomplished last year. At the very least I'll keep saying yes to all this duo and group stuff with busty costars because the only thing better than a pair of big tits is a second pair of big tits.

Ena is an actress I have yet to check out but every time I take a peek I keep wondering why I haven't. I'm sure at least one friend will point out that he's told me to watch her... I know, I know, there's just so much to watch. She's got tons and tons of content coming out on top of the fact that there's a lot of wonderful content. She may be relatively new having debuted under two years go but I'll be damned if she hasn't become a fan favourite. Again, it's not hard to see why when she has content like the above coming out that look awesome, or various works with other major actresses. If anything, the surprising bit is how high she jumped up, and not that she jumped so high but that she was so low to begin with. I wouldn't be surprised if she started appearing in our top 25 a lot more often.

There's a bit of an interesting trend this month with quite a few of the heavy hitters dropping down the charts, notably Yui Hatano and Eimi Fukada. We tend to see them very consistently up at the top and it got me wondering if we're seeing some outliers or unusual data. BOY WAS THIS DATA INTERESTING. Well, it was interesting to me, okay? Anyway we see two major things. Firstly, both Eimi and Yui are at the worst rankings they've been at in the past three years. In all of that time we've seen them outside of the top 10 a combined six times, including this month (which shows up as May since that's when the data was retrieved). It's just completely unheard of and makes you wonder if this is a random thing this month or of it's a trend. That's where we get to the second point, which is that if we narrow down to, say the last year, we're actually seeing an upward trendline. All of Yui's months in a rank over 10th place come in the past seven months, and Eimi is certainly faring worse on average as well, with her last eight months all being above fifth place (which, according to this chart, is very uncharacteristic for her). Are we seeing a decline in their careers? Are people getting tired of watching the same actresses each month? Who knows. All I know is I'm going to pay a lot of attention to how their careers are going, and please remind me if I somehow forget.

Okay look, Mao Hamasaki starring in this series was always going to be insane. There's just so many incredible screens from it and the trailer looks absolutely fantastic. Sometimes you just know an actress is perfect for a video and this is one of those rare cases. I'm extremely excited for it, more than I've been for any entry in this series in a long time, and I've seen 50 of these. I'd be genuinely surprised if it didn't make my top 10 for the series it just looks that incredible. Squirting, deepthroating, wild positions, I just can't say enough things about how good it looks.

Kanon is an actress that doesn't get a lot of attention but probably does deserve some. I've reviewed her before and one of her more enjoyable aspects is how hairy she is down south. It might not be for everyone but I think just how hairy she is makes her stand out. You might not always want that and that's okay, but every once in a while it can be nice. Especially in the video that placed well this month, a VR film. Ignore everything else going on in the video or Kanon above the waist, when you see that bush up close everything changes. She's still obviously very popular and doing well regardless but I'll be damned if VR doesn't suit her quite well.

I may have only seen Riho Fujimori a handful of times but I'll be damned if she isn't incredible every time I watch her. She's just so incredible at dominant performances and is very reminiscent of an actress like Kurea Hasumi in that regard. She can really put on a show the way most other actresses wouldn't bother to do. She had an entry in my top 10 videos last year and already this year she has a 9.7/10 rated video that will easily be making my top 10 this year as well. That's all basically to say that Riho is extremely deserving of this top spot, at least I think. If you aren't watching her there's no time like the present, and the above video looks fantastic.

Let's face it, people are reeling from the Hitomi's retirement. The question becomes: who is her replacement? Enter Yuria Yoshine. If Hitomi's singular defining characteristic is her huge boobs, few have boobs that are even in the same stratosphere and Yuria is at least that close. Yes, they're not Hitomi sized, but we're talking about finding a unicorn. Anyway enough rambling, Yuria's boobs are pretty massive and can scratch that itch. Definitely what sets Yuria apart though is how wild she's willing to get. Hitomi certainly fell off the map a bit because of how generic her content was and Yuria is anything but. It makes you think that Yuria isn't the next Hitomi because of how much different the content is, but for me I think that's actually a huge plus. I've complained about how boring Hitomi's content has been for years and Yuria's doing the exact opposite. Just look at those screens above, not many actresses that will do that kind of stuff let alone work with a studio like M Girls' Lab. You often find actresses who work for a studio like that pigeonholed into a small niche in the industry but Yuria's huge boobs let her roam free and do whatever she wants. If it's not this it could be a duo video with another busty lady. I don't say this lightly but you should be watching Yuria Yoshine, especially if you got this far in the paragraph. Go check her out, you won't be disappointed.

Kurea staying steady in the top 10 will continue to surprise me. She's a phenomenal actress, don't get me wrong, but somehow she's releasing nothing and still outselling a lot of other big names. It's not even just internationally either as she's retained the same place domestically too. Question is, when will Kurea drop if she isn't doing porn anymore? It's gotta happen at some point... right? It's not uncommon that we see actresses retire and retain top spots for a while, we certainly saw that happen with a few actresses on R18 before like Saeko Matsushita, Asahi Mizuno, and Aki Sasaki. There are also names like Ai Uehara or Anri Okita that would probably have still been selling well had they not delisted their catalogues. Anyway, we haven't seen the long term effects of such high profile actresses like Kurea retiring yet as we've only recently seen some names retire. Tsubomi will be an interesting one to follow despite her not being nearly as popular domestically. And speaking of retirements, Kurea isn't even retired yet, or at least nothing that we can confirm. I wouldn't be surprised either way, nothing during this pandemic surprises me anymore. I sincerely hope she's not gone since she's one of my favourites, and I guess I'll go knock on wood to prevent myself from jinxing it and try not to talk too much about it.

Top Videos

Ah yes, 引退, my least favourite word in the Japanese dictionary. It means retirement and is splayed in big letters across our top release this month for Shouko Takahashi. A lot of her fans have known for some time now but it doesn't make it any easier seeing her retire. She's been a really huge name for many years and it's always sad to see a veteran like her go. I'm sure Shouko's got some plans for her future, maybe her music career will take off (she plays guitar); she certainly wouldn't be the first to take a crack at it. At any rate, I'm sure fans will be reminiscing about the many years she spent as the anchor at Moodyz and I wish her all the best for whatever her next chapter is.

In 5th place we have another release with my least favourite word in their dictionary as well. This one's slightly less bolded but it says 引退記念 which they've conveniently translated on the cover as retirement memorial. The actress, Masami Ichikawa, may not be as well known but she's been around for seven years according to the title of that release. She originally debuted at SOD on one of their lesser labels, jumping over to their main label not too long after and spending several years there. She's never quite been as popular as others names (and I pointed out a ton above) but it's not always easy to compete. Anyway, the release is a three disc set with 30 titles and if you were ever a fan of her, it's probably a wonderful chance to grab a few more of her works. I really wish they would do stuff like this more often for retired actresses as it seems like a fantastic sendoff. Retirement videos tend to suck but I could totally see buying a boat load of her videos in this convenient bundle.

Yua Mikami's latest looks great and it's no surprise that it's the top video on the chart. The concept is quite fun and interesting as it's based on having quickie sex whenever, wherever; some of the production stills look quite awesome. If anything I think the video seems quite refreshing. S1 doesn't do a lot of things like this and some previous videos like this have been very good. I always find the great stuff at S1 stands out a lot so here's hoping that this one is as good as the fans said it was.

Have you ever wanted more schoolgirl than you could handle? Yes? Alright then, our third place video has got you covered. It may not look like it from that cover but it's got 16 videos contained inside, nearly 48 hours of total footage, damn is that a lot of content. As the title says "Almost 48 Hours To Get Off As Much As You Need! Limited-time Only Bargain Price Special!" and I'm kind of inclined to agree. Even at the regular $12 price you're paying what, $0.25 per hour or so? That's pretty damn good, I must say. It's all entries from the same series but at that price who cares. Watch a month's worth of schoolgirls or dole it out over a year, all I know is that the fans are very receptive to this kind of bundles, and I think studios are too. I imagine the sales sharply decline on older content after a while so any money has to be pure value for them. I really hope studios keep this up because It's a great way to help even out the money people spend on new releases. I like my favourites as much as the next guy, but when you're comparing a single new release being twice as much as the 48 freaking hours in this one, maybe some priorities need realigning.

Okay look, S1 just always seems to have great debuts coming out. Pretty? Busty? Sign me the heck up! One thing I'm noticing is how they're reluctant to put a lot of nudity in either the covers or the trailer. In fact, one of the sex scenes on the back of the cover has her tits covered up and it's giving me distinct Unpai vibes. Unpai's been extremely disappointing and setting a new low for how little you can do, and I was always worried that the same would be true for new debuts as well. I'm really hoping it's not the same with Arisu here but my word are they not inspiring any confidence in me. If I didn't want to watch actual debut videos before I want to watch them even less now.

34 years old and a bust like that? Sheeeeeesh. I mean, just look at those things, they look incredible. Maybe I'm just reeling from Hitomi's retirement trying to find the new Hitomi but I'll be damned if she isn't popping out at me (in more ways than one wink). Madonna MILFs can be all over the place with their bust size, and while I'm not against smaller sizes I obviously have preferences that loosely equate to "the bigger the better". At any rate, hopefully she sticks around for a bit because the generic Madonna stuff isn't so good but she should have plenty of time to get to some dramas before I'm checking actresses out later this year. If someone watches her do let me know!

Unsurprisingly we have both of Hitomi's latest videos on the list. With it being her retirement and all, we knew for sure we'd be seeing more of Hitomi on the list. Her retirement video might not be that special but I think VR Hitomi is nice, especially since we don't see it very often. Interestingly though she did get beat out by some other videos. I would maybe have expected her retirement video to carry a bit more weight but the video itself wasn't very good and Panking definitely agrees. If you haven't already checked it out, go take a look at my Hitomi spotlight where I go over her career, what made her so special, and count down my top 10 videos. At any rate, we saw Hitomi peak at 9th this month and I think that's honestly about as good as she'll do. I've been saying her best years were behind her and I think all of the fans agree too. Gone are the days where Hitomi would top the chart every month, and especially with no more releases coming out, many people just won't be buying stuff of hers. I'm sure she'll be on the top 25 for a few months and the top 100 for a long time to come, but she'll slowly inch down the list.

How can you go wrong with a cover that has FKK displayed in big letters across it? But seriously this video looks great at it's sale price being half price. It's got three videos in one with one of them being particularly nice. I mean, tell me you can look at those four babes and not be interested. It's such a diverse cast too, from the bustier in Miina Wakatsuki and Ruka Inaba to the veteran squirters in Hibiki Otsuki and Mao Hamasaki. Seriously what an incredible cast that I can't say enough nice things about. Of course, don't forget that it comes with essentially three videos in one, showing the main square and private hotel room in the first, the sauna and suite room in the second, and the Japanese-Style room and basement in the final. The video has many more cast members than the above too but I'm pretty biased for the above. I'd grab it alone for just the final bit with that cast so the rest of it is all just bonus value. If you're a VR fan this is definitely not one to forget about.

We're now at the end of the post, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to try my best to make sure that I've got the yearly sales reports both completed this month. I've had a lot of writing to do recently, especially with two spotlights I had to push up, but I'm finally ahead of schedule for some time. That should let me get to both of them and get those two out of the way. So hopefully the next time we're back for a sales report it's a yearly one. Until next time!


drk 2 years ago
I meant that she's been generally releasing more than 3 movies per month.
drk 2 years ago
oops, I replied in the wrong place. Was meant to be a reply to ramp_it_up's comment to my comment.
ramp_it_up 2 years ago
I love this monthly because it verifies my hunches on how Jav did and the trends. I like to see what movies are coming out every day and what is coming out in the future. If you have Twitter, you can see how some of the top stars are constantly pushing; Twitter has been pushing Sumire Kuramoto for a while. I'm surprised Inaba is still a top girl. She may be out of the game; her Twitter is "suspended." I've noticed a lot more schoolgirl titles in Jav recently. Also, seeing Kanon and her jungle snatch returning was cool. I wish you can do a story on popularity in Jav and how one AV model is pushed harder than another during debuts.
spaten78 2 years ago
I wonder if R18’s issues with accepting credit cards from certain markets recently, including the US, had any impact on sales numbers?
drk 2 years ago
For sure. There's a legal workaround - the links for buying points still work, but they are not published on the R18, you just gotta know them.
drk 2 years ago
For what it's worth Yui Hatano only had 3 movies in April ( a usual celeb no tomo, some new mafunacturer and the IR thing). Quite low by her standards.
ramp_it_up 2 years ago
what do you mean by quite "low"
drk 2 years ago
I meant that historically Hatano has had considerably more than 3 releases per month.

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