JAV Sales Report - October 2023

Published : November 16th, 2023 Written by Oppaira

Welcome to the October sales report. Last month I mentioned that we had an exciting new addition to the reports with Bookmate rankings. I'm pleased to say I've included them again and hopefully you're all enjoying them. With that said let's jump into the report.

Top Actresses

Last month I wrote about the pair of adaptations we had featuring Nozomi Ishihara and Rikka Ono, and now we have a third by the same artist featuring Mayuki Itou done by Kawaii. It's interesting to see them call out the other stuff and even go as far as to call this Kawaii x MOODYZ since it squarely features only Mayuki who is a Kawaii exclusive not to mention it's released by them as well. Regardless, I do like manga adaptations and it probably makes sense to keep adapting the same artist if his works are doing well in live action form, and all signs point to him being quite successful each time. Nozomi is doing well on the digital sales this month still and I think that's a testament to the quality of those videos. I hope they can continue to pick some banger hentai to adapt and hopefully more studios will gobble up the chances if they notice the success many are having.

In 16th place we have Amiri Saitou jumping up a hell of a lot of spots. She's been gaining a lot of popularity recently and now she's got a manga adaptation for Hunter featuring three actresses in total. Multi-cast hentai adaptations are rare and even rarer is Hunter doing them, which is odd now that I think about it. Hunter is known for doing mutli-cast videos and having a wide variety of themes and actresses. It honestly makes a lot of sense to do adaptations, and perhaps one of the reasons they don't is that their plots are like those out of hentai manga already. That being said, I am excited to see them do more of it because of the reach they have with their casts. This video features Chanyota, Aimiri Saitou, and Mitsuki Nagisa, and while I am a fan of none I must admit this is quite the varied cast. I'm much more a fan of the cast of the last adaptation they did which featured Waka Misono, Monami Takarada, Hana Himesaki, and Misono Mizuhara, now that's a cast! Regardless, I'm curious to see if they start doing more adaptations and what options are on the table with the variety they can pull for actresses.

In 18th place we have a new face to the list, Shizuha Takimoto. She's a debut actress for Prestige's Genesis label, and this is the second release on the label. To me Genesis strikes me exactly like Kanbi's Daitetsu label: a place for debuts to die. They're basically all one and dones there, the last seven debuts they had on Daitetsu were like that. This is why I always wait to watch because most of their debuts I would watch if there was any substance to them. Both Karisu (the other debut for Genesis) and Shizuha have nice G cup boobs, but until we get an actual career and not a single debut video I'm sadly going to skip over them. Studios, please do better in finding actresses who actually want to be in the industry and make a career of it and not just a quick buck.

Last month saw Koiki's debut as a former ballerina and this month we have her visiting the homes of fans. On the one hand it's a bit surprising to see a theme like this early on in her career but I went searching to see how long this style takes and it's actually not as surprising as I first thought. Rei Kamiki actually did this exact theme in her second release so it turns out it's actually common to do it. I think it's a nice theme to do early on as it lets them be themselves without having to push a heavy drama narrative, while still giving you something that isn't the generic sex themes you tend to get. Koiki looks cute and innocent in the stills above and this idea of her getting dressed up for the summer festival only to have her clothes taken off by some lucky fans seems pretty nice for an early career video.

Asuka Momose, in 13th place this month, has a great film for Wanz Factory's 10 Minute series. One of my favourite things about this series is how each actress can give you a different spin. Sometimes you get actresses surprising you with a style you would never have guessed like Aimi Yoshikawa did several years ago. It's always a fun surprise to see whether an actress is laughing her ass off at losing or moping that her abilities are subpar. This time around Asuka has more of a younger, upbeat persona, giving you cheerleader vibes with that skirt, tank top, and the letterman jacket. I don't necessarily want to say that they picked the persona for her but it does seem to suit her. Hopefully Asuka's is another incredible entry in the long line of releases this series has, now up to 109 entries.

It has always felt like if you're a freelancer that this series is where you know you've made it big. After Asuka's entry we have Rima Arai (110) and Ena Satsuki (111) and before her we have Kana Morisawa (108) and Sora Amakawa (107), quality names all around. Even for someone like myself who doesn't always watch the actresses they get, they recently had Yuria Yoshine (102) and Alice Otsu (101). I hope they keep up this series for as long as they can and there are a handful of actresses I really hope they get in their doors at some point, especially Chitose Saegusa.

In 21st place we have Riho Fujimori who has stayed steady on the list after deciding to go freelance again. She's been getting a variety of different opportunities as well as a few that seem quite similar. Even just looking at the two covers you see a lot of similarities, showing a promiscuous lady out on the town.

Both films are actually for Honnaka (本中) but are directed by two different directors, the left by samoari and the right by Nao Masaki, and that leads me to something I'd like to chat about. It's well known that Nao Masaki is far and away my favourite director, it's not even close. Less known is that I think samoari isn't very good, and that's a common sentiment around these parts. What I've been noticing more and more though is that both of them are actually quite similar. These two are quite distinctive with their styles and yet you can look at their videos and see a whole host of similarities. What's wild to me is that aside from the couple of big negatives samoari has (nipple play and strange camera angles) they would be very much the same. It's crazy to think that samoari is a couple of better camera angles away from being one of my favourite directors. But alas, he's stuck with these awful angles and I'd far sooner stick to the Nao Masaki video than his.

Top Videos

Rin Hachimitsu seems to have found a good new home over at Faleno, peaking at 9th with this release. The way that actresses keep transferring between S1, Faleno, and IP makes me confused about what each roster specializes in. I look at this and see a former IP girl working at Faleno doing a theme I know I've seen from S1 before (Saki Okuda did this nearly two years ago). That says nothing about the fact that Faleno built their roster on the back of S1 talent only to have their star actress Ai Hongo poached back by S1. Regardless, I think Rin will do well there and I hope that we get more spunky titles like this out of Faleno.

If you've been following S1 lately you'll know they've gotten a ton of new busty debuts in their doors. With that I think comes a question for their older busty actresses: is there still a place for us? As it turns out yes, yes there is. All you need to do is put two of them together for an instant classic. Yes, some of the promo pics might be a bit exaggerated, but I've seen them plenty enough to know that they both have spectacular boobs and that I won't be let down by either of them. It will be interesting to see how they hold up as I start looking at the new debuts, especially since Aka and Mei can be somewhat underwhelming as performers. An actress is the sum of a lot of things and incredible breasts like theirs go a long way, so I'll be curious to see if a film like this can wow me and captivate me over the others. Regardless, I'm excited for this one dropping as an early Christmas present.

As mentioned above S1 has plenty of new busty talent and this time around we've got a couple of them in Ren Gojo and Sayaka Nitou in our top 10 releases. Let's face it, porn is about being physically stimulated and a hot body will do that. Whether you're more on the juicy side like Ren Gojo with her 105J cup boobs or have the incredible body of a former race queen like Sayaka Nitou, there's a home for you if you're hot. I hope everyone will be paying attention to when I post articles about them both next month, and you can decide which of the camps you're in (or if you're in the camp of one of the other debuts at S1).

Has a video every made you go what the fuck? This is definitely the reaction I had when I saw S1 was getting into virtual VR. Maybe there's a better way to say it but the idea of VR trying to bring more realism into porn only to be snatched away by a fake person on the other side is a bit much for me. I'm sure there's a huge cross between hentai fans and porn fans that make this a smart idea, and the results clearly speak for themselves. I'll be curious to see if S1 does this again and if they use Raremi again as the woman. I can't imagine they would develop/buy the technology for a one off video but it's possible they just contracted it out to a studio. If they're going to keep it up I hope they will take this as an opportunity to explore and do things in this format that can't easily be done in traditional JAV. My hopes are quite low on that given that it's S1 but who knows, maybe some other studios will get inspired.

Bookmate Rankings

I'm pleased to bring Bookmate rankings to the report this month as well and I hope to make it a regular occurrence. It's nice to see the results at a brick and mortar store and how they differ from the giant DMM conglomerate. I'd love to include more sources but these posts already get kind of big and I do very much love these Bookmate infographics. Once again you can see the Bookmate rankings on their website here.

If people were wondering where the rest of S1's roster is, don't worry, they're still doing well. Yes, we've got Saika Kawakita (川北彩花) in 5th, Konan Koyoi (小宵こなん) in 13th, and Haru Minato (みなと羽琉) in 18th, but the one I'm talking about here in 9th place is Ai Hongo (本郷愛). As I mentioned earlier, she's transferred recently from Faleno to S1 and has been doing well for herself there. We saw Ai do incredibly well on debut but I think as we saw Faleno fall off as a studio on our rankings (perhaps partially because of their distribution on H Next) we see Ai climbing back up to where she belongs now that she's on S1. It's not surprising with her cute face and chest that she's doing well, even if her tits are often teetering on the edge of bolt on style tits. She's just now starting to get the drama films at S1 with her October release and I'm looking forward to what else is in store for her at S1.

Keeping on the hentai adaptation theme we've got Rima Arai (新井リマ) in 23rd spot with a big gain this month. She's got the above adaptation coming out later this month and looks great. I will say that she highlights some of the difficulties in casting for hentai adaptations with her bust not comparing. I mean sure, she's plenty busty with her perky F cup tits but they're nowhere near the floppy tits the woman from the manga has. At the same time though, it's not really realistic to leave hentai to the likes of Yuria Yoshine, Nina Nishimura, and Nanami Matsumoto, some other actresses need opportunities too. I have no doubt this one will be done well as Rima is a very capable performer but it is just a little disappointing knowing she doesn't fill out as much as you'd like to see.

This graphic conveniently features a certain pair of actresses: Ririko Kinoshita (木下凛々子) and Maki Tomoda (友田真希). I say conveniently because the pair of them have a recently release that is quite nice. I won't spoil it too much because I don't think this is the last you will hear about it from me, but I will encourage you to check it out. It features the pair working for a lingerie company and going door to door to peddle their wares. It's a theme fans of Oppai should be familiar with as they've done this before, but the spin with the MILF Ririko and the even older Maki make for an interesting video, not to mention it's a cross between their main label and their MONROE label (which I for one and quite glad to see). It's directed by Nao Masaki who I've already pointed out is my favourite director so you know it's bound to be incredible.

Keeping on the Madonna theme the graphic also contains a pair of Madonna actresses back to back with Rei Kimura (木村玲衣) in 32nd place and Nami Okimiya (沖宮那美) in 33rd place. Both of them are 2023 debuts for Madonna who seem to have bright futures ahead of them. Personally I'm more into Rei Kimura (the one on the left) as I think she's extremely pretty, but Bookmate's data shows they're nearly identically favoured by fans. I'll let you guys be the judge of them when it comes time for debut season next month, as I've already checked out Rei and Nami is in a good spot to be someone I check out as well.

One of the things I both love and hate about Bookmate's rankings is that they use different images for actresses all the time. It's cool that they do it but it's also a nightmare for me to figure out who all the actresses are each month. On the plus side, it helps me with reading names in Japanese, and I was thankfully familiar enough with her name to tell that our 66th ranked actress, 向井藍, is none other than Ai Mukai. Maybe the short hair gives it away but that picture is so hard to decipher that I wouldn't blame you for not recognizing her. More recent fans of Ai might not know that she had very short hair for several years before growing it out not long before joining Madonna. I'm really quite happy because she is pretty, but short hair like the kind she had was just not for me one bit. I'm also glad to see her still doing well at Madonna when so many actresses come in and get hit by the door on the way out.

Her release in late September was about her virgin in-law asking her to take his virginity and it's a concept that clearly resonated with people. I think that kind of thing resonates with the youth of today and the more wild sex they seem to be having compared to your typical NTR films (like her October release) is definitely refreshing to see. While I have fallen a little bit off the Ai Mukai hype train, videos like this definitely do a good job of reminding you she's worth watching.

Akari Niimura (新村あかり) in 70th place has had some kind of glow up this year the way others like Alice Otsu have had recently. She might not have gone straight to the top but she has steadily been one of the best actresses around. Akari has a pretty good dominant persona she can play and this video gave her an awesome chance to do so. Normally you'd see a tutor video focusing on the tutor being kind, innocent, and stumbling into something with the student, but this one had Akari being wild. I've seen it and it's certainly a great video. There was one scene in particular where she made him study with her being a distraction, touching him, touching herself, and eventually making him stop when she squirted all over his work. That kind of interesting and refreshing spin on this standard trope was nice and I can say nothing but good things about it and her. If you're not already watching her hopefully some upcoming content I have will convince you otherwise.

You know that thing people say about covers being photoshopped? It's true, it's definitely true in the case of Karen Yanagi (柳かれん). That being said, Karen is still nice and still someone I have hope for. It's been a year since we've gotten anyone close to tits that big debut at Madonna, the last being Aya Ueha. Karen's are bigger than Aya's which is exactly what the doctor ordered. Now, photoshop aside, these tits are still big and spectacular and you'll have to wait another month until I post my review of her. In the meantime hopefully these images get you excited for the content to come and perhaps you won't even wait for my review to check her out. She's a shared exclusive between Madonna and E-Body and hopefully we get some banger content as a result.

Aya Ueha (上羽絢) is someone I reviewed last year and had mixed feelings about. Honestly she hasn't been as great as I had hoped, I think largely because she hasn't hti too many of the ideal Madonna series. This one seems a bit more interesting as she plays a mascot for her part time job fuck. Yes, the picture of her and the guy in those mascot outfits is in fact a preview image. I actually kind of like the idea of them picking a part time job that isn't just a convenience store worker, which is all too commonly the go to job. It's kind of sad you can't really do anything with those outfits but I appreciate the effort going a bit outside the norm with this one. Hopefully the drenched, sweaty sex they point out comes out in full force in the video, but I'm honestly tempted to watch it just because it looks interesting.

So there we have the November sales report. Can you believe we're almost at debut season? I've been hyping it up a lot but it's a fine time of the year for me to share debuts day after day. As a reminder, last year I reviewed a debut every day all month long in December. I'm doing exactly the same this year, I'm more than halfway done, and I can't wait to share all the wonderful ladies with you all (and hopefully you all join me for it). Until next time!


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