JAV Sales Report - October 2024 ft. Sumire Kuramoto, Meguri, Yuri Honma, and More!

Published : November 30th, 2024 Written by Oppaira

Welcome to the October Sales Report. We're right around the corner of debut season now so I'm extra excited to look at it and see how the debuts are faring as I pick my last few actresses to check out. Oh, and I guess all these other household names are cool too. Anyway, let's go jump in and see who's doing well at the end of the year.

Top Actresses

Konatsu is an actress I never really had on my radar despite how popular she has been. However, she did the thing that guarantees a watch from me at some point: an Oppai GES film. It’s my favourite series and I watch them all, so unsurprisingly I will check her out at some point. She is one of many in a trend I’ve been seeing at Oppai where they aren’t grabbing the bustiest they can find. I can name scores of women much bustier than Konatsu who should be starring in this film and hopefully one day Oppai will wake up and do what I keep hoping they will.

Asuna always feels like the unwritten ace of Prestige to me even if I know that’s probably not true. I guess maybe I just want her to be because she’s the one I like the most there (read: the only one I watch from them). I do always feel like Prestige has taken a back seat for me which is more so that I’m always disappointed in them. They somehow manage to botch a lot of easy things in surprising ways that I just don’t care to watch. Do I have faith in Asuna nurse? On the surface it’s a good theme but then I wouldn’t be surprised if something was afoul with it. Either way though, Asuna being high up is a good sign for fans of her and Prestige as they rarely score this highly.

Karen is the latest from Muteki to swap to S1 and it feels like I’ve said this a little too recently. Maybe I’m just too used to Muteki being a distant memory than a real studio again. Karen is not an actress I’m equipped to rate, she’s just not my type whatsoever, both being less busty but even her face isn’t my jam either. I am interested to see how she fares against the competition, particularly against how Kaoru Yasui did and how Kiho Kanematsu fares. For reference with Kaoru (which is partially for myself when I need it a few months / years from now):

  • Kaoru debuted Feb 2021
  • Two years later she moved from S1 to Oppai
  • She spent nearly a year on Oppai’s roster before briefly going freelance
  • 3-3.5 years after her debut she is now an Attackers exclusive

We’ll have to see of Karen (or Kiho for that matter) end up doing the same and if they can manage to stick on S1 for longer. As I’ve mentioned before in other places the quality of Muteki debuts is really variable, sometimes being Kaoru who fall off the charts and end up leaving S1, and other times you get Yua Mikami, one of the premier actresses in the entire industry. I know what I think of Karen but I’m likely not a great judge of some actresses and I’ll just sit patiently and let the industry do it for me.

Oh boy do we have a crazy film this time. パイパン in big bold letters on the cover literally translates to shaved pubes and, well, you can also see it on the front cover. If you know the name Sumire Kuramoto then you know that her identity has been centered around her pubes. I have no idea what kind of crazy offer Honnaka gave to get her to throw away her identity because it’s actually wild to see that. It’s not the first time I’ve seen someone get shaved in a film but it’s usually someone busty where the pubes don’t matter. In Sumire’s case it’s literally her everything. I’m sure it will grow back but that’s the kind of thing that takes months if not years to get to, and I can only wonder how fans will react to her not being the same for a while. If there’s any consolation, studios will just have to guess because by the time they start deciding not to give her the same contracts she’ll be back to her normal self.

Asahi is an actress I’ve mentioned in the past to keep an eye on about how she performs. As it turns out it’s easy to keep showing up on the list if you’re as incredible as she is. If you’re a fan or not it’s hard to think of someone quite like her, with her athletic body, solid bust, incredible ass, and strong performing skills. While I don’t think of her first when it comes to nice boobs, I do think about her quite high on the list for the other factors and I think most fans are the same way. Especially with her extensive catalogue for years and years, there’s just so much to explore that fans can keep going back to it.

Like Asahi, Eimi is also a bit of a shocker on the list. Eimi is, well, some sort of weird retired right now. It’s been months since she’s released anything and the sales report doesn’t even seem to care. I think it goes to show that there are plenty of super popular actresses that can ignore not releasing videos and still put up some numbers. I mean just look at the top 25, 4 / 25 are retired on top of some like Eimi not filming and it’s kind of insane to think about.

Top Videos

Yu seems to be doing well for herself which I’m always quite happy about. I’ve always felt like the industry never really enjoyed busty actresses because ladies like Hitomi, Chitose Saegusa, and Hana Haruna never really scored that well. I know from further research I’ve done that it was mostly them falling off everyone’s radar because they spent several years being well liked in the earlier portions of their career. So, as it turns out, even busty actresses can do well when they’re new because the industry loves new actress. Or even some that have been around like Yuria Yoshine can keep it up considering she’s also charting this month. That’s more to say that where I thought Yu might not be an actress for the domestic crowd, it’s actually not surprising to see her keep doing well. She’s obviously my jam for two huge reasons and you’ll get to see my opinion about her next month. It’s probably not a spoiler to say big tits are nice, and that’s not really a controversial statement either given that I’m not alone. Her having VR and IV in the first half a year, plus the video to follow you can see just below this, things are looking good.

I know this is actually the December release but it’s too incredible of a video not to. I mean just look at that lineup, wow. Count it with me, that’s two dozen actresses in one video by S1. Part of me feels like they’re just copying Madonna and trying to one-up them but whatever, I’ll take it. Giving us wild videos like this is, well, wild. Up until about a year ago everyone just assumed the industry was cost cutting wherever it could. I don’t even think we had to assume, we could see for ourselves: bukkake was nowhere to be found, multi-actress videos were at an all-time low, interesting settings were a thing of the past. It’s not quite the same as the mid 2010s but I for one am glad to see them headed back there. Anyway there’s a lot of actresses on the sales that are present in it, in fact every S1 actress in the top DVDs section is in it. That’s a great sign to see that they’re getting their top talent to do fantastic videos. If you’re like me you’re reading into the fact that Yu Tano is front and center in one graphic then Ren Gojo is first in line in the second, though it’s probably not for any particular reason. Or maybe it is and they’ve realized big tits are the best, and I’m just going to keep that up because I want it to be true. There are unfortunately too many actresses I haven’t seen for me to watch it but I’m sure someone I know will and can give me the scoop.

Yui Sayama has been a surprisingly popular debut. I wouldn’t have expected her to come out swinging like this but I think people just naturally like the idea of a tomboy like this. We’ve seen a few others stand out but when you add in this gal aesthetic as well as this rugged working-class woman, I think people gravitate toward it for the uniqueness. The idea of “wow I can’t believe she’s busty underneath” isn’t a new concept, in fact I’ve posted reviews of some on the blog, but I can’t ever recall it being the theme specifically for a debut like this. It’s an interesting combination and I do like the idea of trying to be unique.

Tomo has come out swinging and is far exceeding what I thought. I looked at her and assumed she was a lesser Mitsuki Momota, turns out the industry still likes that. She really just looks like a budget Mitsuki to me, smaller boobs, less pretty, and even debuting for the same studio. Her being very new and feeling like a budget Mitsuki to me means I likely won’t have a review of her this year, but if she continues to remain popular then she’ll definitely be on the list for next year.

Bookmate Rankings

Mayu Shino (篠真有) is the next in a long line of busty S1 actresses. That’s the name of their game in recent times, to be more oppai than studio Oppai themselves. I’m still getting used to it, especially when the quality seems a little lower. Honestly, looking at Mayu’s face, she doesn’t quite seem like your typical S1 actress, as they usually find actresses more facially attractive. But hey, tits are tits, right? Or I should say, huge tits are tits (because all other tits are tits that wish they were huge). Mayu being high up for a single month is something I think likely won’t continue, so we’ll have to check back in during future months to see. There’s a lot of new actresses on the Bookmate list, especially among debuts, so it’s the kind of thing you’d need to come back to see to verify.

Jun Megami (女神ジュン) is a hot new debut for Faleno. If you’ve seen my debut preview you’ve heard about how she was on 8 Man’s roster for a long time before finally debuting. It’s unsurprising to see fans excited about her, she’s pretty, she’s busty, and she’s at a major agency. I wouldn’t blame anyone for having some doubts as to her desire to be in the industry, which feels like maybe they just wore her down until she caved, but you know, maybe most people don’t care about the longevity of actresses the way I do. And really, even though I do care a part of me just says who cares because I have more than enough to watch. Will you be checking out Jun with me?

I for one am glad to see Meguri (めぐり) high up on the charts. As I’m sure most of you are aware, Meguri recently redebuted for Madonna. Not a surprising thing as we’ve been hearing rumours for a little bit leading up to it, but definitely a welcome one. Meguri is one of my favourites and I’m super excited to see her back in action. I’ve seen this one, it’s the same as all their transfer videos so it’s nothing special. I’m sure we’ll continue to have fans calling out for her videos and hopefully we’ll soon see some incredible stuff from her.

Haru Shibasaki (柴崎はる) is still honestly a bit baffling to me. I’m not really the one for a less busty, less conventionally attractive woman. The fact that they’ve played her up as some generic employee or played her as extreme tomboys suggests exactly that, and yet here she’s climbed from someone I would have written off into an actress starring on the main roster and getting a Rebecca release. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the guy who has nothing but boobs on the brain can’t accurately assess a flat actress (and I guess calling the C cup boobs Rebecca lists her as flat is telling of my thoughts). Part of me thinks maybe there’s something there I should look at but I also know myself enough to know between face and tits, if I like neither then I’m just not going to like them at all.

Ichika Seta (瀬田一花) has really been doing wonderfully post-Fitch. I find these days it’s not uncommon to take a small exclusive contract just to give yourself a break. I’m sure having sex all day can be exhausting, especially if you do those crazy every other day schedules I’ve seen some do. Ichika is nowhere near that but good freelancers like her are becoming more and more rare. The videos seem to speak for themselves, especially when they keep finding more and more ways to make her height be this prominent. It is interesting that this always seems to be her thing when others at the same height don’t do this, and maybe it feels like they’re trying to prop her up just a bit because she’s not the same quality. That being said, I do like the uniqueness and hope to see more refreshing videos from her.

Yu Sasamoto (笹本ゆう) is this weird enigma for me because I have no idea how she weirdly seems popular and unpopular at the same time. The label she’s at for SOD seems trash tier and they keep doing these weird videos following some strange narrative with her. At any rate I feel like she’s very plain and uninspiring which makes me wonder what people see in her. I don’t know what they see that I’m missing but I guess all the power to them and SOD to make someone like her work. The fact she has a Rebecca video made me second guess if she’s actually way better than I think, and I think maybe I’ll have to seriously consider her for debut season.

Yuri Honma (本真ゆり) is an actress we basically never talk about on the sales report because she’s never doing well. That’s largely a product of how awful her career has gone. If you remember back to early pandemic days it was incredible but now it’s just me praying something isn’t terrible. Turns out my Christmas wish came true early because this is one hell of a video she has coming out, on top of a pretty good one last month. It’s nice to see someone caring about her and hopefully that can translate into some more great opportunities like this.

Yuna Shiina (椎名ゆな) is someone who has been doing better and better in recent months. I’ve always been critical about her performing being mediocre but I feel like these days it’s not as bad as I remember it. I think more than anything Yuna is just getting more interesting videos. Her October release is on my Watchlist for a reason, even despite me knowing Yuna isn’t that strong of an actress. Maybe to some degree that’s my lower head talking since she’s still very pretty, but I’m pretty sure this is the first I’ve seen of that video. I tend to only see Madonna using trench coats when the guy is training his wife, not when it’s stuff like this. I would have always assumed that Yuna would do well regardless because of how much people have always liked her but maybe she’s just gaining fans back by being better than before.

I hope you've enjoyed the latest sales report and join us again next month. Until next time!


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