JAV Toy Review - Anton's Experiment in Onacup Variation

Published : May 31st, 2023 Written by Anton Algren

Hi folks. You may remember in my Sumire Mizukawa fan meet article that my attending that event largely came about as a backup plan to the failure of my attending another, Dogma event. Well, as it turns out, I also made a backup plan in case I was unable to attend Sumire’s fan meet! It’s this:

Back in my AIKA fan meet article, I mentioned how I ran across an onacup vending machine, but did not purchase any of the wares inside. Well, I confess that decision has been nagging me for a while, and as a result, whilst at the KT Max store, I also decided to buy a collection of onacups, to run a little experiment.

Each AV actress onacup advertises unique features that relate to distinctive features of the actresses’ own vaginas. But what does this mean in practice? What distinguishes one AV onacup from another in terms of the actual experience? I decided to find out.


Cup 1 - Control Group - Tenga

This is the standard Tenga onacup that you can find just about everywhere in Japan. Even in my small, rural town, you can go to the local drugstore and pick up one of these for only 700 yen (AV ones are a little more expensive). And I decided to grab one to serve as the baseline from which I would judge all following onacups.

The setup is fairly simple. Onacups are meant to be cheap, disposable, single-use sex toys, so there’s no worry about cleaning or maintenance for them. You just unwrap the toy, pop the cap off, and have fun. The interior is already lubricated, so you don’t even need to use your own lube, and while it certainly doesn’t feel like an actual vagina, it definitely feels better than your hand.

The inner duct is lined with small bumps, but the shape is consistently cylindrical, with no fluctuations in tightness. And there’s an opening at the top of the cup, so that any air generated by your motion goes out, and the pressure of the toy stays consistent. Again, very standard and baseline.

Overall enjoyment was good. Like I said, it’s no replacement for the real thing, but it certainly outdoes your hand, especially with regards to the ending. And because you don’t have to worry about cleanup, you can take some time to relax afterwards, instead of hastily jumping up to run over to the sink.


Cup 2 - Aoi Tsukasa

Like Sumire Mizukawa, Aoi Tsukasa is an actress whom I really love, despite the fact that she didn’t make my “Top 10” list article (I should probably write another one of those). So when I saw her onacup on the shelf at KT Max, I decided to grab it. Right off the bat there are some noticeable differences between Aoi’s onacup and the standard Tenga one. The opening is shaped like Aoi’s vagina, and there’s no hole at the top. Also, unlike the Tenga cup, lube is not already inside the cup, it comes instead in a little bottle you have to extract from Aoi’s insides.

The lube bottle was honestly a pain. It’s so small, the cap is taller than the bottle itself, and given how big my hands are, this meant that if I squeezed too hard on the bottle while I unscrewed the cap, all the lube could spurt out at once. But if I didn’t squeeze hard enough, then I couldn’t stabilize the bottle enough for the cap to move. So it was a very delicate balancing act that required some effort and concentration, which rather put a damper on the up-till-then sexy mood.

More than that, the lube is water-based, which, obviously, is what you need with toys, but which I find a pain, because it dries up really easily, which means you need to stop midway through masturbation to reapply lube, and also because if there’s a connective strand of lube between the toy and the bottle (you not being able to make a clean break), that strand will extend as far as your arm span. Seriously, it’s a real pain.

That is nowhere near as annoying as the issues created by there being no hole at the top. Because of this, there’s nowhere for the air to go when you insert your cock, which meant that I could barely squeeze my head in, and when at last I managed to insert my full shaft, I could barely move the onacup! It had suctioned onto me like a lamprey, and who wants to think about lampreys when you’re trying to get off?

And if you’re thinking to yourself “Okay, that stinks. But can I at least eat out Aoi’s plastic pussy?” I’m afraid the answer is “probably not”. Despite being freshly bought, the plastic vagina had a funny smell that was noticeable right on opening. And as for taste, it’s about what you would expect from plastic. I tried taking the pussy out of the cup, but this just made a flabby sleeve, and I tried reinserting the pussy after taking out the styrofoam lining of the onacup’s interior, but this just resulted in farting noises coming out of the toy as the air desperately tried to escape.

Overall enjoyment was poor, to the point where I ended up just throwing the toy away and using my hand. I’m afraid I would not recommend this, but maybe the next two toys will be better?


Cup 3 - Eimi Fukada

After the debacle that was the Aoi Tsukasa onacup, I ended up going online, trying to find if I’d simply used the onacup incorrectly. I checked the product description on multiple sites and peered over my two remaining onacups, trying to see if there was something I was missing. Alas, if there was, I never found it. Perhaps Aoi’s onacup had simply been faulty? I certainly hoped so, and like any good experiment, I couldn’t simply write off AV onacups after only one dud, right?

Alas, my hope was largely dashed when the opening of Eimi’s onacup revealed the contents to be largely the same as Aoi’s. Eimi’s onacup at least did not have a funny smell to it, but it was still very obviously soft plastic, so those of you who like to eat pussy probably won’t get anything out of it. And while the issues I had with Eimi’s onacup were not as severe as those with Aoi’s, they were still ultimately the same problems.

By the time you can force the onacup down to your base, it’s latched on so tightly that it can’t really go back up. And while I don’t know what every member of our readership is into, I don’t think anyone here is really a fan of a pussy clamping shut around your cock like a vice midway through the sexual act. Though, really, the more I think about it, the more amusing such an image becomes. Like, you could drag her along the bed or something. It’s certainly a more interesting idea than the weird pussy shenanigans Frank Herbert got up to in later Dune books. But I’m going down a rabbit hole.

Not wanting to waste the toy completely, I used my hand until I was just about to cum, before using the removed plastic piece of the onacup to finish. So, if usage of the toy corresponds with overall enjoyment, I’d say that’s pretty fair, given how my overall enjoyment with Eimi’s onacup was better than that of Aoi’s, but still much lower than that of the standard Tenga.


Cup 4 - AIKA

Unfortunately, in this case, the third verse was the same as the second. There was no funny smell like Aoi’s onacup (which leads me to wonder why Aoi’s cup was so smelly), but any serious attempts at going up and down were hampered by the central design flaw of having nowhere for excess air to escape. The thing is, each onacup advertises itself with unique features in the opening and duct, but you wouldn’t know it, since it all feels the same once it’s vacuumed itself to your cock.

AIKA may have inspired this little experiment of mine, but if this is what was in that vending machine, I don’t really regret not taking anything from it. I’m sure that there are many other, far better AV sex toys out there, but for now, I think I can safely say that you don’t need all the bells and whistles that come with actress-specific onacups, when a standard Tenga will serve you far better. Sometimes simple is best, as they say, and in the case of onacups, I’m inclined to agree with them.

JAV Toy Review - Anton's Experiment in Onacup Variation

Production Quality
Overall Satisfaction


drk 1 year ago
FYI, link to the top 10 post is broken.
Anton Algren 1 year ago

Ah, rats. Thank you. It's fixed.

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