New to Me MILF Edition 2 - Tsubasa Amami

Tsubasa Amami
Birthday (Age at debut): 1988-03-08 (21 years old)
Height: 160cm
Measurements: B85 - W60 - H93
Cup Size: E Cup
Debuted: For Idea Pocket on 2009-10-01
Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, Fantia
Tsubasa Amami is an actress I've kind of known about for a while but never really watched or paid any attention to. She was around when my preferences were much different than her and was just never someone I bothered to check out. After people started recommending her to me I figured she was worth a shot.
Facially I thought she was okay. For me one of the big things is that she's always using a ton of makeup around her eyes. I don't think she's unattractive or anything, just that I prefer a much more natural look. Being in her 30s (as of the video I watched) was certainly helpful in her maturity being what I tend to prefer.
Tsubasa's tits were fairly nice. Maybe not as big as I prefer but they were still a good size, and they were also quite firm, almost to a point you might wonder if they were actually fake. Even though I prefer boobs a bit less firm they were still plenty nice to look at.
Tsubasa's ass was also fairly nice. I found quite a few positions looked great on her, perhaps due to the panties accentuating it. Either way, definitely an ass you could enjoy that added something extra to her already nice frame. Speaking of which, her arms and legs were a fairly nice size and made her entire body look quite nice.
Tsubasa certainly got a bit whiny during her performing. It was unfortunate to see her do that in a more dominant video, especially when she had some moments that really stuck out as being quite nice. I don't think she was ultimately that bad during the action, I just didn't see her being as good as I expected from such a veteran.
One thing Tsubasa did excel at was setting the mood. She could start and finish a scene on high notes that made you somewhat forget about the middle not being as good as it could have been. Something as simple as "look the bed is quiet" or "keep this between us" really went a long way in my opinion.
Video Review
Tsubasa Amami plays a real estate agent that wants to win the prize for most sales. She decides to use her special technique to close the deal, offering up her hot body to get people to sign.
The concept was pretty fun and lighthearted and there was a lot of great stuff going on throughout it. You'd see her show a guy a bedroom and offer up herself on the bed to test it out, or she'd be showing a couple the place and mess around with the guy when his partner was off exploring. I tend to prefer videos with more connected narratives but thematically it all worked out throughout the video. Tsubasa herself was also good, generally hitting the right notes about being upbeat or getting a guy to cheat on his partner. Even if she was submissive at times the scenes all ended off quite nicely. And let's not forget how great she looked with the various office lady outfits, including seeing her with glasses on.
Tsubasa's career has been quite incredible if you think about the fact she's been an Idea Pocket exclusive for more than a decade. You don't tend to get actresses that stay in the industry that long and exclusively at one studio. I think this is especially true at Tsubasa's age (mid 30s) where Idea Pocket has moved to a much younger crowd since all the older veterans left. True, Tsubasa had done some Attackers content in the past, though I don't really consider that being non-exclusive since they're sister studios. I think that Tsubasa still being at IP these days gives her some interesting content because it forces IP to be more creative. With their roster generally being a lot younger, they can't utilize the same themes anymore; schoolgirl Tsubasa just doesn't make sense.
One interesting thing is that Tsubasa manages to get the odd video with other studios these days. She's worked with both Madonna and Tameike Goro, something you really wouldn't have expected from her. I mean, if anyone at IP is going to do it then she would be the one, it's just these cross studio collaborations don't happen very often. I could honestly see Tsubasa at Madonna one day and it wouldn't surprise me if she did.
Rating - A
I will definitely watch them again.
I'm not crazy about Tsubasa but she's got a charm to her that I think will win me over. She's not quite big tiddy MILF but then that's not necessarily a bad thing. Having someone with her maturity at IP seems like a recipe for some more interesting concepts even if I think she doesn't fit their current persona. There are definitely a few things that look interesting, and while I'm not clamoring for more of her right now, I would in fact be surprised if I didn't watch her again fairly soon.
Current Rating - A
I will definitely watch them again.
I've now seen Tsubasa a second time and she continues to be pretty solid all around. Like I said before, she isn't quite the big tiddy MILF I would be all over but honestly she's been solid. I can totally see myself watching a couple of things here and there from her. The left video screenshot above is the second video I saw, featuring a pretty lengthy non-nude cameo from Hibiki Otsuki. On the right is a video costarring Sumire Mizukawa which looks pretty nice and is totally something that would get me to watch Tsubasa. Even some of the videos I listed from her career look like a good time that I would be interested in watching.
Tsubasa is part of my New to Me series, MILF Edition 2. At the end of the week there will be a recap post that you can see here where I will go over my overall thoughts of the actresses posted, be sure to check it out!
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