New To Me - S1 Edition - First Impressions of Current and Former S1 Actresses

Published : July 18th, 2020 Written by Oppaira

Hey everyone, Oppaira here. Today marks me picking up a longstanding series that I have done on another blog I've written for called New To Me. New To Me is a pretty straightforward concept: I pick seven actresses I've never seen, watch one video each, and give an initial impression about the actress. I then pick which actresses were the best in different categories.

New To Me is a series that evolved from a lack of diversity among posts I've done in the past. They always centered around the few actresses I liked which was even more true before this series started. While I never expected it to become a regular column I've found I enjoy it quite a lot. Discovering new actresses can be great, especially since you never know what you're missing out on. Some of my favourites have been actresses I've discovered from New To Me!

Before getting into it let me quickly go over the ratings I use:

S Extremely excited. This is the kind of actress where I not only know I'm going to watch again but I'm going to watch them again very soon. There's a good chance I've already seen them again by the time this post is out.
A Definitely but not immediately. These are actresses I enjoyed quite a bit and see myself watching again for sure, but I don't want to watch them right away.
B Eventually tier. Actresses in this category are ones where I'm interested in watching again but I'm willing to wait until they become a better actress or the right video comes along.
C Maybe tier. Actresses who rank here are ones where I'm really not sure about watching them again. Maybe it'll happen if I come across a good video, maybe that never happens.
D Highly doubt it. They had qualities I didn't like that makes me uninterested. Never say never but I would be surprised if I ever did.
F Hard pass. I'm not interested in every watching them again and I will plan not to. It would take a miracle like starring in my favourite series or with my favourite actress for me to watch them again.


One thing to keep in mind  is that my ratings here are based entirely on my desire to watch them again.

This edition, called S1 Edition, is centered around actresses from the studio S1. S1 is a very popular studio and is known primarily for their attractive women. They always have a huge roster of actresses, all exclusive to S1, and focus on how attractive they are instead of the performances. Many of them aren't good performers at all but people look past it when they're as attractive as they are. Some of my favourites from S1's current roster are Aika Yumeno, Rara Anzai (formerly RION), Yua Mikami, and Saki Okuda. S1 has also had a lot of my all-time favourites come through their studio including Meguri, Ai Sayama, and Anri Okita. The actresses in this post are made up of some current members as well as some high profile former members, and again, all of them are actresses I've never seen. I elected to skip any 2020 debut actresses, any of them that I think are worth checking out will show up in my 2020 debut posts later this year. Anyway, without further ado let's get into it.


Miru Sakamichi

I can't say Miru is someone I was particularly excited to watch but she's quite popular right now (she made both of DMM's top 100 lists this month) and someone people seem to talk about a lot. Especially with her starring in this year's Beauty Venus video (a collab between S1, Idea Pocket, and a third studio) it seemed like as good a time as any to watch her.

First off Miru wasn't for me physically. I can see where people come from when they like her as she fits the typical S1 aesthetic. She isn't that curvy but a lot of people are turned off by the extreme curves I tend to prefer (read: Hitomi). Miru being fairly young is also to her benefit at S1, she's currently 20 years old (she's listed as just barely being born in the 90s). I personally tend to prefer actresses with some amount of maturity, maybe around 10 years older, so Miru just wasn't for me facially either. I'm not saying Miru was bad but she isn't for me and I really kind of knew that going into it.

From a performance standpoint Miru was pretty good actually. Even though she moaned a lot she knew what she was doing and was engaging in several ways. A lot of actresses just totally tune out when they start moaning but Miru would look at the guy or be very active during intercourse. I had been told she's quite enthusiastic and I get what people are saying. Especially with her being in the industry for under two years (under 1.5 at the time of this video) and with her working for S1 I was pleasantly surprised.

The video itself was good. It was about Miru having sex with her sister's boyfriend when her sister was away. I liked the plot having a cheating aspect that seemed more lighthearted and fun than they usually turn out. It also came across nicely when Miru was engaged and energetic during it.

Rating - C

Miru isn't someone that I particularly want to watch again but if the right video comes along then I could see that happening. It's entirely possible this year's Beauty Venus is that video. I remember BV5 was a video I wrote off for a long time but it blew my mind when I watched it; it's in my top 25 videos of all time which really says something. What's even more surprising is that I wasn't much of a fan of any of them and yet two of them I'm now big fans of (Aika Yamagishi and Minami Aizawa). If people say this year's Beauty Venus is good then I imagine I'll check it out and see Miru again, but I suspect I won't otherwise watch her. Maybe a good group video with some other S1 actresses comes out and prompts me to watch her, but barring those two Miru just isn't for me.'


Kirara Asuka

Kirara is someone I've been meaning to watch for a long time. I've kind of always put it off because my expectation was that I wouldn't be a huge fan. I've seen clips of her before, enough to formulate a minimal opinion of her that I probably wouldn't wind up being a huge fan. She was always an "I'll catch her later" actress so I'm kind of glad to finally get around to it.

Physically Kirara is alright. I definitely think I don't find her as attractive as the average JAV fan does considering how popular she has been, though that isn't to say she's unattractive. I think to me the biggest thing is that you can tell she's full of plastic. One of the reasons I like JAV so much in the first place is that actresses are, on average, more natural than in western porn. Seeing not only her augmented breasts but her face full of plastic hit a bit of a sour spot with me. A lot of actresses get plastic surgery done but they do minimal work just to improve around the edges: Kirara's looks like it's a bit excessive. I still don't think she's unattractive though and her body does still look nice with the slim figure she has. Who knows, maybe Kirara before having all the work she had done is more attractive and I may actually like that look.

Performance-wise Kirara was what I expected. She wasn't the strongest performer out there but she was decent by S1 standards. S1 really is the epitome of "looks matter most in porn" and Kirara is a spitting example of it. I have no doubt that her fans cared more about her appearance than her mediocre performing. Kirara just didn't seem to have the enthusiasm you would expect in this style of video. I never got an impression that she was enjoying the stuff she was doing, and any expression of enthusiasm or enjoyment never came off as natural.

The video itself was still quite enjoyable though. The concept was having sex with guys in an adult store and it's a great plot. I think what makes it so great isn't how realistic it seems (I don't have any illusions of this being anything other than staged) but how easy it is to see yourself there. One could easily imagine themselves out buying porn and fantasize about having sex with a top actress like this. Especially in the first sex scene when she leaves her top on it really emphasizes the theme of them just doing it in the middle of the store spontaneously. They also make a concession to it later on when a passerby ends up joining in for a blowjob.

Rating - C

I make no illusions about wanting to watch Kirara again. I think my expectations going in were basically spot on and that I didn't like Kirara all that much. I doubt that I will watch her again but to say I disliked her to the point I will never watch her again is a bit much. I'm sure some people are going to recommend some Kirara stuff to me so only time will tell.


Nene Yoshitaka

Nene is someone I've heard lots about and she's been touted as one of the big names in S1 for some time. She recently transferred to another studio, Faleno, who poached a number of top S1 actresses (Aoi and Arina Hashimoto as well). Even though she isn't currently with them she spent over two years with them and it just felt like the perfect opportunity to check her out.

Physically Nene didn't really do much for me. She really isn't curvy at all and as a westerner I prefer much curvier actresses. Japanese C (American B) is quite small for my preferences and the actresses with those sized breasts really need to stand out a lot more physically in other ways. Nene's ass didn't strike me as anything special and her body in general seemed a little too thin. I also just didn't find her face as pretty as probably the average person does, chalk it up to personal preference I guess.

Nene also didn't strike me as the strongest performer. I wouldn't say she was bad, in fact she's probably good by S1 standards, however S1 standards are quite low. Nene understood the plot and what she was supposed to do she just didn't do it well enough. Sometimes you can watch an actress and immediately see they have a special quality to them but I didn't get any of that with Nene.

This video is the same as an Idea Pocket series in which the actress decides to be naughty with her boss. Nene goes to town on him and it's hard for him to say no to the hot younger chick. I found the video paled in comparison to some other versions of this plot. It wasn't just that Nene wasn't as captivating but the scenes were somewhat lacking as well. I found the middle section missed out on some good content and a handjob on the train really didn't do it for me. I did however quite enjoy Nene in glasses and knee-high socks, and the video was far from bad.

Rating - D

D for doubt here because I doubt I'm going to watch her again. Nene just didn't really do much for me. Looks are a big deal and Nene just isn't someone I'm attracted to. This isn't to say that she's bad but that she isn't for me. Faleno is a bit of a wild card since they're quite new so it's hard to say what content they'll eventually put out. That being said if I'm watching stuff from them I'd prefer Ayaka or Arina, or even one of their debuts like Momojiri Kaname or Yume Nikaidou.


Shion Yumi

Shion's been an actress on my watch list for a while but was never that high up. I expect S1 actresses to be quite mediocre on their debut and even for a while afterwards, so if the actress doesn't seem like something special she'll just fall to the backlog. S1 week was really the perfect opportunity to go over an actress like Shion, especially since she's gotten some experience under her belt.

Physically Shion was nice. I didn't find her as pretty as S1 actresses tend to be which I think is less about Shion and more about how attractive S1 actresses tend to be. She's still attractive enough to enjoy which is what matters. The rest of her is quite enjoyable physically. She's got some nice big boobs and a pretty big ass to boot. Just a general thiccness to her that's quite nice, especially at S1 where you don't really get this kind of actresses. I think a lot of things just looked good in relation, her ass wasn't necessarily the roundest but the size coupled with her nice thicc thighs really did her some good in that department.

From a performance standpoint Shion wasn't impressive. Up to this point she had released around two dozen videos and I would expect her to be a little bit better than this. She definitely fills the S1 poor acting stereotype quite well. She was so disinterested the entire time, including once she started to enjoy it all. Even when she wasn't enjoying it she wasn't really that expressive about it. I think she was pretty much the same the entire time and it's just so hard to enjoy actresses like that.

The video itself was about a guy spending the summer with a childhood friend in the countryside. Nothing to do but have sex with her, especially when her revealing clothing showed off her hot body. It wasn't that good and was definitely worse than the recent Minori review I did of the same theme. Even while Shion's body failed to get sweaty and her performance was lacking her curves did still stand out, especially among this crowd of S1 actresses.

Rating - B

Despite not being a good performer I think her body is enough to give her another chance. I think the performance is probably very representative of her on the whole but I think I could find a video I would align with better in terms of content and visuals. Who knows when I will watch another but I'd be surprised if I never saw another video from her.


Akiho Yoshizawa

Akiho is someone I've been eyeing for a little bit now. Akiho, better known by fans as Acky, is someone who I've heard about for a while and is generally regarded quite highly by her fans. She's long been an industry veteran having spent a total of 16 years in the industry. Not only that but she's someone who worked as a dual exclusive for S1 and Maxing; S1 only deals with exclusive actresses so her situation was definitely interesting and unique. I had ultimately never decided to watch her until after she retired but there have been plenty of retired actresses I've become a fan of.

Physically Akcy is solid. Her curves are a little bit on the mild side, they definitely could have been nicer. I thought Akcy was decently attractive, she had a more mature look to her that I do tend to prefer. Considering she retired in her mid 30s she definitely didn't always look milfy like this. She actually reminded me a lot of Yuma Asami, another former S1 actress I watched for an earlier New To Me entry. I opted to watch one later in her career both because I thought I would find her more attractive but also because her performing would be better.

Speaking of which, Acky's performing skills were great. She had a tough role to play with a lot of different personalities rolled into one video. I thought she managed all of them quite well and it really showed her experience. Acky may not have had videos come out every couple of days like some actresses have in their peak but she's had a lot of videos over the years. I think just the sheer amount of time she's been around has given her a lot of time to perfect her craft. I knew Acky was beloved coming into it but I actually didn't know her performing was part of that (there are plenty of highly ranked actresses who aren't the best performers) so that was nice to see.

In the video I watched Akiho played the stepmom of a family with seven boys. Of course she wound up being responsible for their well being, sexually as well. I think the main reason I liked the video so much was that Acky was good at playing the mom in whatever way was necessary whether she had to scold her son or reward them. Especially with the variety of the scenes (sex in the kitchen, a gangbang, breast sucking, etc.) it was just a well rounded video.

Rating - A

Despite being retired I do think I'll watch her again. I get what fans see in her, she definitely has some good qualities to her. I doubt I'll become a huge follower like a lot of her fans but in her 16 years she undoubtedly has some good content. I've seen what looks to be like some good deepthroating content if the trailers are any indication and that's just the tip of the iceberg. I think Acky working for both S1 and Maxing is just so amazing on so many levels and presents so many good opportunities. Count my in for more Acky in the not-so-distant future!


Miharu Usa

Miharu has been someone I've wanted to watch for a while. She strikes me as being similar to a lot of the busty actresses that come through S1, especially early Aika Yumeno. Aika Yumeno's someone I enjoy quite a lot, she's in my top 25 actresses, so of course I'd be interested in someone quite similar.

Physically Miharu was good but not as good as I had hoped. She's definitely the busty petite type but I found she was a little less on the busty side and more on the petite size. That's not to say her boobs weren't nice, they were, but comparing her to similar actresses like Aika Yumeno she just isn't quite as nice there. That does extend to the rest of her as well, a slim figure but not enough curve, her ass really wasn't anything noteworthy. I did find Miharu to be fairly pretty though and I enjoyed seeing her bright smile.

From a performance standpoint Miharu showed some good signs but was ultimately disappointing. Miharu's been around for about four years at the time of this video and I'm surprised she isn't better than this at this point. She reminds me exactly of Aika Yumeno: good during everything but sex. She had a lot of vibrant expressions and showed a lot of enthusiasm but when she started having sex she just seemed to be a different person. The Aika Yumeno problem isn't unique to either of them, several actresses do that, and part of it is due to Japanese preferences. I don't always hate it but when it does matter when it mismatches with the plot, which it absolutely did here.

The video itself was a fairly interesting theme with the bulk of it taking place at a laundromat. The family washing machine breaks and the guy ends up having sex with Miharu while washing his family's clothes. I'll admit it was a bit far-fetched, especially with them just doing it in public with people walking by them, but seeing Miharu have sex up against a laundry machine or on top of one was quite nice. Especially seeing her with just a sweater on while having sex, my word did it ever look nice.

Rating - B

I think Miharu had enough good qualities as a whole. She sells the young, busty petite quite well and I think she'll be at S1 for a while yet. I'm not super excited about her but I do suspect I'll watch her again eventually.


Tsukasa Aoi

Tsukasa Aoi has long since been a big name at S1. I wouldn't say I was ever super interested in her but her popularity precedes her; she's been a top 25 actress all of 2020 (at the time of writing this), both domestically and internationally. She was definitely someone to watch when I did this S1 New To Me Week.

Physically I had some mixed vibes from her. I thought she was rather pretty actually, definitely more than I expected. She pretty much nailed the young housewife look which was conveniently her role in the video I saw. I think I could see her playing older sister roles too which would be nice. Her breasts weren't as nice as I had hoped and I think they're most likely enhanced. They just didn't have any motion to them and the lifelessness of them wasn't great. Her ass, on the other hand, was quite nice. Once again it was something I didn't expect that I enjoyed.

From a performance standpoint she was a bit underwhelming to me. She wasn't terrible but considering how highly she's regarded I expected much more. Especially considering that the video was her taking the lead I expected a lot stronger of a performance out of her. It felt like she could take direction from the director about how to get the scene going but not actually do the right things during it.

The video had Aoi playing a young housewife whose husband goes away on business and she's left with one of his subordinates. The video itself was solid, a lot of nice sex scenes with some good variety. As I mentioned the performance wasn't there and it did hurt the video a decent amount, particularly because the theme was nonexistent for a large portion of the video. Still, porn can be enjoyed with good eye candy and between her really looking like a young housewife and her ass, the content was enjoyable.

Rating - C

At the end of the day Tsukasa just isn't my cup of tea. Her ass is nice and she has a nice face but those only go so far. I prefer tits to ass and her performing just isn't there. I wouldn't say I'll never watch her and I certainly didn't hate her but with so many other actresses I watch already Tsukasa just isn't for me.


Best In Class

Most Attractive (pretty) Miharu Usa
Best Tits Shion Yumi
Best Ass Tsukasa Aoi
Best Body Shion Yumi
Best Video Akiho Yoshizawa
Best Performer Akiho Yoshizawa
Most likely to watch again Akiho Yoshizawa
Least likely to watch again Nene Yoshitaka


I found Miharu Usa to be the most attractive of the bunch. She's young and cute, and while I normally don't like that as much as the next person I found myself enjoying Miharu.

Shion Yumi had the best tits, which maybe I think that because they were also the biggest. Considering Hitomi is my favourite actress it should be pretty unsurprising I'm not a fan of the smaller breast sizes here. She also had the nicest body overall, I think the thiccness she had was a welcome sight considering how thin S1 actresses generally are.

Tsuasa Aoi had the nicest ass and I think it looked particularly nice on her slim figure. I'm definitely on the side of tits when it comes to tits vs ass but I can appreciate a nice ass.

Nene Yoshitaka was overall the actress I'm least likely to watch again. In fact, she was the only one that scored D or lower, meaning she's the only one I'm planning explicitly not to watch again. Again, nothing personal to Nene, she just isn't my cup of tea and her performing wasn't good enough to offset that.

Akiho Yoshizawa was the best performer and had the best video. I think it was the fact she was the best performer that led to her having the best video. She also managed to be the one I'm most interested in watching again despite being retired. I ultimately chalk that up to her illustrious career and how many quality videos it looks like there are out there.



Anyway there you have it, another New To Me in the books. I have another one coming up in a few weeks and then I'll have a number of them late in the year as I go over the 2020 debuts I watched. Until next time!


Penise 4 years ago
I dont know what I read but I love it
spaten78 4 years ago
Really like these types of articles. Appreciate the insight. So many works by Acky, so nice to have a recommendation for a particular one. I feel like Shion Yumi and Aika Yumeno are in the same boat. They both look absolutely amazing. They both have a ton of smoldering covers on their works. Its all about finding the right work with a strong performance to go with it, and then you've got a gem. For Aika Yumeno, one of those is SSNI-676, for which there is a great review on this blog. I look forward to that moment with Shion where its "Yeah, this is it. This is the one to get."
ZENRA 4 years ago
Thanks for the comment. I've always respected Acky for doing JAV for such a long time, but saddened to see her never truly spread her wings with 'out there' content.
Oppaira 4 years ago
Glad you and others like the content, there's plenty more of these coming. I have another four of these planned through the rest of the year, three of them aimed at 2020 debuts. Anyway I think you're probably right about Shion and Aika, things hedge a lot on their works. That's probably generally true about actresses that aren't the best performers, the good videos stand out quite a lot. You're definitely right about SSNI-676, I should know since I wrote that review ;)
DigaRW 4 years ago
Glad to see Acky got a good score in the list. I'm a huge fan of her and placed her on 1st from list of my favorite actress. She definitely a solid performer and I always satisfied every her video I watched (I only watched less than 20 her videos, sadly. Better I start searching now.). I wished she do well in her retirement.

By the way, this "New to Me" blog is great, I haven't read the earlier. I should read it now.
ZENRA 4 years ago
I'm surprised Oppaira was so ho-hum on Nene Yoshitaka. I haven't seen much of her work, granted, but I find her beautiful.
Oppaira 4 years ago
I kind of want to say Acky was surprisingly good but I've heard a lot of good things about her. Easily one of the best actress of the last decade it seems.

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