Oppaira's 2023 JAV Debut Review Roundup

Published : January 7th, 2024 Written by Oppaira


Hey guys, welcome to my 2023 debut roundup. It's been a pretty stacked year this time around and I've had a lot of fun reviewing this year's debuts. I definitely wasn't expecting some of the beauties we got this year or where they wound up but I'm pretty pleased with what we got. I've also been hard at work producing even better content than before and hopefully you've all enjoyed it. Like always, I'd love to hear what you thought about the posts and the content I've worked on. As a reminder you can check out my advent calendar here, which goes over all the debuts I've seen this year. I'm hopeful that as I check out more actresses next year that I can add them to this post as well to keep everything in one handy place. With that said let's get into it.

Rating Changes

Miyu is someone I find myself more and more interested in as time goes on. Seeing her get her first drama video I realized that even though her performing still looks mediocre I don't really care. She has fantastic tits and the sum of her parts is great. Maybe she won't be the slam dunk I'm hoping she can be but I'm sure the second video won't be the last one.

Momoka is also someone I've realized the exact same thing as with Miyu. Even if she isn't facially there I realize I'm going back to my roots with her a bit. I'd be surprised if it takes me a few months to get to her again, she has such a banging body from the neck down that I can't ignore.

I'm also much higher on Karen Yanagi than I first thought I would be. Even if she's a bit heavier than others and things don't stand out perhaps as much the simple truth is that being the juiciest MILF of the year comes with some perks. I know what I like and when it comes to Madonna actresses I'm willing to watch quite a bit on the lower side of things.

Maaya Irita is someone I really haven't been feeling since I first watched her. She got high marks partially due to her being the second debut I watched. When I come back and look at what the competition looks like, the standards are just way higher. With the new ratings there's a dozen actresses above her now and I simply recognize that between that and being at Faleno the chances of me watching her are quite a bit lower than I initially placed her at.

Kazusa Kuno's B rating was kind of an early concession to how much I like mature actresses. At the end of the day Madonna has so many actresses that I enjoy. If I go and look at their bus tour part two there's so many actresses I prefer over Kazusa. In fact, there's straight up over a dozen I prefer, and that's not including the many actresses I like there that didn't appear in it. I look at my watching habits, how frequently I actually get to some of these actresses, and just accept that Kazusa likely ain't it. There are two others higher on the list in Rei Kimura and Karen Yanagi that I see as being better winners at S1 this year.

Riri Okamoto seems to have continued with her woes of getting more opportunities. I get the sense that Fitch's NIKUYOKU label will be the highlight of her career and that's not a good place to be. I think there's still positives to her that can be good but ultimately I just don't see it happening.

Mitsuki Momota was someone that was very hard for me to rate initially. Part of me kept going back to slim and stacked and realizing I would probably watch her again but there's still a dozen actresses above her. I think especially when I look at how incredible all their tits are Mitsuki's get drowned out a bit.

Rating Exceptions

Nami Okimiya and Sayuri Hayama are going to end up being two actresses that have an asterisk next to their names in terms of the ratings they get from me. I think they're just okay but their involvement in Madonna's anniversary content is going to mean I'll watch them more than others. Nami is in the first, both are in the second, and I know I'll be watching those videos. It means that things are going to be a bit inflated for them in the rankings.


There has only been one retirement this year as far as I can tell right now. I think with the new AV law it becomes extremely difficult to tell early on if an actress retires or not. Last time around I pegged Natsuki Hoshino and Hinata Kimitsuka as retired and they both wound up back in the scene after a few months. This time I'll be a bit more conservative about it.

It looks like it's true that Non Miharu up and retired so I'm unfortunately dropping her down a spot at D. She has now missed cycles in November, December, and January, and combined with the things people have said about her, I'll accept she's actually retired and move on. While it's true that the new AV law can make things a bit tricky you tend to see the gap in their career happen a lot earlier on. She had a full six standard releases before she disappeared and that really doesn't seem like the new AV law at play. She wasn't a bad actress but let's face it, even at C tier there's almost 20 actresses I like more than her. There's just no reason to spend my time watching a retired actress like her with so many other actresses out there.

Final Ratings

Best In Class

Most Attractive (Pretty)

Prettiest actress is a category I always find difficult to do because the prettiest every year can always vary so much. I expect a few actresses with nice tits or nice asses but for some reason not every year has beauties. This year was pretty good for us though and gave me a few things to think about.

Erika Ichigo is my pick for second prettiest. It was a bit tough to pick but I found her to be quite pretty despite her more youthful appearance (and I say that as someone who generally prefers more mature women).

Rei Kimura is my pick for prettiest actress. There have been a lot of beauties this time around but Rei Kimura is that perfect sweet spot of maturity for me. She looks a bit older (and clearly is when she actually debuted a decade ago) but she's still got some more youthfulness to her compared to most of Madonna. I've just been enamored by her and she no doubt will be someone I watch because she's very pretty.

Best Tits

Best tits is always the one I'm most interested to see since I am the boob man. This year had so many incredible pairs and is probably the best year since I've been doing any of this. S1 really knocked it out of the park and I knew coming into this post that it would be the hardest one for me to pick.

Momoka Kagura has my second favourite pair of tits this year. Those things are huge and delicious and you can't go wrong with giant 108K tits. They have a bit more of a unique shape to them like Hitomi's have where they're not a consistent shape the entire way and have larger areola. That being said, the fact she is so slim makes them stand out a lot and she really does harken back to Hitomi days.

Haru Minato has my favourite pair of tits from this year. Like Momoka she has staggering 108K cup tits but Haru's are just, they're perfectly shaped. They honestly look like some mangaka drew them based on what he thought the ideal pair of boobs were and then gave them perfect physics as well. Full enough to hold up when bouncing around, soft enough to jiggle on her back, just incredible.

Best Ass

I'm not the ass man but I can be known to enjoy a good ass and we certainly had a few this year.

Yuri Manase is my runner up for best ass. Unlike some others who were great contenders I found Yuri's was just a bit more juicy as a whole. I find these days I like a wide variety of asses but there's something about one that is so meaty and still curvy that's incredible to look at.

Rion Hiiragi has my favourite ass and I'm not surprised at all. Right from the first time I watched her I had a guy feeling she would end up very high on the list. She has some insanely wide hips and her butt is really a harkening back to Asahi Mizuno. She might be a little thiccer than Asahi and I'm honestly A-okay with that.

Best Body

A great body is more like the cherry on top than the ice cream or even whipped cream. If it's nice then that's great, if not, oh well. Quite a few actresses this year had pretty nice bodies.

Non Miharu had the second best body. It was incredibly toned and just looked fantastic just like our winner's. It stopped short of having abs like our winner's did but it still had pretty good definition. Absolutely no complaints about her body, easily one of the best in recent memory.

Sayaka Nito had the best body. Whether you believe she's that race queen they plug her as or not her body definitely suits that trope very well. It's extremely toned and she has abs there that teeter the line of being too much for me. All those promo photos that seemed airbrushed really don't when you actually watch the videos she's in.

Best Video

Best video is kind of just a participation trophy compared to all the other awards. It won't really get you that far but it's always nice to see someone really compete with their first few releases.

Sayaka Nanjo's video was the second best in my opinion. For starters there's a nurse theme, hard to compete with that for newcomers. Can there be better videos? Absolutely. But when I'm considering a harmony between a theme I enjoy and something that suits a fairly new actress, nurse videos are going to win a lot of the time. I think the thing that pushed it over the edge for me was how compelling her performing was. The different expressions she would have, her enthusiasm during paizuri, and the powerful orgasms that led to squirting all added up.

Maaya Irita's video wound up being my favourite of the year. If you know me then you know this plot is my favourite of the bunch. Even though Faleno didn't do as good of a job as a studio like Oppai is capable of I definitely still thought it was a good video. Maaya did a pretty nice job of it to boot, quiet when she needed to be, engaged when she needed to be.

Best Performer

Best performer is an interesting category because I can be very interested in an actress who does well right off the bat but at the same time I expect everyone to suck and I'm very willing to wait.

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Yuri Manase is the runner up for best performer. She had this warm, inviting presence that really carried her video. She seemed like a real winner of a girlfriend, someone you could enjoy physically but would also just be sweet and caring. Supposedly she's a nursery teacher (if you believe the backstories they create) but the thing is I could totally believe it. She just has this calm aura she exudes that makes it all believable. She maintained fantastic eye contact and had a lot of skills.

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Erena is surprisingly my pick for best performer. The thing that stood out to me with Erena is how into it she seemed. The level of eye contact she was able to display was reminiscent of greats like Kaho Kasumi and it was just totally unbelievable how good she was. To do it while being drilled during sex, to make you really feel like she cared, it was surprising. Especially for the Hong Kong native who isn't fluent in Japanese, it really looks like she's putting in an insane effort to prove everyone wrong about her. I have nothing but nice things to say about her performing and can't wait to see her get more upbeat stuff where she can truly put on a show.

Most Likely to Succeed

Nami Okimiya is my second most likely to succeed actress. It's clear to me that Madonna is really trying to push her and has a lot of faith in her. She was the only debut in the first bus tour video and is in the second one as well. They even have her starring alongside Ryo Ayumi in a video next month that also just oozes how much they are trying to promote her. I'm hopeful some of the other actresses will get the spotlight as well but if you want to pick a MILF from this year that is going to have good things going for her, Nami is absolutely the safe pick.

Haru Minato is also my most likely to succeed actress. She was 11th place in sales in October, 6th place in November, and all signs just point to her being an all around winner. That's even backed up by the Bookmate rankings where she's been floating around the list in various positions since I started posting them. Being at S1 she has a lot of competition but at the same time she has a lot of free success. S1 is one of the best studios out there and I think that if she's competitie with the likes of Hikaru Nagi already then she can do well.

Most Dissapointing

Most disappointing is always the feelsbadman moment but someone has to be much worse than I had hoped for.

Surprisingly I'd place Mitsuki Momota as my second most disappointing actress. She just kind of had nothing much going for her aside from some great boobs. In other years that might be enough but considering how stacked this class was I just can't say that her tits are good enough the carry her. She certainly has the best tits for anyone at a C tier rating but aside from that I just don't really expect myself to be that interested. Maybe Moodyz will surprise me and put her in some good content but she strikes me as someone who will turn out rather bland. We'll obviously have to wait and see but I'm just honestly a bit disappointed when they hyped her up as a one hundred million yen body and then there are several actresses I'd rather watch over her.

Mei Himeno is easily my most disappointing actress. I made a mistake putting her on my watchlist hedging that the trailer alone would be enough. Trailers are a bit of a bamboozle, they have a habit of giving you the exact best parts to make you interested and you kind of ignore other things. I leaned too heavily into the whole "interesting debut film" and ignored other parts that I shouldn't have.

Least Likely to Watch Again

When it comes to the least likely actress there's always a few actresses that jump out to me. When I watch 31 actresses for this, it's hard for all of them to compete for my attention. This is doubly true if you actually go and look at the who debuts each year. Take last year, for example, we had Rei Kamiki and Himeka Iori as my two most likely to watch again. I for sure have been watching them and a few others, it's just too hard to watch everyone, so some unfortunate souls just fall by the wayside, never to be seen again.

Mei Himeno is my runner up for least likely to watch. I came in expecting a lot more than I got, but more than anything she was just physically disappointing. A little heavier, boobs a little bigger, not particularly pretty. Just low scores all around and knowing we have better Mei Himeno in Misono back home, well, I'm just not going to expect to watch Mei.

Kohaku Natsuno is the actress I think I'm least likely to watch again. As nice as her tits are her face is a real dealbreaker for me, big enough that her tits do not offset it. Especially the more I see her tomboyish looks on social media the more I realize she just isn't someone I would enjoy. When she puts on some makeup she turns into someone passable but a lot of videos seem to prioritize her more manly look in a way that makes most videos, regardless of the narrative or theme, something I just straight up don't want to watch. For an actress I already don't really care for, when you add some videos being excluded just by her looks alone, it's a recipe for disaster. Unless there's some crazy kind of video she gets an opportunity in, like Akari Niimura grabbing a strap on and sticking it up her ass, I won't be watching her.

Most Likely to Watch Again

Most likely to watch again is always the one I'm most interested in because it's simply my pick for my favourite actress. I usually have a decent idea of who is going to make the list but you never know, there's always a few doing well. Like I've shared before, the race is usually between 2-4 actresses, so sometimes it's a lot harder than it seems. This year I wound up giving 5 S ranks which is a bit higher than usual, which also means this pick is a bit more contested.

Rei Kimura is my runner up for most likely to watch again. Let's face it, we all know at this point that I have preferences for mature actresses and for big tits. If you combine the two together then great things will happen. Rei doesn't have the most incredible tits, and in fact she doesn't even have the best tits among Madonna debuts. That being said, I've enjoyed a lot of Madonna debuts with far less than what Rei is working with. I've posted a ton about actresses I became obsessed with actresses like Ririko Kinoshita and Ai Mukai, both whom have smaller boobs and are less pretty, and that honestly extends a lot further with names like Kana Mito and Momoko Isshiki. Rei still has a ways to go to become an incredible performer but when I find her as pretty as I do I'm just straight up willing to watch videos and take whatever performing I can get. It's a shame she didn't wind up in the Madonna 20th anniversary stuff but I still have high hopes for her an anticipate watching her many times next year.

Haru Minato is my pick for my favourite debut. I think this won't be a surprise to anyone that chats with me outside of the blog, they've seen how much I've been pushing her. She's fantastic in every way and is in my opinion as good as any of the best debuts I've ever seen. She's pretty, she was a great performer (for a debut), but of course her insane tits really seal the deal for me. I know what a combination like this can do and my obvious comparisons are back to Konan and Hikaru. I think Konan is a better performer than Haru but Hikaru is so bad I wouldn't be surprised if Haru wound up being better than her. I think though that Haru will end up being someone I enjoy just like them and so I expect to be watching her quite a lot. Sure, it will take time to get some good videos out compared to Rei but once she does I think I'll be watching a lot of things.

Dark Horse

Dark Horse is my most fun one to do because it's me betting against myself. It's me conceding that despite whatever rating I came up with there's a good chance I may be wrong. I've done it before and been totally right about my pick, that happened back with Sumire Mizukawa.

Sayaka Nito is my runner up dark horse pick this time around. S1 doesn't seem like the right fit for her and I think sooner or later they are going to realize. She's selling well and maybe it will take some time but methinks she has a better place in a studio like Madonna. She can shine there as someone a bit more mature with a fantastic body compared to being too mature for S1. I have a feeling if she starts getting drama videos like Madonna would offer, she'd have some potential to be someone I enjoy.

Saki Aikawa is my winner for dark horse. The way I look at it is trying to find the actress with the most volatility and she definitely strikes me as it. Her career can only go up from where it is as Center Village isn't a great place to be. She has bits and pieces of her that seem good and if I'm being honest, historically speaking average MILFs end up way overperforming. If I look at when I did my New to Me - MILF Edition post a year and a half ago, three of them (Kana, Miki, and Momoko) way overperformed based on where I initially rated them.

Best In Class - Final Scores

Most Attractive (Prettiest):

Best Tits:

Best Ass:

Best Body:

Best Video:

Best Performer:

Most Likely to Succeed:

Most Likely to Watch Again:

Most Disappointing:

Least Likely to Watch Again:

Dark Horse Pick:

Rei Kimura (winner), Erika Ichigo (runner up)

Haru Minato (winner), Momoka Kagura (runner up)

Rion Hiiragi (winner), Yuri Manase (runner up)

Sayaka Nito (winner), Non Miharu (runner up)

Maaya Irita (winner), Sayaka Nanjo (runner up)

Erena (winner), Yuri Manase (runner up)

Haru Minato (winner), Nami Okimiya (runner up)

Haru Minato (winner), Rei Kimura (runner up)

Mitsuki Momota (winner), Mei Himeno (runner up)

Kohaku Natsuno (winner), Mei Himeno (runner up)

Sayaka Nito (winner), Saki Aikawa (runner up)


Like last year I came into debuts with the same opinion: I'd rather watch actresses who seem like bigger gambles and hedge my bets on them. When I watch 31 actresses there are just going to be so many good ones, and realistically speaking how much room can I have? I'd rather skip the ones that I'm lukewarm on and watch actresses that speak to me in some way or even ones that other people recommend. Will there be some stinkers? Sure, absolutely. That's not a bad thing though as it gives me a lot more space to watch the ones I do like. Do I miss out on a few good actresses that I only discover later on? Sure. Either way I'd rather not sweat it so much, if the actress is worth watching life will find a way. Rino Yuki was a great 2021 debut I was happy to check out, Ria Yamate was a 2021 debut that I took a chance on and didn't like all that much, and Non Ohana is a 2021 debut I watched late and found I really enjoyed. It really won't make a difference but at least in following what I want to watch there will be more cases like Ria that I can move on from quickly and focus on the actresses I do like.

Another thing I've learned this year is to not commit to watching an actress before they release their first film. Mei Himeno was very disappointing and if I had properly skimmed her content before deciding on her I almost certainly would have skipped her. There were others I did this with that I was happy about and Mei's case was more so me combining likelihood with the watchlist post. I'm definitely not putting any debuts in my watchlist anymore lol.

I've also spent a lot of time asking for feedback and making various changes to my posts for debuts. One was about certain areas to cover in performing and I've gone great lengths to do so. Another was the way I put the images in the advent calendar, which I'm very happy with. They've turned out as well as I could have hoped for and I'd be happy if people enjoyed them even half as much as I enjoy them myself.

I've also included some simple stat charts at the bottom of posts. People can say what they want about charts but I like them, especially when it's something small like this and conveys the key points about the actress succinctly.

As a side note because it might not be obvious the charts are all rated with respect to debuts. A debut getting high scores in career or performing are relative to other debuts. I decided to go with that direction to avoid all the charts looking like the debuts were terrible.


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Looking back at 2023's debuts we've had a pretty incredible year. What stands out to me the most is just how many incredible pairs of tits we've had. It's seriously insane to think about just how many incredible pairs we got and how blessed it has been for someone like me. I won't even try to hope 2024 can compete because there's just no way, and instead I'm going to hope that the 2023 debuts we got give it their all next year. I'm also still not even sure my picks for top tits are correct because, well, there's just so many incredible pairs.

As always I hope you've enjoyed reading my 2023 debut reviews. I'll be checking out a few more debuts sometime later this year and seeing who I missed, and then at the end of the year of course I'll be checking out 2024 debuts. I hope you all had a great end to 2023 and stay tuned for all the wonderful 2024 content I have planned. Until next time!


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