Oppaira's JAV MILF Tier List

Published : March 18th, 2023 Written by Oppaira

I've done my fair share of top 10 lists but top 10 lists are kind of boring now. Why not spice it up by doing another tier list? Last time I did every Madonna actress and this time I'm expanding and doing every active MILF I can think of. The tier list has 50 actresses on it so if I missed someone, well I could only include so many names. I also got some help in curating this list, making sure to include actresses where the consensus was them being a MILF, so if some of them aren't quite MILF to you, too bad. This is a very fitting tier list after what I did last year with the whole year of the MILF.

Before getting into it I just want to point out that these represent my current thoughts on the actresses as of 2023 and not my thoughts all-time. Some of the actresses score lower than they would on an all-time list because their peaks are behind them, and some of them score higher than the might because they're still in that honeymoon phase, so keep that in mind when reading through my rankings.

S Tier

Hibiki Otsuki, Julia, Yu Shinoda, Maki Hojo, Maki Tomoda, Miki Yoshii, Momoko Isshiki, Ririko Kinoshita

S tier are my favourites, not just in the MILF category but in general. It's easiest to think of them as actresses I watch every month. I find myself going back to these actresses all the time, watching them frequently regardless of what kind of content they have. S tier is best broken down into different groups, as some of them are flavour of the month type actresses that may not stay my favourites forever meanwhile others have been among my favourites for years.

The first group the consistent favourites: Hibiki, Julia, and Yu are some of my all-time favourite actresses for as long as I've been watching them. Julia specifically has been one of my favourites for about as long as I've been watching JAV, and is in an exclusive club with just Hitomi of actresses I've reviewed 100+ videos of (which is wild to think about). Hibiki has been one of my favourites since I first watched her and Yu is just a classic I always find myself coming back to.

The second group for S tier contains Mako Hojo and Maki Tomoda, two MILFs I really got into last year. When I say really got into I mean I watched like around 40 videos between the two of them. It was wild and unexpected but now I consider them not just some of my favourite MILFs but some of my favourite actresses in general. What was surprising to me was just how much I liked the pair of them despite them being a bit older. One is approaching 50, the other is already 50, and yet I'm huge fans of both of them, far more than I was of other older actresses like Chisato Shoda.

The last group in S tier contains Miki Yoshii, Momoko Isshiki, and Ririko Kinoshita, and they represent some that are flavour of the month for me. These are actresses that I watched a year to a year and a half ago and became regular watches for me. These also represent actresses that I think are likely to fall down the rankings. Despite how much I have enjoyed them, there's always a bit of an initial burst when you find an actress you like, watching them a lot at the beginning. Unlike the first group where I've been consistently watching them for years, these actresses just don't have the longevity nor my faith in them. Don't get me wrong, they're actresses I very much have been enjoying, but I absolutely see them tapering off in the coming months and years, unlike the first group where I have been watching them a ton for years.

A Tier

Ai Sayama, Eri Takigawa, Mako Oda, Miki Yamase, Rena Fukiishi, Ryo Ayumi, Yuri Oshikawa, Yumi Kazama, Ai Mukai, Ayaka Tomoda, Kana Mito, Yui Hatano, Yumika Saeki, Nina Nishimura, Yuna Shiina

A tier actresses are actresses I like quite a bit but are not my top tier favourites. It's easiest to think of them as actresses I watch a few times a year. I find I'm always happy to watch a solid video of theirs but that I'm willing to skip over mediocre stuff, even if that means waiting a bit to watch them. They can also be actresses where I'm a bit frustrated with some aspect of their career and thus I just don't watch them as much as I might want to. In many cases A tier actresses are ones I'm willing to watch as much as S tier but simply don't. Like S tier, it's best to break them down into different groups, and this one has a few interesting groups.

The first group up contains a bunch of actresses: Ai Sayama, Eri Takigawa, Mako Oda, Nozomi Mikimoto, Rena Fukiishi, Ryo Ayumi, Yuri Oshikawa, and Yumi Kazama. Can you guess the common theme between them? If you guessed "big tiddy milf" then congrats, you win a gold star. There's definitely a range of ages and breast sizes but all of them tick off the same category for me. I'll be honest and say this is probably my biggest natural proclivity in all of JAV: a little bit older and some nice meaty tits. On the flip side, these are also actresses that I want to enjoy more than I actually currently do. Rena Fukiishi, for example, is actually my third all-time most watched actress, but her days doing uncensored work haven't been as kind to her and she's fallen down my rankings. Or there's Mako Oda, someone who's physically great and will always have a special place in my heart, but her performing has just never been good and her recent stuff with the low tier MILF studios like Center Village and Venus hasn't helped either. I find these actresses are ones that I could watch at any time just because they fit what I naturally gravitate toward, but I just don't come back to them often enough to put them in my top tier.

Another group here is the next four actresses on the list: Ai Mukai, Ayaka Tomoda, Kana Mito, and Yui Hatano. Honestly I have no real other way to describe them as less curvaceous MILFs. As I just mentioned big tiddy milf is my jam but that doesn't mean some of the less busty ones aren't great. I've written about Ai Mukai and Kana Mito in recent times and both Ayaka and Yui are still nice, even if I don't always watch them quite as much as I maybe should. Yui is specifically someone who has been falling off my list, I just haven't been as into her as much. I think part of that is due to her output decline and how it results in less videos that I vibe with. You'd think Yui would score as well as her other half Hibiki but I honestly find Hibiki a lot more attractive. Regardless, this is still a nice group of women for those that don't really want the super busty women above.

Yumika Saeki, Nina Nishimura, and Yuna Shiina represent a group that I'd basically call exceptions at this point. They are actresses that in my mind have special circumstances that cause them to be ranked a lot differently than I would have normally expected. Yumika is the literal queen of deepthroating and I basically just only watch her for the deepthroating. That being said, she's so insanely good at it that I watch her far more than I would have anticipated. Nina is easily the bustiest actress on the list and someone I honestly didn't watch all that much until very recently. It's more like the gap of Hitomi retiring has made me more willing to watch some other busty actresses and Nina is one of the biggest winners out of that. Lastly we've got Yuna Shiina, an old favourite that recently redebuted. Even though it's way too early to tell how she'll do, I'm willing to hedge a bit here knowing how I've responded to redebuts like Minori Hatsune.

B Tier

Aoi Ichino, Aya Ueha, Kanna Fuji, Maiko Ayase, Mariko Sata, Nonoka Tominaga, Yuka Oshima, Yuko Shiraki, Chisato Shoda, Hana Haruna, Kyoko Maki, Marina Shiraishi, Minaho Ariga, Minori Hatsune, Natsuko Kayama, Yu Kawakami

It's easiest to think of them as actresses I may watch a two or three times a year. I find myself watching them sparingly, only when in the exact mood for them or when they have a particularly good release. Sometimes these are actresses I don't fully get into, or their career doesn't quite live up to expectations, or they simply drop off. These are actresses I definitely do pay attention to and definitely am ready to watch, it's just that it's far and few between that I do end up watching them.

The first group up for me is all about actresses that are relatively new to me, which contains Aoi Ichino, Aya Ueha, Kanna Fuji, Maiko Ayase, Mariko Sata, Nonoka Tominaga, Yuka Oshima, and Yuko Shiraki. They're all actresses I first watched last year and just haven't really gotten that crazy into them. Sure, some of them saw some initial burst success, but definitely not the way some like Ai Mukai or Kana Mito above saw. Half of them are also debuts from last year and represent some names that I'm still waiting to blossom a bit and reach their potential. I think all of them are perfectly fine women that I can enjoy but they're just not quite there. It's very common, especially on the debut side, for me to scan their catalogue, not be interested, and ultimately not watch them. Even for veterans I often scan recent releases and decide nothing is worth watching.

The other group here is really all about veterans that are just not my favourites these days. That group consists of Chisato Shoda, Hana Haruna, Kyoko Maki, Marina Shiraishi, Minaho Ariga, Minori Hatsune, Natsuko Kayama, and Yu Kawakami. Many of them have been actresses I've enjoyed over the years, especially Marina Shiraishi when she was still with SOD or Minori Hatsune when she redebuted. I consider them actresses I like but I find myself sparingly watching them. There are many reasons that can happen but for many of them they're just past their peak. I can look at someone like Natsuko Kayama or Yu Kawakami and simply be disappointed by where their career currently is. A lot of these actresses started off at better places, like Minori Hatsune at IP, and seeing them at the lower tier freelance MILF studios producing low tier content is just hard to enjoy to the point I slowly stop watching them altogether. Chisato Shoda is perhaps the most interesting case among this group because her decline on my own tier list was less about her career and more about the rise of Maki Tomoda. Simply put, my desire to watch someone Chisato's age got overridden by watching Maki instead, and I just simply watched Maki instead 9 times out of 10.

C Tier

Mio Kimijima, Reiko Kobayakawa, Saki Okuda, Ai Kano, Hinata Kimitsuka, Yuka Mizno

It's easiest to think of them as actresses I'm on the fence about and still have some hope for, that I watch only once in a blue moon. When I say blue moon here I really do, I might only watch them once a year if that. I find myself paying attention to their releases and being on the lookout for videos, hopeful that something will catch my eye. Some of them are new actresses where I have a bit of faith in them, others are more seasoned veterans that I'm just not totally into or have grown out of. Considering there's nearly 40 actresses above them, it's pretty safe to say the probability of watching them is low, but I still keep them on my radar and check out something here and there.

Mio Kimijima, Reiko Kobayakawa, and Saki Okuda are all veterans that I've known about for a few years now. At the same time they are all veterans I just don't really watch at all these days. They're not in that never category and I don't expect them ever to get there but they're definitely in a far and few between category. Simple truth is that there's always more and more actresses debuting that need to go on the list somewhere and some actresses have to fall further down the list to make room. Especially in the MILF genre, there's a lot of actresses that hit the 10+ year mark, so you have more debut than actually leave the industry and the list just keeps on growing.

Ai Kano, Hinata Kimitsuka, and Yuka Mizuno represent some of the newer MILFs that I've watched. All things considered they just haven't really been for me for various reasons. I'm not quite ready to say that I never want to watch them again but it wouldn't surprise me if I simply didn't. All of them have some qualities that make me interested but again, with nearly 40 actresses above them, it's really hard for them to compete. I would definitely say Ai Kano is the one that surprised me but she's way overrated by some people. She's not as nice physically, whether it's her boobs that seem enhanced or her midsection that's not quite that nice.

D Tier

An Komatsu, Hijiri Maihara, Rieko Hiraoka, Rin Okae, Yukari Orihara

D tier actresses represent those I simply don't enjoy. It's easiest to think of them as actresses that I never got into and am never going to watch again. I find that I just don't care whatsoever for them and especially with the amount of other MILFs around, they just can't compete whatsoever.

All of these actresses are ones I just really don't care for. Perhaps the most surprising of this list is Yukari Orihara, who honestly screams Oppaira actress if you look at her. Thing is she just doesn't compare to many of the others, turns out you do need more than just a pair of tits to compete.

Well folks, that's all for today's article. Who are your favourite MILFs and where would you place them on the tier list? Do you think I've made any big mistakes on mine? Tell us all about it in the comment section. Also please let me know if you enjoy the tier list posts as I've got a few more up my sleeves that I can write. Until next time!


DotsNotMyName 1 year ago
Not sure about their state of activity in the industry, but I'd personally add Rei Saijou and Nana Aoyama to this list.
ItsTheNookie 1 year ago
Hold up... Jui Yamaguchi not found?
MrD 1 year ago
This is good, If I see Saeko Matsushita in S-Tier the list will be better
drk 2 years ago
Finally, Hibiki Otsuki got a movie with Marrion (MMKZ-125), trailer out today so out in a month or so.
297andcounting 2 years ago
Great summary. The big miss on this list is the absence of Ayaka Mutou, but that's one person's opinion only! Let me add a big thumbs-up for the two Maki's and a miss on Iroha Natsume, another of my personal favorites!
Cheesey 2 years ago
You left of S-Tier Iroha Natsume, she belongs on this list in age and length of career.
Fried Chikan 2 years ago

Yes 100 times yes

Oppaira 2 years ago

I'm almost ashamed to say I've never seen Iroha.

Moonlight 2 years ago
It is a very thorough list. I enjoyed reading it. How did you divide them into different tiers?
Oppaira 2 years ago

The easiest way is by looking at how often I watch them. The way I see it is that if I truly enjoy them then I'll consistently come back to them. For 4.5 years I've consistently watched Hibiki about once a month, and on the lower end you've got someone like Ai Kano that I don't even watch once per year (and haven't in over a year).

The middle tier ones are a bit trickier but the same sort of logic applies. I know Ai Sayama is one of my all-time favourites but I also know I just don't watch her nearly as much as I used to.

There are certainly other factors going into it, like how attractive they are, how their careers are going, whether I think I might watch them more in the future, and then those can tip the scales a little bit. For example, I still think Minori Hatsune is nice but the industry seems largely done with her.

Moonlight 2 years ago
Thank you for answering y questions
Shinmai 2 years ago
Interesting seeing someone else perspective I still really enjoy Reiko Kobayakawa especially in MILF theme movies surprised to see her so low
Oppaira 2 years ago

Reiko is someone I enjoyed back in the day but over time she just hasn't done it for me. I think that's due to a shift in my preference of her tits, being less interested in the sheer size and more the quality (and I'm not one for bolt-ons unfortunately).

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