Oppaira's Top 10 Active JAV Stars

Hey everyone, Oppaira here with a top 10 list, this time my top 10 active actresses. I love doing top 10 lists and this is sure to be the first of many. Revisiting my favourite actresses is always a fun one but I find my top 10 actresses of all-time doesn't change all that much, so this time around I'm doing top 10 active. Many of my all-time favourites are retired or not actively working for JAV studios and I find it's more interesting to look at my active favourites since it does quite frequently change.
Honourable Mentions - Up And Comers
As is common with my lists I like to give an honourable mentions section. This is more of an up and comers section - actresses who aren't quite that high up on my list but are making a good impression on me. I've been watching more and more of them and who knows, maybe one day they'll make a top 10 lst.
Akari Mitani
Akari is someone I pretty much wrote off at first. I wasn't impressed and I couldn't have cared less about watching her again. Yet I've seen quite a number of her videos now and she's really turned me over. The biggest reason is how good a performer she is. She's following in Kurea Hasumi's footsteps with Kurea as her mentor and it's working out perfectly. Akari has become an incredible performer and she's easily one of the best in the business. I find I'm not nearly as attracted to Akari as I would expect for someone I enjoy this much, she's easily the actress I'm least attracted to in this post, which is really what's holding me back. I think that's a really good testament to just how great she is as a performer to win me over like that. Anyway, Akari's got a long way to go to become one of my top favourites but hey, she's doing quite well for herself and it's still early on in her career.
Minami is someone that surprised me a lot. I never would have guessed I'd enjoy her this much but she has a really unique persona that sells well. She has a really innocent look but she also has this mischievous look as well. She sells that blend really well and I honestly go wild for it. I typically tend to enjoy actresses a little more curvy and a little bit older so it's really quite strange to me how much I enjoy her. I remember not really being that interested in her after the first time I watched her, even if the first video I saw was excellent, but I’ve really come around on her since. It's unfortunate that Minami doesn't put out consistent work or else she might be contending quite strongly for a top spot.
Aika was someone I actually did enjoy quite a bit after the first video and then the rest was just a matter of time. I knew for sure that I was going to watch her again, just not when, but now she’s an actress I watch fairly regularly. Aika matches a good blend of performing skills, willingness to try things, and sophistication. She always seems to hold herself quite well in videos where she has a bit more poise and elegance, which I think pairs nicely with her appearance. Some actresses just exude certain auras and once you've seen an Aika video you'll know what I'm talking about. I’m curious to see how Aika can top her previous years, her first anniversary was cum swallowing and her second was lesbian, so hopefully future anniversaries bring out new content. To me, Aika seems more like a matter of when not if. Her career trajectory just keeps going up and I don't see an end in sight.
It’s now time to get on with my top 10 list. As a side note before getting into it, actresses qualified for the list if they had a release for a censored studio in the past three months.
10. Kurea Hasumi
Kurea Hasumi is really one of the all-time great actresses. She's been around for a long time and she's become such a household name. It’s really not much of a surprise that Kurea finally made a top 10 list of mine that isn’t ass-related. I think it was mostly just a matter of exposure to all the good content she had, and once I had seen enough of it I knew she belonged here.
Definitely my favourite quality of Kurea is her ass. She easily has one of the top 10 asses in the industry and I don’t think I’ve met anyone that says otherwise. It's not a huge ass like some others I enjoy but it's certainly nice and round. Secondly Kurea is a really good performer, particularly in more dominant performances; I’m not sure there’s another actress that understands dominant the way Kurea does. She’s just so good at putting a guy in his place, especially in a way where it doesn't feel like she's trying too hard or actually doing some sort of BDSM play. I also think that in Kurea’s prime around 2015 she was incredibly attractive. I don’t find her nearly as attractive now but that's less about how she looks now and more about how great she looked then.
Kurea should honestly keep doing what she’s doing. She’s had some good videos recently and I’m sure there’s more where those came from. There was a period a few years ago where she just wasn’t getting good videos and that aligned quite well to when I became as invested in JAV as I am today. That definitely diminished my opinion of her but it seems she’s back to the wonderful Kurea I remember. She’s been climbing up my favourites list a lot and she really just has to keep it up.
9. Yui Hatano
Yui Hatano is pretty much the greatest of all time now. She's insanely popular, beloved by all, and puts out a ton of work. Even if you're not a fan of Yui it's impossible not to notice her since she's so well known around the industry. That’s pretty much exactly where I found myself with Yui, she was just everywhere. Coming to enjoy Yui this much wasn't an immediate attraction but more of a build up over time as I naturally saw more of her content.
My favourite aspects about Yui all revolve around how much work she's done. Yui's been in the industry for over a decade now and starred in hundreds of videos, too many to count really. It's such an exception for an actress to have a career this long but also be at the top for this long. She's gotten so many good opportunities as well whether she's starred in big series, for good studios, or with other top actresses. It's also impossible to work in the industry as much as her and not become a good performer. While she isn't the best I've ever seen she is still pretty good and that goes a long way. The fact that Yui is still pumping out videos and still continues to have great content is spectacular. I’d say Yui’s physical qualities are alright, nothing that stands out but good enough to be enjoyable. Yui really is quite close to a complete package.
At this point I'm really just hoping Yui continues to do her thing. She knows how to make good videos and she gets a lot of opportunities just because she's so damn popular. I would definitely like to see Yui explore the few genre holdouts she has like anal and BBC. I respect her decision not to do them but it's always surprising to me that she's gone this long without doing them.
8. Yuri Oshikawa
Yuri Oshikawa is someone I've watched for a long time and always enjoyed. She’s also someone that's always been a bit of a mystery to me because none of her individual qualities stand out and yet I like her a ton. She actually almost didn't make the list as she recently took a long hiatus to go visit America. Thankfully she's come back to JAV and I couldn't be happier to see her get back to action. Hopefully she's picked up a bit of English as well and we'll get a treat down the line.
Yuri is someone who has good averages. She's pretty, she's got a nice figure, big boobs, a pretty nice ass - just all around great. I don't think Yuri stands out in any particular category but being good in every category is a really underrated quality of an actress. An actress might have a mediocre ass and suddenly doggy is disappointing, or they might have a banging body and not be that pretty, but Yuri being enjoyable all around is great. I do find her performances to be a bit lacking which is why I find myself a bit baffled by how much I like her. She’s easily the worst performer on this list and yet that somehow doesn’t seem to stop me from watching her over and over again. Really goes to show how much those averages matter.
There are a lot of things I hope from Yuri actually but the biggest I hope for is that her performing improves. I would be really glad if her time in America turned into some newfound performing skills. It’ll be awhile before Yuri is back to where she was but I’m at least happy she is back now.
7. Nanami Matsumoto
Nanami is someone I never really noticed at first but eventually I became a huge fan. Nanami actually debuted in early 2017 for Muteki and then promptly moved to S1 where she spent around a year and a half. S1 is a studio I have such a love hate relationship with and I found myself not really watching too much of her. When Nanami left S1 I really took note of her and pretty quickly became a big fan.
Obviously the first thing you notice about Nanami is her huge boobs. They're big and natural, just the way I like 'em. Nanami just has some good curves in general, a thiccness to her that I find to be quite enjoyable. Nanami is also well known for her short hair, and while I generally prefer long hair I usually end up enjoying those with shorter hair. With her freelancing as well she reminds me a lot of Kaho Shibuya, one of my top three all-time favourites. Nanami's performing has been steadily improving as well, something I generally find happens when people leave S1.
I’d like to see Nanami just get more experience and become all-around better. She has some good performances under her belt but there’s a lot of lackluster ones too. I also find that her videos are often a bit tame as though she’s afraid to do the kind of variety that would be good for her. I have pretty high hopes for Nanami because I like her a lot and she’s got a lot of ways she can make me enjoy her quite a bit more.
6. Touka Rinne
Touka was someone who, like Nanami, spent a portion of her early career at S1. While I don’t doubt she could have sold well for them, Touka really wasn’t meant to be a boring but pretty S1 actress. I first watched her not long after she left S1 and recognized she would take a while to become a better performer. Fast forward to today and she’s one of my favourites.
I would say the biggest reason I like Touka is she’s quite good all around. Physically she’s great, pretty, large natural breasts, and a decent ass. On top of that she has a really nice body, not too skinny and fairly toned. Being great physically is huge and being good in all aspects physically certainly makes a big difference. Furthermore I’ve found Touka has become a great performer. It certainly took her a year before she started having decent performances but after that she had really proven to me just how good she was capable of being. She had two of my top 25 videos from last year and a slew of others that were quite close, and she currently has my favourite release from 2020. Touka just seems to have this indescribable aura to her where you get a sense she was destined to be a great pornstar; simply put, her doing porn feels right.
Consistency is key for Touka climbing up my list. Touka has lots of good content but she often just misses out on a truly great performance. I feel like that’s often the case for freelancers, they don’t always have the performance you know they’re capable of. Touka’s skills have really improved quite quickly and hopefully she has a long career to give us plenty of great content.
5. Hibiki Otsuki
Hibiki is someone I first started watching from my first New To Me post. The concept was simple: watch actresses I've never seen and see what happens. Hibiki happened to be someone I knew only vaguely about. All I knew was she was Yui Hatano's best friend and she starred in a ton of videos with actresses I already enjoyed (Yui included). That first video I watched was something special, in fact it wound up being one of my all-time favourite videos. There were two big highlights for Hibiki after watching it: she was quite pretty and her chemistry with Yui was amazing. I knew I'd give her another chance and the rest was history.
I think those two initial factors are pretty much why I've continued to watch Hibiki. Hibiki really is quite pretty, prettier than I had first realized. I wound up ranking her in my top five prettiest actresses and that says a lot. She's right in that prime age I like where they've got a bit of maturity to them but are still young enough to play older sister type roles. The other big factor is that Hibiki is a pretty good performer. She's got a nice bubbly personality that services her well in her videos. Seeing her smile and have fun with it is honestly just so enjoyable; she's definitely the bubbliest actress on my list. Her performances with Yui are the cream of the crop though as their friendship really shines through. They play off each other so well and really brighten videos. Hibiki's also a wonderful squirter, easily one of the best in the business. If you enjoy squirting it's a nice dimension to add to the mix of an already great actress.
At this point I think Hibiki has a good groove going for her. She’s got plenty of good videos to watch and keeps releasing good content. If anything I think studios finding videos that align better with her personality would be nice. I think she just isn’t given enough of the right videos to star in and that they could capitalize on her better.
4. Julia
Julia is one of those actresses that everyone's enjoyed at some point. She's what I like to refer to as a gateway actress: someone who gets people into JAV. She's slim, busty but not too busty, and pretty - a good mix of qualities that create widespread appeal, plus she's been in the business for over 10 years now. Gateway actresses often tend not to be people's favourites as they find actresses that suit their tastes better, but Julia really does align with my tastes and has remained one of my favourites.
Firstly I think Julia's quite pretty and facial attraction is quite important to enjoying an actress. Julia's face has gotten a lot nicer over the years and I'm sure it will continue to get nicer as she matures and blossoms into a proper mature actress. Her breasts are also very nice, a good size, shape, and firmness. The peak size of them made them one of the best pairs around. Let's also not forget that Julia has a really slim body, and especially with her earlier breast size, that kind of figure is hard to find. I think a big reason why I enjoy Julia is actually because of her commitment to staying in the industry. She's mentioned she'll keep working as long as she can and an actress staying active for a long time makes a huge impact; there's nothing worse than getting into an actress only to find out they're about to retire or even already retired.
Julia is an actress you really have to take in stride because with all the good there is some bad. Consistency is a big issue for her, sometimes the performance is great, other times words cannot explain how disappointed you are. It’s really disheartening not knowing whether a video will be great or awful and it hinging so much on her performance always bothers me. I think there’s a lot of room for Julia to climb up my ranks, even if she’s at rank 4 right now, if she could perform more consistently. That being said, if she’s in it for the long haul then she’s still got so much time to improve, and I for one am looking forward to true MILF Julia.
3. Ai Sayama
Ai Sayama is truly one of the greatest actresses around. Ai’s been around for over a decade and has consistently put out fantastic content. I definitely joined late to the Ai Sayama hype train but I’m practically the conductor at this point. I would say it was over half way through her career when I started to really notice her and enjoy her and it would take a year or two more for me to realize just how wonderful she really is.
For me, one of the big hallmarks of an actress is how long they can be at the top of their craft, and Ai’s really done that. She’s had fantastic releases spread throughout the last decade and it’s quite difficult to achieve that. Being a skilled performer like she is it’s great to see her still show she can produce top content. On top of that Ai is quite nice physically: pretty, busty, even a pretty nice ass; Ai is truly a well rounded package. I've started to enjoy There’s just always such good content from Ai whether I’m watching her latest or looking at some of her older content.
The number one thing I want to see from Ai is for her to venture out a little more. She’s a great performer with great videos but I find her videos start feeling very similar when she doesn’t do all that much. A lesbian video would really be the start of something great and the next entry on the list would be the perfect actress to do it with.
2. Meguri
Meguri is someone that's been on my favourites list for a long time and is still among my top three actress of all-time. I was beyond delighted last year when she made a comeback to JAV. She initially retired in 2017 with one big hurrah and it was definitely her best year. Her comeback has been more like her normal years: a single video per month and working as a studio exclusive (for Tameike Goro right now). While it's certainly not what I would have preferred I'm not going to complain about it.
The biggest reason I enjoy Meguri so much is that I find her incredibly attractive. I've said it plenty of times before but Meguri is the prettiest woman I've ever seen. There's just something about her that does it for me unlike any other actress. Being able to enjoy non-sexual things just because of how pretty she is, now that's something special. It's not just how pretty she is though, I've found her to be a pretty good performer. She's quite good at a variety of themes whether she's dominant or submissive and being able to play both sides of the coin as well as she does is pretty rare. Don't forget Meguri's got some wonderful curves and is right between the lines of slim and thicc.
I'm really hoping to see Meguri go back to being a freelance actress, or at least switching studios. Meguri worked for Tameike Goro for quite a while before and I think seeing her in a different studio would be nice. A big reason of why she was my pick for actress of the year in 2017 was because of how great she was doing freelance work. Seeing her in a bunch of high profile series and just more variety in general was awesome.
1. Hitomi
Hitomi has long since been my favourite actress even from before I truly got into JAV. Right from her debut I was enamored with her and she's been the only actress I've seen every video of. I think it says a lot both about my preferences and about how great Hitomi is that she’s been my favourite for quite this long.
Obviously my favourite aspect about Hitomi are her breasts. She has the most amazing breasts I've ever seen, incredibly large but they also move quite impressively. Hitomi's able to use them to give arguably the best titty fuck you'll ever see. It also isn't just the size or the motion she can manage but how big they look on her slim frame. It's so rare to get breasts this size on someone so slim, usually they end up being a bit heavier as a person; it really makes Hitomi one of a kind. Another big reason I enjoy her so much is that I find her really pretty. Sometimes it's hard for me to tell if I find her pretty in general or if it's because I watch her so much, but regardless that's how I feel. Especially with age, she's matured quite nicely over the 10+ years she's been around. Even still, there are others similar to her that I don't enjoy quite as much and I think that comes down to Hitomi's performing skills. She's a solid performer and has had a number of really great performances over the years. I think it's simply that Hitomi checks off so many of the right boxes where other actresses fail to check the same boxes.
These days I really keep hoping that Hitomi finds a way out of Oppai. I'm sure she enjoys being there and I'm sure Oppai enjoys having her there, especially with Hitomi recently breaking into the top 100 list domestically. Oppai does a pretty poor job of managing her there and she always finds a way to star in a video that's only about her huge boobs. It's clearly her best asset and what she's known for but she has really good performing skills that go under utilized. I would love to see her make a return to Tameike Goro or Moodyz just to get some variety, or ultimately go freelance like Meguri did in 2017 (without the retirement, knock on wood).
That concludes my top 10 active actress list, hope you enjoyed it. I would love to hear from people if they feel the same way as I do about these actresses or just who other people like. Until next time!
I wasn't planning on updating the list, half of it is still the same list. There's less changes from preference changes and more just because some of them retired (Hitomi, Meguri, Touka, Kurea). However, I might produce a list for my most watched last year, that one would be a more interesting list I think.
Here are 10 that are not on your list that I have either liked for a long time or am really liking lately (no particular order):
Hina Nanase, Nao Jinguji, Tsubomi, Hana Kano, Kotone Toua, Yukino Matsu, Leila Hazuki, Honoka Mihara, Yui Tomita, and Riona Minami. These are ladies who I believe both give great performances, that are unique to their own styles, and also look wonderful in their own ways.
I know Eimi Fukada is the big superstar right now. I don't quite get it. She's not bad, but I don't see why she is super, super huge. Would love to hear opinions on that.
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By Oppaira @ April 7th, 2024