Oppaira's Top 10 JAV Star Asses

I may be known as the guy who loves big tits but let's be real, the right answer to tits vs ass is that they're both great. Top 10 asses is a discussion post I've wanted to do for a long time. I've always put it off because I knew it would be hard to do. There are just so many actresses with wonderful asses and it was excruciating trying to cut it down to just 10 actresses. When I said last time that figuring out the top 10 prettiest actresses was hard, this makes it look like a walk in the park by comparison. I know there are plenty of fantastic asses who aren't on this list and people will probably not be happy, but hey, contentious content sells. With that said, let's jump into my top 10 asses.
10. Ruka Inaba
Ruka Inaba is the first entry on the list and perhaps not a name most were expecting. Even I admit that at first I didn't realize quite how nice her ass was but I'll be damned if it isn't great. It's big and juicy and I always find myself enjoying it. I think it just comes together wonderfully with how thicc and juicy it makes her look. Take a look at her riding:
I think I generally find myself enjoying Ruka's ass more from behind in doggy. The way it jiggles when she's taking it is fantastic and you just have to see it for yourself:
Ruka certainly isn't a name I think many were expecting but hopefully I've convinced some people that it's an ass worth knowing. It's really great and I've been loving it. It's also still early on in Ruka's career and I can always hope it will become even nicer as she matures a bit. Maybe it's not the greatest ass out there but I like it and nobody can stop me from putting it on the list.
9. Akari Neo
Akari Neo is an actress I think doesn't get nearly enough attention considering how nice her ass is. I've realized since the first time I watched her, and in 2019 she was my pick for best ass out of the 21 debuts I watched (including beating out Ruka Inaba). It's big and round, just the way I like it. It's also the biggest (pun intended) reason I keep watching her, it's just so nice I can't get enough of it. Just take a look at it in action:
It also jiggles really nicely the way a good ass should. Have a look for yourself:
Truly a magnificent ass that is deserving of more attention. Akari doesn't always get the right ass-focused videos with the way she freelances but when she stars in something for Fitch, well, as they say it just hits different.
8. Elly Akira
Elly Akira is admittedly someone I wasn't too familiar with until recently despite having debuted well over a decade ago. A decade ago I wouldn't have cared too much about her ass but current me knows better than that, and her ass is really quite nice. She has got an incredibly nice ass that's shaped amazingly and very curvy. Just look at how it curves while she rides:
Especially in doggy her ass looks fantastic. Such a nice view of just how wide and wonderful it is. I can't do it justice with words, so take a gander:
Elly is someone who I think has a lot of good qualities to her, but no matter what qualities I look at I always want to look at her ass more than anything. It's absolutely fantastic and complements the rest of her wonderfully.
7. Ai Uehara
When people think about Ai Uehara her ass is not likely to be the first thing that comes to mind. Even for me it's not, instead I'm thinking about how insanely popular she was, her willingness to do anything, and how good of a performer she was. And yet, here she is making a top 10 ass list. I must admit that I never realized her ass was this nice at first but after watching enough videos I noticed just how juicy it is.
I generally find myself preferring Ai's ass in cowgirl positions, the way the fat on it just spreads out is so incredible. Here, take a look at this:
Ai may not be the first name you think of when it comes to top asses but I'll be damned if she doesn't have one hell of an ass.
6. Kurea Hasumi
Kurea Hasumi is a name that needs no introduction. Not only has she been incredibly popular for a long time but everyone has always known her for her beautiful bubble butt. Her ass is very shapely and just works perfectly on her body. Just take a look at a clip of her from behind:
I think my favourite thing about Kurea's ass is how nice it looks when she clenches it in cowgirl. Somehow it just manages to firm up in the most incredible ways and it looks oh so nice. Especially when it twitches at the end...
I think of any name on the list so far (and perhaps even to come), people will be least surprised to see Kurea. She may be known for a great many things, including perhaps being the best performer in the business right now, but that ass is legendary, especially with how shapely it is without being huge like so many others on this list.
5. Nao Jinguji
If ever there was the perfect combination of legs, thighs, and ass, it would have to be Nao Jinguji. That photo just looks so incredible with her huge ass sitting atop those thicc thighs. If anyone has any doubts and thinks the photo is shopped, allow me to present exhibit A:
Nao's ass is equally as good from behind where you can really grasp just how massive it really is, and such a massive ass that is also beautifully shaped is a winner in my books. Just take a look:
I really regret not getting into Nao sooner because that ass is magnificent. While I love Nao for so many different reasons when you see that ass in all it's glory it's just so easy to forget everything else.
4. Nami Hoshino
Nami Hoshino is someone I was introduced to specifically because she has a nice ass. There are other good qualities about her and I've come to like her much more over the years, but without a doubt that booty is the reason why I enjoy her. The size, shape, and motion of it are all incredible - simply put, it's an amazing ass. Just take a look at how it looks with her panties pulled to the side as it bounces while she's taking it from behind:
It truly has such an amazing shape as it's both big and round while also being wide. Having all three of those qualities is truly a rarity and you just have to see it in action:
Nami is an actress I will always remember for her ass. As much as I like actresses who are more well rounded (pun intended) sometimes you just make exceptions when a spectacle like that is on display.
3. Asahi Mizuno
Asahi is someone I think everyone recognizes has a great ass. For me I've certainly known since the first time I saw her. What stands out about Asahi's ass is how nicely her body is toned. With such an athletic body her ass just looks incredible on it. Just looking at it from the side you can tell how well it fits her body:
It also looks just as incredible if not even more incredible from behind as she's riding, showing it looking great on so many different levels, with the bounce, the curviness, and how wide it is. The only way to really appreciate it is to see it for yourself:
Asahi's ass manages to always bring a smile to my face. If ever you got tired of big and thicc and wanted athletic, Asahi is your girl.
2. Shiori Tsukada
If instead big and bubble butt was what you wanted then Shiori is definitely the one for you. Shiori is literally textbook definition of as thicc as a bowl of oatmeal. Seriously, she's thicc all over, from her boobs to her thighs and definitely her ass. Seriously, she's got proportions that make you think she's straight out of a hentai.
Definitely the most incredible part about Shiori's ass is that it always looks fantastic. Some asses only look good when they're bent over but Shiori's just always looks like a 10/10 ass. If you needed any evidence take a look at this:
I'll be damned if Shiori isn't the textbook definition of an Oppaira actress. Thicc as all hell with a huge butt and massive boobs. It's always incredible being able to enjoy an actress from the front and the back and no actress does it quite like Shiori.
1. Kaori
I like big butts and I cannot lie might as well be the theme song to Kaori because she has a dump truck of an ass. Her ass is gigantic and I absolutely love it. It's probably all that time I've spent reading hentai manga but I can't get enough of big butts like hers. It's really the one quality that sets Kaori apart from being an otherwise run of the mill MILF actress. Just take a look at it in all its glory:
My absolute favourite part of her ass is just how massive it always looks. There's just no way to put that thing on camera and have it not look colossal in size. Just take a look at it in this standing position:
Kaori's ass has been my favourite for quite some time and has really been the stand out reason why I've enjoyed Kaori as much as I have. As I've mentioned, MILFs can often be repetitive and I find having stand out qualities really helps; certainly Kaori's huge ass makes her stand out quite a lot
There we have my top 10 asses. I hope you've enjoyed seeing the list and hopefully there are both some names you recognize and some new names for you to enjoy. I encourage readers to drop names in the comments because I'm sure someone isn't happy that I skipped a few nice asses. It's really hard not to miss someone with how many great asses there are and at the end of the day things do come down to personal preference. Until next time!
And also, can u lend me the codes of Kaori's videos? (maybe tha's gonna make me things easy lol)
thanks dude, from an ass-lover
But i guess it might be bacuse she's not japanese? -haha (that's just my opinion..
Mao Kurata is the patron saint of overlooked JAV stars. That she lacks a social media is probably a big factor.
Some may say Maria Nagai should be disqualified from great butts for certain reasons.
By Syndrome @ November 1st, 2023