Pan Takes February 2023 Vol 2

fill in later
What! Paizuri In Such A Place! A Date With A Man Who Is Even Made To Squirt His Balls Empty Between Shots!
Starring Misono Mizuhara
A paizur-centric Misono Mizuhara film? Sign me up! The plot seemingly centers around Misono going out on a date with a man and in the process tittyfucking him at every opportunity in a range of different public locations. Some include a public restroom, the outside of their apartment, and inside a parked car. The other key ingredient is male squirting as she'll frequently keep milking him to make him gush. Overall I thought the setup was fine but the execution could've been better as one or two scenes feel like they're lacking any real risk. Now action wise I think you know what to expect for the most part. There are two sex scenes and three paizuri scenes in all.
The sex scenes are pretty good and the paizuri is mostly enjoyable thanks to her fantastic technique. However, the cumshots tend to be quite lackluster which isn't surprising given there is just one actor for the entire film. It's still a disappointment though as the cumshots are a vital aspect of any paizuri-centric film. But as I mentioned her acting does really elevate the scenes. She's super energetic, fully wraps her tits around the guy's dick, and boasts superb facial expressions. During the actual sex, she can be a bit underwhelming but she truly shines during paizuri. The production values are all decent for the most part although the pacing could've been a bit better as the runtime feels a tad bloated. If you love paizuri like me I think you'll have a good time.
Overall Rating - 8.2/10
Erotic Big Hip Woman
Starring Mao Kurata
It's been pretty dry lately in terms of quality new Mao Kurata releases. When this popped up on my radar I knew I had to check it out. I don't think this one needs a whole lot of explaining regarding the setup. It's a typical IRIS series entry from Marrion focusing exclusively on her amazing booty. Ya'll know what to expect by now. Regarding the action, it consists of two sex scenes, two assjob scenes, and a handjob scene all complete with a good amount of face sitting throughout. The handjob scene isn't too exciting and there's a fair bit of filler such as a 10-minute-long solo masturbation session that's very dull. The actual sex scenes are solid with the typical ass focus and booty cumshots.
All the technical aspects here are fine with decent camerawork and a nice array of outfits for Mao. However, I wasn't completely sold on the lighting. It's far from terrible but a few scenes could've been lit better. Some feel a bit too flat or drab and don't effectively highlight her ass as well as they could have. Her makeup seems a bit off too but I can't quite place my finger on the exact reason. Performancw wise she does alright but nothing particularly noteworthy. Just average really. Also on a more personal note, I'm not as wowed by Mao's ass as I once was. It's still nice for sure but recent stars like Yayoi, Mina, and Nao have far outclassed her. Overall I still enjoyed this one but it didn't stick with me as much as I'd hoped.
Overall Rating - 7.6/10
S1 Gives Konan Koyoi A Reckless Order To Have Sex With An Amateur! The First-Class Actresses' Lascivious Techniques Will Make Amateurs Lose Their Minds
Starring Konan Koyoi
Konan Koyoi has finally returned after a brief hiatus and her first film back definitely didn't disappoint. The setup revolves around Konan picking up various "random" or amateurs and having sex with them. It's a typical reverse pick-up premise. I've always said that I'm a big fan of this plot as it allows the actress to just be herself and let her natural personality shine through. Konan is super charming and inviting here while boasting very lovely facial expressions. Her smile can really light up a room. Enthusiasm wise she does pretty well but could be a bit better at some points. Overall though I think she delivers a terrific performance that is certainly befitting of this theme.
Now it's not all perfect as the pacing is a tad bloated coming in at around 2 hours and 45 minutes. It easily could've been trimmed down removing some extra fluff such as a section where she showers with one of the guys. It's just a little dull at some points. But on the brighter side, the lighting is superb going for a more natural tone that's not overly produced and fits the theme well. Action wise the film contains just three sex scenes all together. While the pacing is definitely a key issue, the cumshots at least are all real and there's a decent range of positions used. If this film was just a little leaner and packed another scene perhaps it could've been a contender for her best film to date. Still a great film though and one to watch if you're a Konan fan.
Overall Rating - 8.6/10
Specialized In Seeding, Impregnation, and Creampies
Starring Rino Yuki
Actual real creampies? In JAV? In 2023? That appears to be the case here. Now I'll admit that I'm not 100% certain of the exact premise here but it seems to cast Rino Yuki as a married woman who, for whatever reason, gets set up by her husband into getting gangbanged and creampied countless times over. The plot honestly doesn't matter too much as you're just here to watch Rino get filled with tons of cum and this film certainly achieves that. Let me get the production values out of the way first as it's extremely straightforward. There's only one room used for the entire film with identical lighting throughout. I will say the camerawork is quite nice as it implements some nice picture-in-picture of her from the front and from behind as she gets fucked.
This basic setup may sound like a recipe for an awful film but it gets major points for its action. It consists of two group sex scenes and one blowjob scene. The main attraction here is those gangbang scenes where Rino gets creampied about a dozen times in a row. And in the 2nd scene, she even takes about 8 or so loads to the face. While I can't say for 100% certainty if the creampies are real, I'd be willing to bet that they are. There are very few camera cuts here on top of the cum looking quite realistic in volume, color, and consistency. It's truly remarkable in this semi post-covid era to have genuine gangbangs and creampies. It's very reminiscent of Knights Visuals' works and definitely deserves praise for its boldness in this day and age.
Overall Rating - 8.5/10
Busty Soaplady
Starring Mei Washio
That's a pretty eye-catching cover am I right? Unfortunately, the video is just another decent but unimaginative release from S1. The setup is exactly what it sounds like with Mei Washio playing a range of different sex worker roles such as a hostess, masseuse, and soapland lady. It's a fine premise at best with a solid enough range of scenarios to keep things feeling somewhat fresh throughout. Now first off let's talk about her acting which is rather underwhelming. Her facial expressions can be very hit-or-miss at times on top of lacking proper enthusiasm. This isn't too surprising given Mei has always been a lackluster performer. The action on the other hand does fare a bit better.
It consists of two sex scenes, two handjob scenes, and a paizuri scene. The sex scenes are mostly enjoyable with one even being shot in POV. The other three scenes though aren't too memorable due to her middling performance and weak cumshots. Overall I think the biggest aspect I can praise is Mei's tantalizing assets. She looks incredible here and her boobs especially make for some stunning eyecandy. I should note that there's a heavy dose of fisheye lens here which may turn some folks off. I also wanna praise the lighting as it's varied and suits the film's theme quite well. SSIS-613 makes for some juicy eyecandy but honestly, that's about it as the plot is rather basic, her acting is underwhelming, and the action is a slight letdown.
Overall Rating - 7.2/10
Busty Secret Agent Is Caught And Fucked Repeatedly
Starring Yayoi Mizuki
Oh secret agent films, they're always so frustrating. Always boasts a neat concept but it just goes in the wrong direction. Despite that though, there was still some enjoyment here. The plot is basically the same as any other film in this genre with Yayoi playing a secret agent who gets captured and fucked against her will all with an emphasis on intense orgasms and some light squirting. It's not really my cup of tea to be honest but it's executed well enough and Yayoi's performance does help give it a boost. Despite not being a fan of submissive acting all too much, Yayoi does quite well I have to admit. She's not over-the-top whiny and keeps her moaning in check. Plus she does let loose a bit in the last scene which is always a treat.
When it comes to the action there are three sex scenes and one blowjob scene. The BJ scene was surprisingly satisfying with some good camerawork, acting, and cumshot. The sex scenes too were pretty good with a nice intensity to them and further enhanced by the terrific production values. Although I will say I wasn't a fan of the second sex scene as I didn't care for her outfit there and it kinda ruined it for me. But the other outfits she wears are super sexy. In addition, the lighting is top-notch and isn't deeply gloomy like other films in this genre. The camerawork and pacing are on point too. In the end, while I'm not too keen on the setup I did still enjoy some aspects such as the great action, solid acting, and strong production values.
Overall Rating - 8/10
Reverse Threesome Harem Creampie Orgy In The Perverted Titty Banquet Game!
Starring Misono Mizuhara & Nanami Matsumoto
This is certainly one of the meatiest collaborations so far this year. I admittedly kept my expectations low for this one and it was good that I did as the video was mostly just an average 3P film. I'm not 100% sure but I believe the setup casts Misono and Nanami as two busty hostesses at a hot springs doing their best to please one of their male customers. It's very simple overall and honestly, I didn't much care for it. I'm really just not a fan of this location and theme. It's just dull to me as many of the settings are nearly identical and with a three-hour runtime it feels a bit bloated. That's certainly another issue I have which is the pacing. This film really didn't need to be this long as some parts are quite slow and drag on.
It's evident by just looking at the scene count which features just two sex scenes, a blowjob scene, and a paizuri scene. The sex scenes are mostly solid and the paizuri scene is surprisingly enjoyable. However, the slow pacing really weighs them down and the lack of interaction is a real shame. Now don't get me wrong I was expecting this but it's still a bummer that there's virtually none of it here. At the very least, their individual performances are great. These two also make for some juicy eyecandy which is probably one of the best aspects here. The lighting is generally on point throughout too. If you really like these two then it's worth a watch but it's hard to recommend beyond that due to its meh plot, slow pacing, and dull setting.
Overall Rating - 7.4/10
Starring Rino Yuki
Digital Ark studio is such a guilty pleasure of mine. I realize they're very formulaic and rely on the fisheye lens quite a lot, but damn if it doesn't make for some incredibly juicy eyecandy. As is always the case with Digital Ark, there's no real plot or setup here at all. Instead, the focus is entirely on her wearing an array of sexy outfits and pantyhose that highlight her legs and insane figure. It is very simple but also super effective making for a satisfying watch. As is always the case here the eyecandy factor is easily the best highlight. Rino looks absolutely amazing here and the spectacular camerawork and lighting do a fantastic job of highlighting it.
Bolstering this is Rino's terrific performance. Admittedly she's not given much to work with here but she does sport great enthusiasm and is actively engaging. And her lewd facial expressions are mostly on point as well. The action here is pretty standard fare for this series featuring two sex scenes, an assjob scene, a group blowjob scene, and a few other scenes comprised of her just masturbating or showing off her body. Those scenes are rather dull and really feel like a waste. The other non-sex scenes are nice though thanks to some stellar cumshots and the sex scenes are good with an excellent range of positions that highlight her body very well. Again it's a very simple film overall but goddamn Rino looks amazing making for a fun watch.
Overall Rating - 8.5/10
Appreciate the kind words! As far as whether or not Rino Yuki's breasts are augmented, that's a tough one. I'm very on the fence about it. Regardless if they are or not, they look amazing.
That Rino one looks spicy alright, and I'm with you on the feeling of it being more in line with videos from yesteryears. I think that's honestly why it looks spicy because bukkake is just not on the menu these days.
I can't say reverse pickup is a theme I'm a huge fan of but if there's anyone at S1 that is going to do well with it, definitely it's Konan. She has a great natural personality that does shine when she has the opportunity to do so.
I'm also with you on that Misono + Nanami video looking bland, but I have noticed them shipping the pair a lot. I've been complaining the industry doesn't ship enough pairs so I'm glad to see them do it. Sure, I'd rather a few other pairs (including some others with Nanami herself), but this is better than nothing and hopefully it turns into much more.
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