Pan Takes June 2023 Vol 1

The month of May was a little underwhelming in terms of quality new releases if I'm being honest. There were a few solid videos but most failed to leave a strong lasting impression. Thankfully we got back on track for this month with a nice array of tantalizing titles. We not only got plenty of big asses and titties but also some interesting setups. From Alice Otsu picking up girls at a bathhouse to Yuria Yoshine playing a succubus and Rin Hachimitsu giving us perhaps her best film to date? There's a little bit of something for everyone in this one. Now without further ado, let's get into it.
Seductive Lascivious Housemaid With A Sexy And Voluptuous Ass And Plump Thighs
Starring Nao Jinguji
It's been a little while since I last checked out a new Nao Jinguji film and with this one centering around her amazing ass, I knew I had to give it a watch. The plot here tasks Nao with playing a slutty housemaid who is hired to clean up this guy's home but it doesn't take long before she starts getting touchy with him and before you know it, she's half-naked shoving her ass in his face. It's a fine setup but it does feel a tad underutilized. Overall though it's not a big deal. Now I wanna point out something that bothers me about Nao here and I may be alone in this but I'm really not a fan of her short haircut. Maybe I just gotta get used to it but I don't think it fits her that well. That personal grievance aside, this film was pretty enjoyable for the most part. I will say there is a ton of fisheye lens used here. It doesn't bother me too much but I know for others it's a bit of an eyesore.
The results generally look good at least as Nao's ass is in top-notch shape. In addition, she wears plenty of slutty outfits consisting of some pantyhose and fishnets. The rest of the production values as a whole are generally solid although the lighting is a bit mixed as some scenes I feel are too bright and saturated. Moving on to the action which is good but not perfect. In all, there are two-and-a-half sex scenes, a handjob scene, and a thighfucking scene that is sadly crippled by a lousy fake cumshot. Beyond that though I have no real issues as the rest of the scenes are all enjoyable. And it's all topped off by a terrific performance from Nao. As always she exudes this lovely sultry vibe that permeates throughout the entire film coupled with excellent enthusiasm and facial expressions. MIDV-308 proved to be a fun ride that besides some personal annoyances, delivered the goods.
Overall Rating - 8.3/10
Lascivious Sex Life With A Busty Succubus
Starring Yuria Yoshine
The succubus genre has kinda dried up over the past year after being the hottest trend for quite a while. Now we finally see a new entry and it stars Yuria Yoshine nonetheless. The plot centers around two different guys who inadvertently summon a succubus who then proceeds to drain them completely dry. It's nothing particularly innovative or different but you don't exactly have to reinvent the wheel here since it's been a minute since we've seen this setup. Now one of the better aspects of this film is Yuria's acting. She delivers a pretty solid performance overall with adequate enthusiasm and terrific facial expressions. She doesn't quite hit the high of some of the best succubus performances from the past but she gets the job done at the very least. One aspect that doesn't hit the mark though is the lighting.
This is a common complaint I always have with this studio and once again it rears its ugly head. The lighting is nearly the exact same across every scene. And it's not even that good anyway. It's way too dull and flat which doesn't accentuate her curves whatsoever. The settings are also extremely bland which kinda ruins the fantasy vibe of the film. The action here is a mixed bag featuring two paizuri scenes, two handjob scenes, and two sex scenes. By far the biggest issue I have is that most, if not all, the cumshots are fake. I get faking some of them as it ties into the succubus theme but it gets a bit ridiculous. Thankfully, the rest of the action is pretty good and the sex scenes are mostly satisfying across the board. The end result here is a decent watch but could've been much better if they didn't cheap out on the production values.
Overall Rating - 7.5/10
I Was Invited For A Drink At Home With My Beautiful Boss Who Is Rumored To Have J-Cups...We Had Sex For 3 Days And 3 Nights...
Starring Nagi Hikaru
Nagi Hikaru has really been growing on me for the past couple of months. Her figure has seen such an amazing glow-up. So as such, I was eager to check out her newest film. The general premise here is extremely straightforward with Nagi playing a female boss role who after a night of drinking invites one of her male employees over for the night. He ends up making a move on her and well you can likely guess the rest. This setup is a little too basic for my liking and overused now in JAV so as a result, I wasn't a huge fan of it. But the plot isn't a major factor in this so it's not a huge deal. Now unfortunately what is a slightly bigger deal is the lack of setting variety. Three out of four scenes use the exact same room and bed which is really lame.
It makes each of those scenes feel very repetitive. At the very least, they do incorporate a different lighting setup which does alleviate that issue to an extent. But it's still hard to ignore. I will say the camerawork is pretty good and even features some nice POV. Now the action here is solid but again is hurt by some of that repetition. The three sex scenes do feel quite similar by the end. Beyond that, there is a paizuri scene that is decent but nothing too noteworthy. That just leaves her performance which isn't that bad honestly. She's still not great and can be rather stiff at times but does show a bit more emotion and enthusiasm at least. SSIS-742 is pretty average in the end that is saved by some decent action, lighting, and gorgeous eyecandy.
Overall Rating - 7.7/10
Part-Time Worker With A Gravure Idol History
Starring Momona Koibuchi
I gotta say, this has to be one of my favorite covers of the year so far. The colors are very nice and the big titties don't hurt either. Here we see Momona working at a konbini who happens to have a secret past as a former gravure model. Her boss finds out and uses it as leverage to have his way with her. I do like the gravure aspect of the setup but ultimately wish it was more involved. Overall it's not really my cup of tea personally plot-wise. The action here is definitely more enjoyable consisting of three sex scenes, a blowjob scene, and a paizuri scene. One nice aspect is the element of risk as a few scenes feature them going at it while customers are around. The two non-sex scenes are a bit repetitive as they feature many of the same angles.
This leads me to the production values which aren't too shabby. The setting variety is decent all things considered with a good mix of locations such as the backroom and behind the counter and coolers. Her hair and makeup are on point too and the lighting fits the theme of the movie quite well. And lastly regarding her performance, I'm a little conflicted. This type of plot calls for a more submissive performance but she feels shaky in that regard as there are times when she breaks characters and smiles through it all. It's not the most coherent performance from her but I do like her enthusiasm if nothing else. While the premise and her acting left me feeling lukewarm, the action and production values help make this a decent watch.
Overall Rating - 8/10
Slut Hostess Temptation
Starring Mina Kitano
Mina Kitano in a slutty role is the perfect setup for her. She always thrives in it and here is no different. In this one, we see playing a lewd hostess who seduces some lucky men around her apartment building. I greatly enjoyed the plot here as we get to see a variety of actors and I'm always down for a good seduction-type theme as Mina is well-suited for it. Speaking of which, her acting here is absolutely on point. She's incredibly slutty with very lewd facial expressions and is super engaging overall. Her performance is exactly what you want to see in a premise like this. Now one thing that does bother me is the camerawork. There are plenty of moments where Mina will look directly into the camera despite it being shot in third-person.
It's a bit offputting to me and breaks some of the immersion. Most of the other production aspects fare pretty well. Her wardrobe is appropriately slutty with several sexy outfits that suit her perfectly and the lighting is mostly great with one minor exception being the last scene that's a tad too bright. The action overall is excellent consisting of three sex scenes, a handjob scene, and a paizuri scene. Admittedly those latter two scenes aren't too satisfying, especially the tittyfuck scene as her tits aren't the best for such an act. The sex scenes though are all great and feature a nice array of positions. All in all, an enjoyable film that suffers from a few personal gripes. Beyond that, it's another exceptional release from Mina.
Overall Rating - 8.4/10
Reverse Bunny - Office Lady Edition
Starring Rin Hachimitsu
We got another new reverse bunnysuit film on deck but this time the setup is a bit different making for a fresh experience. Rin plays a newcomer OL who is tasked with trying to save the company and raise their projections. So naturally she proceeds to meet with some investors while sporting a reverse bunnysuit as she seduces these lucky clients in hopes of striking a deal. I really loved this plot and its unique take on this bunnygirl trend. It definitely makes for an engaging watch. Now if you recall in my first impressions post of her I lambasted her acting and said she was painfully stiff. I will give her some credit here and say that she delivers an acceptable performance. She actually shows some emotion, is decently expressive, and there's a nice uptick in her enthusiasm from before when she was a complete piece of wood on screen. Good job Rin!
Another great aspect worth mentioning has to be her appearance. I sorta regret not including her in my top 10 bodies post I made a few weeks ago. Her figure is truly stunning and it's further complimented by these super sexy bunnygirl outfits. They really help frame her slim waist and nice hips. Also credit to her surgeon as her boobjob really is remarkable. Now if there's one aspect that's a bit underwhelming it's the action. It features two sex scenes, a blowjob scene, a handjob scene, and a paizuri scene. Those non-sex scenes aren't really that memorable and unfortunately no real sex happens until nearly an hour in. Another sex scene would've made a huge difference. All in all, I can confidently say this is easily one of her best films to date thanks to an entertaining setup, solid performance, and spectacular eyecandy. If you've never checked her out before or have fallen off, this is a great film to jump in with.
Overall Rating - 8.7/10
Sexual Pressure Onto The Strict Female Boss
Starring Yuria Yoshine
I'm of course a big fan of Yuria and casting her into an OL setup seemed like a peanut butter and jelly level of no-brainer combination. The plot for this one casts Yuria as a pushy female boss who begins to crack under pressure after receiving a massage from one of her employees. Soon enough she loses control and the two are going it. Overall it's a fine enough set up as we see them develop their relationship all the way leading to her inviting him over to her place to fuck behind her husband's back. Although I will say the lack of any real risk in that scene was a slight bummer. Admittedly the action as a whole is a bit light as it only features two sex scenes and a paizuri scene. The first 30-plus minutes are just fondling and setting up the plot.
They easily could've trimmed some of that down or removed it altogether to make room for another scene. Thankfully the sex scenes are solid with the first one being the top highlight with its focus on clothed sex. Speaking of, her wardrobe here is stunning. Her thick figure just pours itself into her OL attire as she fills them out wonderfully. The lighting is quite nice too as is always the case with Madonna. And finally, when it comes to her acting, she does a fine job for the most part. She's a good fit for this role with decent enough enthusiasm but still can be a touch too loud and whiny at times. Nothing too egregious though. JUQ-296 proved to be pretty satisfying all around and could've been even better if there was just a bit more bang for your buck.
Overall Rating - 8.5/10
Lascivious Lesbian On The Prowl In A Women's Bathhouse
Starring Alice Otsu
This video almost slipped past my radar but I'm glad I ended up checking it out as it made for a rather fresh experience. It casts Alice as a lustful lesbian on the hunt for some tantalizing girls at the bathhouse. Once she has them in her sight she proceeds to make her move which results in plenty of fondling, licking, kissing, and some nice toy use at times. Lesbian films usually aren't too appealing to me but the premise here was fun to watch and it's a new role for Alice to tackle which she does so fairly well. She takes control of each scene in a convincing fashion without being too over the top. In addition, she's very engaging with the actresses and feels quite natural in this setup. When it comes to the production values it's pretty simple but effective.
One nice aspect is the camerawork which features a more voyeuristic approach that fits the theme of the film quite well. The lighting is generally fine too and the settings are exactly what you'd expect. Now I will say the pacing could've been better as there are only two scenes spread across a 130-minute runtime. It leads to the film feeling a bit stale after a while, especially with how repetitive at times the lesbian action can feel. There is a fair variety at hand and a risk factor present that heightens the excitement and to top it off Alice's performance does help alleviate that issue at least. If you enjoy lesbian films then I think you'll wanna give this a shot as the fun premise, good action, and excellent performance certainly make it stand out among the crowd.
Overall Rating - 8.3/10
Twitter is too valuable to shut down. The 'demise' talk has been going on for months. In a worst case situation, we'll fire mixi back up!
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