Pan Takes - November 2023 Vol 2

Published : December 18th, 2023 Written by Panking


A Bathhouse Sign Girl Who Soothes Your Lower Body with Her Plump Breasts

Starring Rin Hachimitsu

It's been a while since I've last checked out any of Rin's newest releases, at least since she's transferred over to Faleno. I don't bother watching every new video of hers but this one certainly caught my interest. Here we see Rin playing a very helpful bathhouse girl who aims to please all her customers by any means necessary whether it be through blowjobs and handjobs or even full-on sex. Nothing is off the table. I always enjoy a good bathhouse setup and this one is executed decently well. There is a solid array of settings here which is always good for a bathhouse film as often times they'll reuse the same location over and over. The lighting is equally varied and looks terrific too. And while her wardrobe is minimal, it looks great and her hair/makeup are both on point as well. Rin overall here makes for some stellar eyecandy no doubt about that.

Unfortunately, the action is a little more of a mixed bag. It features two sex scenes alongside a paizuri scene and a blowjob/handjob scene with multiple guys. The first sex scene is easily the best on display here and the blowjob/handjob scene is satisfying enough. However, the paizuri scene isn't too enjoyable as her chest isn't exactly built for tittyfucking and the last scene is about 50 minutes long with only 8 minutes of actual penetration. It's completely absurd. I will say that this is easily one of her best performances to date, although that's not a high bar to cross. I do like her energy and engagement here but her facial expressions still feel a tad stiff or awkward at times. Despite the inexcusably bad pacing in the last scene and the underwhelming paizuri scene I still had a good time with this one. There are some lovely visuals here, the plot is nice, and her performance is mostly pretty solid. I say it's a quality watch for any Rin Hachimitsu fan.

Overall Rating - 8.4/10


“In This Kind of Place?!” “We Going to Get Caught!” “Cum Here?!” Mischievous Busty Slut

Starring Karen Yuzuriha

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I always love seeing Karen take on more light-hearted plots and we've got a real fun one with her latest release. This one sees her playing a sexual deviant who lusts after random men and has her way with him. This is mostly accomplished by surprising them in public spaces, jerking them off, and then usually having sex. Some examples include her fucking a guy in a movie theater, giving a blowjob in a bathroom as a nurse, and jerking off another guy in an office while keeping it a secret from the cute girl he's crushing on. Every scene presents a fresh setup that is very entertaining, except for the last one which lacks the spontaneous spark of the other scenes. Not to mention the lighting in that one is pretty mediocre. Beyond that, the lighting is generally good while boasting a nice variety of locations.

Her wardrobe is decently varied too consisting of a few highlights such as a nurse uniform and some OL attire. The action is also another highlight featuring three sex scenes and two handjob/blowjob scenes. My only real complaint is the occasional fake creampie and that the first scene lacks position variety using only cowgirl but it makes sense given the setup. And many scenes do at least end in an absurd cumshot such as when she jerks a guy off onto the hair of an unsuspecting co-worker. Her performance is pretty good too as she exudes this nice playful and lewd aura while boasting solid enthusiasm throughout. Could be a bit better in some spots as she doesn't quite hit peak nympho levels but still gets the job done. All in all, PPPE-166 is one of her better films of the year. It's an entertaining ride from start to finish.

Overall Rating - 9.1/10


Reverse NTR Captivity By Insatiable Sister-in-Law – 24 Hours In The Parent’s Home Where I Live With My Wife Sneakily Having Unprotected Sex With Me Whenever She Likes

Starring Alice Otsu

Alice Otsu as your nympho sister-in-law, where do I sign up? That is indeed the premise for this enticing release. Her sister's boyfriend has a little too much to drink and passes out leaving her with a prime opportunity to bring him back to her room for some fun. She then proceeds to keep him restrained as her sexual pet and endlessly fucks with him over and over as she somehow keeps this a secret from her sister. It's definitely a setup that strongly caters to Alice's strengths as a performer but it is quite restrictive in the setting as a result as we really only get one singular location for the entire film as well as very similar lighting which does make the scenes feel a tad repetitive. Overall, there are three sex scenes and a blowjob scene spread across a runtime of 2 hours and 48 minutes.

I do think for a simple setup like this, the pacing could've been handled better and perhaps trimmed down to save some time as it does drag a little at times. But the action itself is enjoyable especially with a couple of nice risky moments thrown in such as when the sister calls while they're in mid-fuck as Alice makes the boyfriend talk. There is a surprising lack of squirting besides a few instances here and there. And of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Alice's superb performance. She plays her nympho role very well without going too overboard which would be easy to do. Alice is pretty dialed in throughout although her facial expressions could've been a bit better in some scenes. NHDTB-843 is a fun ride that is unfortunately weighed down by some lackluster production values.

Overall Rating - 8.2/10


A Junior Colleague At My Part-time Job Who Was Bored Due To Short-time Work Whispers Devilishly, "Do You Want To Be Sexually Fondled?"

Starring Fumika Nakayama

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Fumika Nakayama has been a little hit-or-miss this year but this release here looks to be a real winner. The premise here centers around Fumika playing a devilish slut working part-time at a cafe who lusts after her co-worker. It starts out with some light teasing as she plays with his dick through his pants, then elevating to a handjob and blowjob before devolving into full-on sex. Fumika playing a spunky nympho is a good fit for her and overall I enjoyed the plot. It utilizes some nice risky moments here and there and has good progression and pacing on top of being bolstered by her terrific performance. I honestly think Fumika can be a tad underrated when it comes to acting. When given the chance, she can really knock it out of the park like she does here. I was most impressed by her enthusiasm.

She is relentless here with great engagement and facial expressions to boot. She really goes to town when in cowgirl position specifically. Now the action on the other hand is a little more mixed. It consists of two sex scenes, two handjob scenes, and a blowjob scene. There is a nice intensity overall to each scene and the last sex scene in particular is quite good alongside some nice elements of risk. However, there's a severe lack of position variety in the first sex scene as it only uses cowgirl. Not a major issue but worth noting. But back onto the positive side, the production values here are all on point. The lighting is just right, her wardrobe fits the film perfectly and the pacing is well executed as it steadily ramps up the action. MIDV-532 is quite easily one of Fumika's best films of the year. You've got a great plot, superb performance, and wonderful pacing. The action could've been a bit better in some spots but overall I was very satisfied.

Overall Rating - 9/10


Assault Onpaco

Starring Nene Tanaka

Surprise sex is on the menu for this film. That's the basis of the setup here as we see Nene surprising some lucky "fans" inside their home and engaging in an array of different sex acts with them. I always love a good fan appreciation premise even know it's all likely staged. The fantasy of it all is what makes it so fun to watch as we all wish that one day we could be lucky enough to experience this. Another major reason I'm a big fan of this plot is that it allows the actress to just be herself and let her natural personality shine. I think Nene is a bit livelier than normal and delivers a decent performance all around but honestly nothing too memorable. She gets the job done but there was a never a moment where she blew me away. Physically she looks very nice at least and is in prime thick condition.

Now action wise the film is a little light consisting of just two sex scenes and a paizuri scene with a 2-and-a-half-hour runtime. On the plus side, the paizuri scene is solid and the last sex scene features a lovely array of positions ending in her receiving multiple cumshots on her chest. However, the first sex scene is rather brief and the last sex scene is kinda bogged down by some very forgettable toy use at the beginning. Finally, we have the production values which do feel slightly lower budget but aren't terribly incompetent. The lighting is just okay throughout but it is especially nice in the last scene as it casts some very nice shading on Nene helping to accentuate her curves. Other than that the camerawork is fine and the settings are all typical fare for this setup consisting of normal bedrooms for the most part. Nene Tanaka has been pumping out plenty of new releases this month and this one is yet another solid watch especially if you enjoy the fan appreciation type setup.

Overall Rating - 8.5/10


Big Tits Fetish Erotic Costume

Starring Noa Haruna

I've made it no secret that Noa Haruna is my favorite debut of the year. Those tits are hands down some of the very best I've ever seen in JAV. So needless to say I'm pretty excited to check out any new content from her. This particular film is pretty skimpy on plot instead featuring a wide range of different outfits strewn throughout a series of vanilla scenes. Some of the major highlights include a maid, bunnygirl, and cowgirl outfits. I absolutely do not mind this as Noa's titties are potent enough to carry the film without any sort of plot. Now let's just get right into what is easily the best aspect of the film, the eyecandy factor. It is off the charts here, especially if you're a major big titty lover. Every outfit here is unique and stunningly showcases her immaculate chest. Her titties have never looked better. Now I won't lie, her performance here isn't too hot.

Her facial expressions are very static and one-note lacking any real enthusiasm. And she doesn't really offer up any engagement at all. I hate saying this but she may be near the bottom of the list in regards to my tier list of performers. Thankfully, the action does fare much better. It consists of three sex scenes, two handjob scenes, and a tittyfuck scene. Every sex scene is enjoyable especially the last one as it's shot in POV. I do wish there was a bit more paizuri and one of the handjob scenes is rather lackluster wasting one of the best outfits of the entire film. And lastly, the production values are fine but nothing too noteworthy. The lighting is pretty similar across most of the scenes although it doesn't look terrible at least. The pacing is well-balanced throughout and the camerawork is great as it captures some amazing angles of her body from all sides. If you just want to experience some grade A eyecandy then you won't be disappointed. Just don't expect great acting is all.

Overall Rating - 8.4/10


I Unexpectedly Ended Up Sharing A Room With My Two Busty Bosses At A Hotel

Starring Mei Washio & Nagi Hikaru

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I was eagerly awaiting this one for a pair of reasons you could say. The prospect of S1's two busiest actresses together onscreen is pretty tantalizing. But of course, I kept my expectations in check and ultimately had a good time here. The plot here is probably one of the weaker elements as it's just the cliche plot centered around these two playing busty bosses who share a room overnight with a co-worker. There's no denying that it's very generic and overused nowadays but it's whatever honestly. It's just a cheap setup so we can get these two together and for that, it succeeds. Now I'm not gonna lie, the acting here from these certainly leaves something to be desired. But let's be real, if you go into this expecting top-tier performances, that's on you. There's very little interaction between them at all and there are plenty of moments where the actress not involved is on the sidelines barely doing anything besides having a titty squeezed.

While those two elements may be a tad underwhelming, everything else here is on point starting with the action. It consists of two sex scenes and two paizuri scenes. The action here is very good with a nice range of positions and an equal spotlight given to both actresses all with a hyper-focus on their titties, rightfully so. All this action is strongly bolstered by the excellent production values. The lighting in particular is phenomenal, especially in the first two scenes. Hair and makeup are on point too as Nagi Hikaru looks absolutely stunning. All in all, the eyecandy factor is off the charts here. If you're a big titty lover, this is a must-watch. Just make sure you temper your expectations about the plot and their acting. Do that and you'll have a very enjoyable experience.

Overall Rating - 8.6/10


My Sexy Step-Sister Is My Personal Soaplady

Starring Konan Koyoi

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Imagine having Konan Koyoi as your step-sister. That's precisely the premise for her latest release. Here we see a man stay at his step-sister's house while out on a business trip. It's been years since he's seen her so he's shocked at how she's developed. Eventually, she catches a glimpse of his dick in the bathroom and soon enough they start going at it. He's surprised at how talented she is and we find out she's a professional soaplady. Overall I do like this plot as it's somewhat unique fitting Konan's personality well and but it doesn't really go anywhere interesting. The execution is kinda half-baked. It's not a huge deal but a slight bummer nonetheless. Now as I alluded to earlier, her acting ability is right at home with this setup.

She's not perfect but she does excuse this nice warm and inviting aura which compliments her role very well. Plus, her engagement is pretty good and she isn't terribly submissive either. The action is just as good too consisting of three sex scenes and a paizuri scene. Every scene features a nice array of positions and best of all, real cumshots. Not much to complain about. The production values are mostly on point too although the lighting could've been better, especially in the final scene where it's way too bright. But otherwise, the camerawork is good at capturing some nice full angles of her body and her hair/makeup is terrific too. Besides some hit-or-miss lighting and "meh" execution of it's plot, I really enjoyed this one. It's easily one of her better releases of the year.

Overall Rating - 8.7/10


Oppaira 1 year ago

It might be weird saying this given who I am but I think you value Noa Haruna's tits way too highly. I mean just look at who else has tits and debuted this year: Yuki Nitta, Karen Yanagi, Mitsuki Momota, Miyu Kiyohara, Ren Gojo, Haru Minato, Momoka Kagura - the list keeps going on. When Noa isn't good in any other facet it's hard to be as interested in her as you are. Why watch her when I can get someone with comparable tits and other good qualities?

I think nothing highlights my feelings on the above as comparing it to the video you reviewed right below it with Hikaru and Mei. Let's face it, whether you think Noa's tits are better than either of theirs or not (and I won't blame anyone either way, all three have fantastic tits), Hikaru and Mei are both better in more or less every other way. They're prettier, nicer bodies, and the videos are just better since they're at S1. I agree with you that their duo was mostly just eye candy but it's hard to argue, and I gave it a similar score (slightly higher though). Same thoughts as you too, the concept was a bit cliche but the pair of them had so much enjoyable content because of how nice they are.

I also echo your sentiment on Konan's release except I thought it was quite good, better than you did. The narrative and her performance mingled together quite nicely to produce something quite enjoyable. Maybe I have a bit of a bias for her and maybe I haven't seen enough from her this year that I was overcompensating with my rating, but I did very much enjoy it.

Panking 1 year ago

The only names of the ones you listed that come close to matching Noa's tits are Haru Minato and Momoka Kagura IMO. Yuki Nitta is a complete pass for me, Mitsuki Momoto is just okay, Miyu Kiyohara is great I'll give you that and Ren Gojo was pretty underwhelming honestly. And yeah Noa is mainly just tits you're right, but those are 11/10 tits. Some of the best I have ever seen in any medium of porn so I can't help but have stronger feelings towards her, despite the glaring weaknesses. A big guilty pleasure of mine.

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