Panking's Top 10 Worst JAV Films of 2021

What makes a film qualify as a worst-of-the-year contender? There's a lot of things to consider. Sometimes it's horrible production values, a mediocre plot, terrible action, or just flat-out awful execution. Whatever the case may be all these films suffer from one or more of those factors. I'll be listing these in order from least to most egregious with my #1 spot being my choice for the absolute worst film of the year. Now without further ado, let's dive in!
10. PPPD-975
"A Clinic to Develop the Spence Mammary Gland"
Karen Yuzuriha may have had a fantastic debut year filled with several quality films but this one here is certainly not one of them. I absolutely loathe this series and this entry is no different. There's really no overall premise to speak of here as it instead centers around the concept of titty stimulation and extremely over-the-top acting. Everything about this film is just so basic and bland. First off, the runtime is incredibly bloated coming in at nearly 3 hours. Normally I'm a fan of longer runtimes but not here when the film stays at one note the entire time. It's just the same thing over and over pretty much. The super repetitive action certainly doesn't help in that regard.
Every scene features plenty of titty play and nipple stimulation which personally isn't all that fun to watch and drags it all out. The final sex scene for example is 50 minutes long with only 7 minutes of actual sex, it's ludicrous. The sex itself is fine at best but you can see better in many of her other films. The other scenes here are a real bore focusing entirely on masturbation and the aforementioned titty play. All the settings are virtually the same too and the lighting is a little too harsh for my liking. And lastly, her acting is just way over the top. While PPPD-975 isn't the worst offender on my list, its sheer blandness makes this one of the most forgettable duds of the year.
9. MIMK-097
"Bratty Neighborhood Girl Comes Over During An Emergency And Sticks Around... Now That She Has Nowhere To Go She Gets A Lesson In Squirting Orgasms"
Here we have a film that started out rather nicely and seemed to be making for a great time. However, that quickly faded as the film ultimately became a repetitive snore that went nowhere. I believe the film is based on a doujinshi since that's the usual deal with this label from Moodyz but I'm not entirely sure. If anyone wants to correct me feel free to in the comments. The plot centers around a guy who takes this schoolgirl into his apartment as she has nowhere to go. She inadvertently teases him with upskirt shots until he can't resist anymore and fucks her. The whole film centers on these two having sex in the apartment...and that's it. That right there is the key problem with this film and why it lands on my worst of 2021 list.
The film consists of four scenes consisting of two sex scenes, a blowjob scene, and an assjob scene. Now the first sex scene is solid but everything else is very mediocre. Every scene features the exact same setting and lighting setup on top of her dressed as a schoolgirl each time. Not to mention all the cumshots here are fake which I suppose comes with the territory of the plot being based on a doujinshi work but it's still irritating. Her performance at least isn't too bad as she does a decent enough job at playing the bratty schoolgirl role. But I just can't overlook how incredibly repetitive the whole film is. A little variety would've gone a long way here.
8. BLK-512
"Sudden Reverse Pick Up Harem Wagon!"
I was so excited to check this one out initially. On paper, it sounded amazing. Nene and Ruka with a "gal" makeover picking up random guys and fucking them silly. But the execution is just way off. First off the premise is exactly as I described except of course they're not really "random" guys, just actors. But it's still a great plot nonetheless and easily the best aspect of this film. Another admittedly nice element is their acting. They're pretty enthusiastic and expressive overall as they play their roles quite well. Plus, there's some nice interaction between them too with some kissing and groping. But the action and production values really ruin all the potential. There are about four scenes in all here spread out over a runtime of 2 hrs and 21 min.
The first is a sex scene that lasts 50 min with no real sex happening until the 40 min mark. Even worse is that they keep all their clothes on and you can't see anything. Then there's a laughably dragged-out handjob scene followed by a rather enjoyable threesome sex scene. But then the film is capped off with another forgettable handjob scene. Just horrible pacing all around along with rather wonky camerawork especially in the 2nd scene and disappointing action. It's maybe worth watching for that 2nd threesome scene but really not much else. This had so much potential but ultimately falls way short of expectations and ends up as one of my least favorites of 2021.
7. BF-631
"Step Sister Gets A Boyfriend And Fucks Her Playboy Step-Bro As Practice!"
Kurea Hasumi had an absolute killer year in 2020 so naturally, you expect to see her continue this hot streak into 2021. But honestly, 2021 had been rather underwhelming to say the least. When I saw this film on the horizon I was pretty excited. Unfortunately, though this film is just flat-out terrible. The plot is pretty much summed up by the title as Kurea uses her step-bro for sex practice for when she actually fucks her boyfriend. It's an enticing concept but the execution is a big fail as the plot doesn't really feel relevant at all and is barely touched upon. It just devolves into a standard run-of-the-mill vanilla theme pretty much.
But worst of all the film's production values are awful in every way. For starters, the camerawork feels really amateurish at times. It's not terrible but several shots will leave you scratching your head wondering what they were thinking. Another egregious issue is the setting variety as every single scene reuses the same exact room over and over. It's downright laughable and inexcusable. But worst of all is the general lighting as it seems the editor fucked up the color management in post-production. Most of the film has a washed-out feel to it as the lighting is very dull. There's really nothing redeeming here. Any positives this film boasts can be found in other better films that execute it much better. This film is just completely worthless.
6. RCTD-375
"Tokyo Areola 2021"
The prospect of this film sounded enticing at first. I'm a big fan of both Nene and Yuria. Honoka Tsuji isn't too bad either. These three together should make for a good time but unfortunately, it's anything but. The plot is loosely based around a fictitious contest pitting the three together. One such way is having them compete in a paizuri battle to see who can make their guy cum the fastest. While that aspect is entertaining, the rest is downright terrible. Now admittedly there is some nice eye-candy to enjoy here but even then it's not nearly enough to salvage this film. The biggest issue with this one is just how utterly dull it is.
For starters, the first scene is focused on their tits as they fondle and play with them for nearly 20 minutes. It's somewhat amusing to watch them weigh their tits but it's still pretty boring. Then there's the tittyfuck battle which is probably the highlight of the film as the rest is downhill with an incredibly underwhelming solo masturbation scene where they see who can squirt the fastest. It's really lame. Then there's another titty groping scene followed by a foursome sex scene that is average at best. Couple this with mediocre production values and hit-or-miss acting you've got one of the worst videos I've seen all year. It boasts an interesting concept but the execution is just way off the mark.
5. JUNY-042
"At Last The Ban Is Lifted! Pleasurably Anal-Fucking A Plump White Ass"
Here we have June Lovejoy's very first anal film. Anal in JAV can be a bit of a hot topic. Some really love it and others loathe it. I had some hope going into this one that maybe it would be different than the rest but sadly that is absolutely not the case. Much like any anal debut there is no plot here whatsoever. Instead, the entire focus is centered all around her ass and lots of anal play/teasing. So right off the bat let me just say that the pacing here is absolutely terrible. It boasts a 2 hour and 40-minute runtime but consists of just 3 scenes. Yes, three whole scenes. And the action isn't even close to being good enough to justify this ridiculous pacing.
There is about an hour of foreplay before any real action begins. And even once it does it's very bland. Then we're treated to a whole 30 min scene of just anal play. Then we get a potentially nice threesome scene at the end but even that's underwhelming due to very minimal use of DP. Even when it is used, you can't see anything beyond a mess of pixels due to the heavy censorship. It's a waste of time. June's performance doesn't really help either as she can be pretty whiny and submissive which falls right in line with this type of film. This film just furthers my belief that anal in JAV is complete garbage. It's the exact same thing every single time and it's nearly always awful.
4. CJOD-287
"Limitless Ejaculation Soapland With Two Plain Jane Glasses Wearing Big Titty Sluts With Thick Bodies!"
Can we first talk about how insane the photoshop is on this cover? They made their tits at least 3 times bigger than they really are. It's ridiculous. Talk about major cover bait. Sadly the cover is the best aspect of this film as everything else falls flat. The premise is very simple as it's just a super basic soapland film. As always expect lots of lotion/soap play with the actresses rubbing themselves all over the actor. Anyone that knows me is aware I loathe soapland films and this one here is a perfect example of why. It's mind-numbingly dull as every scene feels like the last. There are some threesome sex scenes here but they're pretty terrible. They feel extremely bland and forgettable.
The other scenes don't fare any better with those being a handjob and paizuri scene. A large factor for this is their acting. The performances just aren't up to par as the chemistry isn't really there between the pair at all. Nanami isn't too bad overall but Nenne is pretty lackluster with some really weak facial expressions. Not to mention that personally, I don't find Nenne attractive at all really. Nothing about her face, body, or especially tits appeals to me. Lastly, the production values don't really help with the repetitiveness as each scene features roughly the same setting so it gets old real fast. There's just nothing worth watching here at all unless you're the most diehard soapland lover ever.
3. SSIS-203
"Abnormally Strong Climaxes"
Rara Anzai's releases this year have been very hit-or-miss but this film here is easily the biggest miss of them all. The plot, if you can call it that, centers around the themes of sex enhancers and sustaining from sex for a long period of time. It's all just an excuse for S1 to be as lazy as possible with their execution. It's extremely vanilla and is nearly 100% identical to a SSNI-777 which releases last year. Rara Anzai needs some sort of plot to work off of because otherwise, she is boring as hell if I'm being honest. This leads me to her performance which is as dull as ever sadly. She's incredibly whiny while boasting lackluster enthusiasm across the board.
I'm not expecting much to begin with but I'm still disappointed. It certainly doesn't help that the action is very underwhelming as well. There are just 3 scenes in all here with two being sex scenes and one being a painfully slow masturbation type scene that is just dreadful. It's so ridiculous and over the top with its overuse of vibrators. And the sex scenes don't fare any better as they're super bland and forgettable thanks to the nonsense premise. It doesn't help that the pacing is incredibly slow with all the teasing and foreplay. And topping it all off is some drab settings that only make the film even more monotonous. This is hands down one of her worst films in recent memory. An absolute dud in every single way.
2. JUFE-259
"Restraint Suit Room: Beautiful Sluts Who Restrain Men And Drive Them Crazy"
This is a film that I had high expectations for going into it. I love Maria Nagai and Elly Akira isn't too bad either. Those two in a heavy femdom-themed video should be a slam dunk but instead, it's a colossal failure. It's a pretty basic setup featuring the pair here teasing and fucking this man inside a hotel room over and over. That's really all there is to it. I'm assuming the direction of this film is a product of the Covid pandemic given it's shot inside a single hotel room and features just the three same performers with no crew I might add. This leads me to one of my biggest issues which is the camerawork. As I mentioned with no crew means the film is shot entirely via static cameras.
The end result is very hit-or-miss as some angles are tolerable and others are pitiful giving you a terrible view of the action. It doesn't help that the film as a whole feels very cheap with its repetitive setting that wears thin fast. The performances from the two aren't great either. Not only do they barely interact together whatsoever but they feel stiff and lack enthusiasm. Lastly, the action is pretty mediocre. There are a few threesome sex scenes but they're nothing special. The rest consist of just a handjob and footjob type scene. Making matters worse is the extremely bloated pacing dragging the film out to over 3 hours. What a complete mess. Easily one of the most disappointing films I've seen in years. A complete misfire.
1. MIAA-516
"Sudden Street Corner Nipple Restraint BDSM"
I wasn't quite sure what I was in for with this film. The theme seemed like something up my alley with it being more femdom oriented and I just recently started watching Kasumi so I thought it'd be a good watch. It turns out I was very wrong. The premise revolves around the actresses having their way with various men here all with a major focus on nipple play and of course femdom. Personally, I was torn on the setup as I love femdom but loathe nipple play as it can be really dull. At the very least the pair deliver a solid dominant performance. They boast some nice enthusiasm on top of being super-expressive. It's easily the brightest spot of the film as the rest is sadly a giant letdown.
The biggest issue with this film is the awful production values. For starters, the set designs are laughably bad. Some examples include a classroom setting with a random vending machine in it with the guy tied to it and a room with absolute random shit all over and the dude sits in a shopping cart in the middle. It's some of the most bizarre settings I've ever seen. The camerawork is also terrible with horrible shots that can be either too low, too far away, or too close. Just all around very amateurish. The action is mediocre too with only two sex scenes and two awful handjob scenes that drag on for way too long. It's a complete bust hampered by terrible technical aspects and lousy action. A rare massive misstep from Moodyz.
It's OK then if it's a Japanese woman who "quit her job to pay the bills"?
I don't even know why you would watch that Mammary Gland Clinic video, you know all the entries are hot garbage.
Surprised not to see Hitomi's futon video on your list, you know just as well as I do that was hot garbage.
I also don't think BF-631 was quite that bad, in fact I thought it was pretty solid.
I was very close to including that Hitomi vid but the last two scenes are actually enjoyable and saved it from this list.
To each their own I guess with BF-631. The production values are horrid and just flat-out terrible. Mediocre camerawork, drab lighting, and super repetitive settings. Like yeah sure Kurea delivers a solid performance but you can see this type of thing in any other film of hers and handled much better.
I didn't think the production quality was quite that bad, and besides I tend to value the other two aspects higher than the production quality. It's hard for the production quality to be so bad that it tanks the video completely.
I strongly disagree with that last part. Terrible production values can straight up cripple an otherwise decent film. Remember PPPD-903 with Hitomi from earlier this year? The one where she was a tutor and wore the slingkini on the cover. That one was strongly dampened by the shotty camerawork. But on a broader scale, I really think the likes of bad lighting, pacing, and camerawork can really drag a film down.
Also, I should have pointed out my top two entries on this list here. Completely ruined by the horrible production values as they otherwise would've been pretty decent.
I'm not familiar with this director but after looking up his film history I see your point now. I completely agree with you. Male nipple teasing is so dull to me and is just flat-out a waste of time imo.
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