RamenBoss's Ultimate Remote Control Vibrator Scenes Part 2 Best JAV with Remote Vibes

Published : February 28th, 2021 Written by RamenBoss

5. Sex Up the Butt, The Front Hole Left Completely Untouched, Nukunuku Orange MIMK-025 

Let's start off the list with a bang. Ai Uehara! It might seem that I only write about her over and over. It's true, but please let me explain! I swear it is only because she is in the specific theme I'm passionately writing about. That's it, it's a great coincidence. Having that said, I mean it's Ai Uehara! Need I say more? 

Not only do we get to see her perform, but she's of course in an awesome anal feature. I won't even go on about Ai Uehara. If you never heard of her, all you have to do is search for her accomplishments and you'll be a number one fan instantly. This scene makes the list for visuals alone. The setting is a classroom and we see Ai wearing the cutest schoolgirl outfit I've ever seen. It looks like some cosplay costume, I can't get enough of it.

Before Ai this awesome classroom scene, she has assfucked hard and then given a small rubber anal plug to wear!  I don't believe I have even seen a remote control vibrating anal plug before? This is rare in JAV, anything remote-controlled and anal play together! This scene is worth the look I promise, as it shows her sitting in class. 

It's sexy to see her looking super uncomfortable with the toy up her ass. A great addition to the visuals and situation is that there is an audio narration of her thoughts and she freaks out. I find that alone sexy as fuck. Now the dude switches it on and we hear it buzzing. She looks great struggling around and we even get to see her called on by the teacher. She gets more and more excited and starts rubs her pussy until she what seems right before she cums. After, the guy asks to leave and brings her outside. The scene is not to be missed for its rarity, general production including awesome camera angles so we see under the desk looking up at her face while she rubs her pussy! 

I wish I could have seen more remote control action here. For example maybe if she had to go to the front of the classroom and write something on the board. Or, she had to stand at the podium and do a fucking speech with the remote control vibrator in her ass! It's great also because we get to see Ai transition from discomfort to excitement and pure pleasure. What get to see is a longer scene than most, so it's worth it one hundred percent. 


4. Please Stop... The Endless Gangbang Of A Fallen Female TV Announcer Anri Kizuki IPZ-771

I feel it is my duty to report the most excitingly special settings in JAV for this blog series. Here we have a news anchor. We have all seen plenty of JAV titles where news anchors are getting fucked AND fucked with. Those are simply masterpieces. This JAV is more personal and story-based just the way I like it. Please don't mistake this for the title being TAME. I specifically chose this JAV scene for how fucking TENSE it is. This action is really quiet and subtle, it instantly attracted me to it. So the scene starts with the actress getting a remote control vibrator in her panties. Let me put it to you this way, in a lot of these remote control vibrator scenes, the actress doesn't look "happy" to be wearing this. If you get my meaning. I'll leave it at that for the sake of this blog. I also want to point out, this "element" of not wanting to do it anyway is itself the reason I find truly fucking hot and sexy. The more uncomfortable and unhappy they are, sometimes the happier I am. 

So here we are, the scene starts with the actress in front of the camera at a desk. She seems to be interviewing someone about something especially boring. Of course, it would be just as entertaining if the news segment was about something interesting and not just words out of an old guy's mouth in a lame interview!  So a great thing about this scene is the story and camera work. You truly feel how the story is about the man in possession of the remote and the adorable anchorwoman. I just want to note, she is cute as hell. 

So we have the setting and personal atmosphere. The toy is turned on, and she gets to the fidgeting. Of course, she is sitting at an open desk towards the camera, so she really has to keep herself calm and collected. She's wearing a short skirt and her legs are crossed. The best thing about this scene is just how quiet it is.  Again, adding to the tension.  You can just barely hear the toy, as the entire set of the show is very quiet. I just love that atmosphere. It shows the face of the man who is in control (which I hate, I don't need that but oh well), and it's actually pretty funny. Such an evil look on his face, sometimes these clips really entertain on so many levels you have to appreciate it. Worth a watch to one of the tensest remote control scenes in JAV. Zero fun seems to be had here. No pleasure, she looks miserable and I love it. Again a big negative is just how damn short it is. It could have gone on forever, the entire movie even. It could have even been a recurring scene, every time she had to go on air, she had to wear it. At least that way we would get to see different outfits, different interviews, and different reactions each time. Hell, even switching the toys too. But this scene was not designed that way and is only representing a one-time situation. And that alone is special and I appreciate it for what it is. Just a hot scene.



3. Super Sensitive! I Even Came On A Bike! 5 Hit Special! First for the Series: 4 Housewives in 4 Hours SP NHDTA-278

Those who are new to JAV, please look into this next actress. Ayaka Tomoda. I was fortunate to have already been a huge fan of Ayaka before I found this scene, and it really made a huge impact when I discovered this. Maybe the prettiest face I have even seen besides my favorite Yui Fujishima. I personally love her earlier work when she was very skinny, as she goes on to get thicker later.  This JAV scene is one of her skinny times!  Again we have the actress have an unfriendly "meeting" with a dude. Why is always a dude by the way? More on that later in the list. So the scene starts with Ayaka sitting a very crowded class. 

I would say outside of #1 and #2 of my part 1 of this series, this is the most INTENSE remote control reaction. What a powerhouse performance. You need to see how it builds and there is just no hope for her. In contrast to the previous JAV, this style is the opposite of a movie production style. It's a completely candid style. I have to be honest, sometimes the setting is so real that I still don't know if it is real. That comes from in fact watching hundreds of hours of remote control vibrator videos that are filmed in public with a hidden camera, so there is no reason this can't be real. Also, there is some huge peeing and or squirting going on and I doubt that would go unnoticed. 

Additionally, I want to point out that, again, we can hear this vibrating toy very loudly. You just have to see this one moment in particular where she hides her face with her paper to hide the look of dread and PURE TERROR as it seems!  It's like all she does is cover her mouth to prevent from screaming her lungs out.

This scene is interesting because it makes you actually feel uncomfortable, in a good way! It's just too realistic maybe? Which is another good thing.  You'll love this scene if you like watching JAV actresses being horrified by what's happening to them.  Trust me, she looks unhappy as hell. This scene has great angles, from behind as she looks back at the guy as she begs for mercy, a front view as she tries to hide her extreme embarrassment, any view you want you get in this scene. Another great thing about this scene is the toy tech!  A few shots allow us to see that the remote and what number the intensity is on.  After a ton of teasing, it's almost as if the guy in control loses his patience! He aggressively presses the remote to "10" and it won't up anymore (he tried with many clicks)! 

This is when of course she loses it and looks like she has a huge shaking orgasm in her seat. This one is unique in style, in that it is a perfect mix of pure pleasure and pure embarrassment. As always, these scenes are always laced with hardcore fucking as a pay-off of the teasing scene itself. This scene just has to be viewed, I can't stress it enough. 


2. Girls SM Riko and Mayura RBD-066

Riko Tachibana. Yes, I know I used her in the previous entry in this series. But I hope you will be glad I did and agree with the reasons why. As I mentioned above, I am tired of it always being a creepy guy in charge of the remote. Why can't it be more lesbians-based? Imagine, a beautiful JAV actress remote controlling "vibing" another sexy JAV star. Well, this is the ONLY one I know in existence. In this JAV, we finally get to see just that. This movie is a little strange and I'm not hating it. It follows Riko meeting a petite little cutie and I'm not entirely sure of the plot since I don't understand Japanese, but the unknown sometimes adds to the excitement. You know what I mean, it keeps you guessing perhaps. This scene is great because there is so much great build-up to it. The style of this JAV is pure movie Hollywood style. It's basically a drama of Riko teasing herself in front of the petite one, which makes both of them crazy in different ways. After so much great action and lustful build-up, we arrive at a morning breakfast scene. When I first watched this, I was so fucking excited to finally have found a lesbian remote control scene. The scene starts with Riko is sitting at the table with the remote, while the other girl is trying to make breakfast. Both are wearing skimpy outfits of course and the sexiness in these scenes is almost too much. If you have watched anything with Riko before, you might agree she is the kinkiest actresses in JAV. This is a great combination too, Riko is so aggressive in this, and the cute petite girl is well, just that. Cute petite, innocent, and a little pathetic?  It's a great contrast. Now back to the breakfast scene. 

All the poor girl is trying to do is cook and serve breakfast, and Riko keeps pressing the button over and over. Riko is just so insanely sexy in this scene, just how she pushes the remote control button and smiles when she does it. She even giggles in this evil way, damn what a goddess she is. 

It's just awesome to see the poor girl try and eat eggs, while her vibrating egg is going on and on. I'm very picky about the toys used in remote control vibrator JAV, and I really like the pattern of this one. It sounds like an older toy by the style, and I love it. It's a vibrating pattern like a fucking song. I mentioned before that sometimes it's boring as hell if it's just on and off, but of course, it all depends on the scene. The mood and theme here is 100% pleasure as there is no desperation here. The petite girl just loves it, you can tell. They both are loving what they are doing in this moment. This scene is just teasing though and ends with Riko mixing her fingers in her eggs and has the petite cutie lick it off. 

Again, a huge disappointment is just how fucking short the damn scene is! Please, make a whole movie of this! Someone, somewhere: we want to see lesbians using remote control vibrators on each other!!! Also, a negative is, it is just a maybe too comfortable house scene. It's very personal, but sometimes relationship-type JAV can get boring if it's just in the bedroom. And even though this isn't the bedroom, it's almost the same idea. I would love to see these two out in public remote controlling each other and getting turned on by it. Oh, even more variety and scenes in the house instead of just one solid scene in the dining room and kitchen area. However all that complaining aside, since there seem to be no lesbian remote control scenes, I cherish this scene all that much more. Especially since it has one of my personal classic retired JAV actresses in it. Now please if you know of any more, tell me in the comments! I'm serious, please help me out we're all in this together! The world of JAV is just too overwhelming in size, and once you find something very specific like this, it's almost impossible to find it again. It's almost like the only way to find something like this again, is to come across it at random. Which of course is NOT fair am I right?


1. Student Teacher Ai Uehara HKD-525

This last scene is number one for a reason. Ai Euhara again!  I hope you can forgive Ai Uehara being on this list twice!  Please, give me a chance to explain why you need to see this scene. Number five on this list is Ai as a student. Well, here she is as a teacher. A huge plus for teacher JAV fans, Ai Euhara fans, and hopefully all the remote control vibrator JAV fans! This scene is story-based and here are back to a typical and all too familiar scenario. Now I am here to talk about just the scene but there is a lot of behind the scene storylines leading up to this, but it breaks down to man inserts vibrator in her panties and she is NOT happy about it. 

When we arrive at the scene, it's just a classroom. But that is all you need in JAV sometimes in my opinion. The man who did the inserting, is standing with other men in the back of the packed classroom. All Ai Uehara has to do is read to the class! Seems easy right, I mean what could go wrong in JAV featuring Miss Uehara?  This scene makes number one because of an overall just incredible performance. The cinematography dedicated in this one is great, it has story build-up, camera angles, a great setting, and of course situation! She starts reading, and the remote vibrator gets switched on. 

It's a loud one too, and it's hilarious to see the creepy look on the man's face while she struggles. Not my favorite thing in the world when the camera pans to the dude in control, as I always think I'm not here to watch him! But it does absolutely nothing to take away from the scene, and is ultimately forgivable considering who the actress is. Additionally to this point, I'd like to add it's funny to watch the men at the back act like they hear something, but still don't understand why she is acting so weird.  And this scene you can hear the vibrator very clearly. It's going while with many speeds and patterns. It sounds extra powerful in my opinion! I fully recommend this scene, to witness just how much of a fight Ai puts up.


She really tries everything in her power to keep reading and keep the fact she is being "vibed" a secret!  You can truly sense her legitimately trying too.  It is a beautiful thing to watch her struggle so much. At some points she almost falls down and has to grab the desk. I always admire the actors they put in these scenes, how can they just sit there while she is going crazy like this? What a privilege it must be to be there to see this happen. I respect their discipline!  Also, this scene makes me analyze and wonder how these scripts are written. Everyone must know the actress has only limited control to how long she can stand these sensations right? Is it a situation where they are told to hold on from cumming as long as they can? Or are they so well versed and talented in acting and self-control, that they cum exactly when the script says to cum? I wonder this specifically because she perfectly makes a round walking in the classroom back to her podium before she can't move anymore. Was that scripted? This is extremely hot to watch, and now at this point in the scene, you can feel on her face that a cum and squirt is imminent. It's beyond the point of no return, and I find that sexy as fuck. You will see her just give up as she is standing completely awkward. Here's where it happens she cums and squirts everywhere why she makes her last awkward stance. 

I'm surprised she doesn't crash to the floor, she is a professional. Another groundbreaking performance you can't afford to miss. If anything I would add, is that I wish she had more eye contact with the man. I would love more of that camera view of her staring and seeing the look of desperation on her face, but a lot of the time her face is focused on the book. I don't get too much of a pleasure sensation feel here in this, mainly shame, shame, and more shame. 


Thank you for reading again, as always I really hope I can spread awareness that remote control scenes are not all the same. I've seen so many that just go through the motions as if it is listed in every single JAV contract in existence! I don't just personally find these scenes hot as fuck, but I carefully consider each one for specific reasons when making these lists. I hope to see you back here for part 3!     





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