Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

113 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
There’s a new Like a Dragon game out now and that means JAV Stars in a video game. To commemorate the new release we take a look at all the past JAV stars who have cameoed in past games.
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Some Japanese babes have been blessed with model-esque bodies. But a benevolent few chose the lights of the JAV studio to please the boners of adoring fans.
Actors/actresses in JAV either have pubic hair or don't, and I'm going to discuss the positives and negatives of genital hair.
March's News Recap recapping the SkyPerfecTV Adult Awards, inactive AV actresses and exciting debuts
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It's not all about tits, asses, and fucking. Check out these stories that are just as interesting as the hot sex in them. Watch itfor the Plot.

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