Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
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A look at the holiday sales and the last sales post for 2020
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Ramen Boss's Ayaka Tomoda Top 10 List - This JAV actress has an unstoppable catalog! Here are 10 must see titles with something for everyone be it debut, lesbian, bondage, pantyhose or panty fetish... and more.
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Photoshop comes in all shapes and sizes. Some go a bit too overboard though.Join me as a take a look at ten more of the most ridiculously photoshopped JAV covers around.
A look back on 2020 from JAV stars on Twitter; Cute, fun, and bizarre posts compiled for you!
Kaho Shibuya was recently featured on the Trash Taste podcast. As a former JAV actress Kaho spoke a bit about it. These are the JAV-related highlights.
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It's the final countdown! Time to reveal my top 10 favorite videos of 2022. Which one will take the number one spot? Read on to find out!
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A report of which videos and actresses were popular in May of 2024
A first impression of 2023 debut actress Momoka Kagura
Oppaira takes another look at debuts from 2020 after they've had a year in the industry
What makes a JAV boring?

By jmsorry @ December 15th, 2022

Some JAV videos are just no better than watching paint dry. But what is it that makes them boring to watch?
Women can be of various different body weights, and each can have its benefits in JAV!
As the year ends we begin our warp up of the world of JAV in 2023. Starting us off is part 2 of our JAV in Review were we look into the biggest stories, emerging trends, and little asides all around the industry.

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