Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
Lets go over some of the biggest and smallest news stories in JAV for 2023 so far. Industry trends, blockbuster titles, pop groups, Twitter spats, thirsty actresses, and more inside.
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Oppaira gives a rundown of his top 25 videos of the year. Part 1 features videos 25-11.
Here is part 2 of Fried Chikan's Pornstars who are alike JAV Idols.
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Join me as I countdown the top 20 best films of 2020. Part 1 features films 20-11.
Looking to find your favorite JAV actress online? Well, we have you covered with an extensive list of all the social media accounts of tons of ladies.
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It's time to settle the best of the best. Join me as a I countdown the top 10 films from 2021. Which film will earn the #1 spot? Read on to find out!
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Ever love a series only to have it become shelved and left forgotten? Some series deserve to come back and that's precisely what we got here. Join me as I run down through five more series I want to see make a return.
Oppaira takes a look at some upcoming debuts from May and checks in with how some of the earlier debuts are looking
Wataru visits his uncle in the countryside and finds he has two beautiful women who fancy him. Turns out they're bored of his uncle and decide to have some fun with Wataru instead.
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JAV Sales Report - October 2021
The final part of my titty tier list is here. Which racks have come in last and place at the very bottom? Read on to find out!
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Oppaira shares another set of the top tits in JAV today in part six of his series

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