Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
When Momo starts tutoring an introverted student she decides her boobs are the best way to get him out of his shell.
It's time again for yet another tierlist. This time I'll be ranking JAV studios seeing which ones are the best and which ones rank near the bottom. How will your favorites fare? Read on to find out!
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Time to sift through the best of the best and break down the top 20 films of 2021. Join me as I start the countdown with #20-#11. Which ones will make the cut? Read on to find out!
OnlyFans, YouTube, and Twitch, JAV actresses no longer restricted to filming JAV to earn money
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Which polarizing actresses get a little too much hype? Read on to find out my personal list of the top 5 most overrated actresses in JAV.
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From Anri Okita returning to JAV to bringing back the AV Open. We all have things we wish would happen but maybe aren't too likely. Join me as I list 10 of my biggest wishes within JAV.
My 2023 retrospective rolls on as I take a look at some of the biggets winners and losers from the year along with my favorite debuts and honorable mentions that just barely missed the top 20.
ZENRA had the pleasure to interview Ruri Saijo, JAV veteran with more than 10 years of activity. Learn more about her in this Q&A provided exclusively on ZENRA!
I take a look at 7 JAV actresses I've never seen from famed studio S1 No. 1 Style and give my first impressions of them
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Oppaira counts down his top 10 deepthroat actresses
My 2022 retrospective posts continues with a look back at the best and worst actresses from the year along with some of my favorite covers and a handful of honorable mentions before my top 20 countdown.
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Oppaira takes a look at his top 10 prettiest actresses

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