Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
Our community is full of these characters. Which of them do you recognize?
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Gargoyle suggests some good JAVs he watched in April 2021
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April comes and with it comes Karen Kaede’s comeback, Yumika Saeki’s retirement, and…Yuna Ogura’s maid sex doll? Check out the latest and greatest with the first part of my Monthly JAV Watch for April.
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A look at the best selling videos and actresses from May 2021
Oppaira breaks down his favourite plot structure. In this I go over what they're about, what makes them so great, various series that have implemented this plot structure, and my favourite series.
JAV actresses have careers that can be shorter than professional athletes. What's in it for them after retirement?
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Ever wonder how popular a JAV actress is and how many people are following them? Well today we look into the Most Popular JAV Actresses Online. Check out who everybody is following on all the social media platforms.
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Misono Mizuhara
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Sometimes it's just too difficult to let go and we want a round two. Join me as I countdown 10 actresse that I would love to see make a comeback.
This month’s debuts features one muscular lady, two big curvy girls, and one celebrity making the cross over to porn. Come see Rikako Inoue’s AV debut inside.
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JAV Sales Report - DMM - 2021 Yearly Edition
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Features a Top List of the brand new JAV releases in the market, carefully curated & compiled by Tony Montana.

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