Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
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Titties come in all shapes and sizes but which ones are my favorites? Join me as I take a look at my personal top 10 favorite pairs in all of JAV.
Hentai VS JAV

By Syndrome @ April 26th, 2024

Hentai and JAV are popular forms of erotic content, but which is superior?
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JAV covers are very important. Gotta make a good first impression to win over a potential customer. Join me as I list some of my personal favorite covers throughout all of JAV.
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Oppaira takes a look at the next set of his favourite pairs from active actresses
Big, giant, heaving, enormous, fat, humongous titties. This one is for all the busty women, this isFried Chikan Tries Big Boobs
Time to settle which chest is the best. Join me on this three part series as I take a look at my own pesonal tierlist of tits across all of JAV.
Oppaira takes a look back at debuts from 2019 and how they're progressing through their careers
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Oppaira lists his top 10 videos to look forward to in December 2023
Many criticize JAV/porn as being "worthless" or "degenerate", and I'm going to explain why it helps adult men.
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Looking for the hottest actresses of 2021, then look no further. We look at some of my favorite girls of the year, the best of the best.

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