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226 RESULTS FOR: Hitomi
Anothe year and another ranking. This time I'll be looking at the year 2012. With a few years under Hitomi's belt is her full potential finally realized or is this another mixed-bag? Let's find out!
Hitomi: 2011 Films Ranked

By Panking @ February 15th, 2021

By 2011 Hitomi had several years in the business and really came into her own. But how well do these films fare? Are there more duds than studs? Let's find out!
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Another year has gone by and given us a wealth of Hitomi content to enjoy. But how great was it? Is she truly getting better and better every year or are her best days behind her? Let's find out!
Hitomi: 2010 Films Ranked

By Panking @ December 21st, 2020

The beginning of the decade marked a new era for Hitomi but how well do those films stack up? Let's find out as I rank every film of hers from 2010.
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The dawn of Hitomi's career was filled with some big hits and big misses but which ones reign supreme? Join me as a I countdown all her films from her debut years.
JAV watchers have likely asked such a question before: who's better at sex? Hitomi Tanaka or Julia? I'm going to share my opinion on the subject.
Hitomi isn't quite finished yet. She has graced us with one final VR film. Does she go out with a bang or end up flopping with a dud? Read on to find out!
Hitomi's final film is upon us. After 14 years in the business she is calling it quits. Does she go out with a bang or is it more of a dud? Read on to find out!
Hitomi has blessed us with one last VR film before she rides off into the sunset. Does this one make up for her previous lackluster VR film or does it stumble once again? Read on to find out!
Think you can last 5 minutes with Hitomi's expert tittyfuck technique? Then check out this video to see if some lucky "fans" are up to the challenge.
Hitomi's newest films has just dropped. After a somewhat lackluster 2021 does she kick off the new year with a bang or is it more of a dud? Read on to find out!
Hitomi's final film of the year is finally here. Does she end the year with a bang or is it more of a dud? Read on to find out!

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