Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

94 RESULTS FOR: eimi fukada
The giant AV storefront has released their DVD Sales Rankings of 2023 so far. See whose the biggest sellers in all of JAV. From the very number one actress to all the way to 200.
As if Moe-san's retirement news wasn't enough for us to deal with, now we'ved the bubbly Mao Hamasaki aka DJ Mao who's the latest to be done with JAV. More on that in the column.
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A new year means a new Red Hot Report looking into the best and brightest up and coming JAV stars.
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from November 2020
Check out some of the best social media posts that closed out last year.
This week in JAV News Roundup, Faleno rakes in an industry biggie, S1 talent finds a new home and much more. Take a deep dive!
My JAV Hot Takes

By Panking @ October 24th, 2022

I'm ready to bring the spice as I dish out a healthy serving of some of my JAV hot takes. So sit back, grab a seat and feel the heat.
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Join me in part one of my 2021 retrospective as I take a look at the biggest winners, losers and debuts of the year. Plus, I'll shine the spotlight on five videos that just barely missed my top 20.
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JAV Sales Report - R18 - 2021 Yearly Edition
In this edition, we find out what led Saika to switch her agency, MUTEKI is finally back and a Taiwanese model alleged FALENO of fraud!
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A look at the top actresses and top DVDs from 2020 according to DMM, the largest Japanese JAV distributor
It's that time of the year again to choose my actress of the year. Join me as I crown the bubbly and busty Hana Himesaki as the best of 2021.

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