Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

139 RESULTS FOR: hana himesaki
Join me as I take another look at some of the hottest new releases from the month of April and see which ones are worth a watch.
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Oppaira counts down his top 25 videos of the past year, starting with the first 15
Another month has come and gone gracing us with many tantalizing new releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare!
Moodyz massive orgy series is back with a star studded cast. A jam packed title featuring some of the best in JAV today clocking in well over 7 hours. Check out if their return lives up to the past.
It's time for another dose of Pan Takes as I take a look at eight more new JAV releases from the month of May and see how they fare.
The frosty month of February is here and what better way to heat yourself up then with some hot new JAV releases. Read on to see which films are worth your time.
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A sales report of what JAV actresses and videos were popular from the first month of the new year
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Join me in part one of my 2021 retrospective as I take a look at the biggest winners, losers and debuts of the year. Plus, I'll shine the spotlight on five videos that just barely missed my top 20.
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Riho Takahashi
Summer is here bringing us plenty of hot new releases. Join me as I take at a look at ten of them and see how they fare.
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A look at the top selling videos and actresses from April 2021
This week in JAV News Roundup, Ruka Inaba bids farewell to the industry, Mio Ishikawa celebrates her first year in AV and much more. Take a deep dive!

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