Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

175 RESULTS FOR: maria nagai
March is here bringing with it plenty of regular faces alongside a returning favorite in the busty milf Ai Kano. Join me to see if her return is worth your time or if it's best left behind.
Spring season is in full bloom bringing with it plenty of enticing new JAV releases. We got a little bit of everything here from busty milfs, to nurse, to NEETs and even the return of an old favorite.
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We've seen the best now let's see the rest. Join me as I take a look at rock bottom and see what films were the worst of the worst from 2022.
Pan Takes - October 2022

By Panking @ November 14th, 2022

The month of October has come and gone bringing us a wealth of new releases. Join me as I go in-depth with ten of the very best films.
Join me as I travel the world of VR JAV taking a look at ten films and see if they're worth a watch or better left behind.
Are Nagi Hikaru's new tits a hit or a miss? Has Miyu Kiyohara leveled up? And is Shiori Tsukada still top tier at tittyfucking? All those answers and more in this edition of Pan Takes!
I'm back at it again diving into another batch of new JAV releases to see which ones are worth your time and what ones are best left on the shelf.
Another month has come and gone gracing us with many tantalizing new releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare!
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If you love dark skinned ladies then this post is just your speed. Come check out some of the hottest gals in JAV.
Another month has come and gone bringing us plenty of new JAV releases. Join me as I take a look at eight of them and see how they fare.
Another month has come and gone bringing us plenty new films to enjoy. Join me as I take a look at 10 of them and see how they fare.
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Need more dark skinned beauties in your life? Then check out the second part of Fried Chikan's Gal girls in JAV.

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