Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

69 RESULTS FOR: mizuki yayoi
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It's that time of the year again to select the very best films of the year. We got a bit of everything from nympho nurse Fumika to a juicy Hana and Maria collab and what may be the best anal film I've ever seen in JAV.
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We are back with more Great Asses in JAV pieces. Our return entry looks at all the Asses of today and upcoming buns that you should all look out for. From debuts to veteran actresses with some years under their belts. This is Great Asses in JAV: Best New
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A list of which actresses and videos were popular in February 2024
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in May 2023
A first impression of seven actresses who aren't quite MILFs but still have some mature qualities to them
Spring is upon is with many new JAV releases in bloom. Some are sweet while others will leave you feeling sour. Read on to find out which films are worth your time.
Quickfire reviews of new JAV releases with a focus on extra busty actresses.
My 2023 retrospective rolls on as I take a look at some of the biggets winners and losers from the year along with my favorite debuts and honorable mentions that just barely missed the top 20.
The giant AV storefront has released their DVD Sales Rankings of 2023 so far. See whose the biggest sellers in all of JAV. From the very number one actress to all the way to 200.
Got some big titties and even bigger booties on deck for this edition of Pan Takes. Join me as I take a look at some of my most notable releases from the month of October.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in June 2023
Pan Takes - October 2022

By Panking @ November 14th, 2022

The month of October has come and gone bringing us a wealth of new releases. Join me as I go in-depth with ten of the very best films.

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