Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

66 RESULTS FOR: shiori tsukada
A final summary of all the 2021 debuts that Oppaira has reviewed, picking his favourites in several categories
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We are back with more Great Asses in JAV pieces. Our return entry looks at all the Asses of today and upcoming buns that you should all look out for. From debuts to veteran actresses with some years under their belts. This is Great Asses in JAV: Best New
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Oppaira shares some more of the top asses in JAV, this time looking at some of the 2023 debuts
The giant AV storefront has released their DVD Sales Rankings of 2023 so far. See whose the biggest sellers in all of JAV. From the very number one actress to all the way to 200.
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Which JAV Agency reigns supreme? Who has the best cast of lovely ladies? Let’s see how the teams stack up against each other from the big boys of T-Powers to the smaller players like Arrows.
Are Nagi Hikaru's new tits a hit or a miss? Has Miyu Kiyohara leveled up? And is Shiori Tsukada still top tier at tittyfucking? All those answers and more in this edition of Pan Takes!
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JAV Sales Report - R18 - 2021 Yearly Edition
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Everyone loves tits but which are the best. I'm here to choose my top 10 favorite(and a few not so favorite) pairs in all of JAV right now. Who will make the cut? Read on to find out!
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Walk on the dark side with this post about some of the best hardcore titles in JAV. Not for the faint of heart.
I'm back again rounding up some more new releases from the month of May. Join me as I take a look at ten of them and see which ones are worth a watch.
The month of April was so loaded with exciting new releases that I had to make another post just to cover them all. Once again I'll review 10 of those new videos and see how they stack up.

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