Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

754 RESULTS FOR: aika
It’s been seven months and fifteen days, since you took your lovely breasts away. 8Man Pro teased a major announcement tomorrow (Feb 19) by now it's all but confirmed that it's...
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A sales report of which actresses and videos were popular in June 2024
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We are back with more Great Asses in JAV pieces. Our return entry looks at all the Asses of today and upcoming buns that you should all look out for. From debuts to veteran actresses with some years under their belts. This is Great Asses in JAV: Best New
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See what JAV actresses like to get up to in their off time from playing video games, motorsports, ballet, poker, and more.
Oppaira takes a look at 7 more 2020 debuts making sure to capture all the interesting and noteworthy newcomers
A first impression of 2021 debut actress Mikako Horiuchi
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We are back with a new batch of JAV debuts to review. As we apporach the first half of the year coming to a close lets see the rookies that have come out. See if there is any newbie who could catch your eye inside.
This week in JAV News Roundup, we discuss Shion Yumi's future prospects, a former AV actress gets taken into custody in Hong Kong and much more. Take a deep dive!
Field Reports
Alright! So, you may have been wondering why there was no July event Anton attended. But that’s because for the month of August, we’re hitting you with a three-parter. Three events and three articles. Enjoy.
Check out the far too underappreciated Saryu Usui as today’s Hidden Gem Pick.
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It is rare but it happens. We look into the lovely Black actresses to appear in JAV.
The first New Debut Review is out today. 2021's first star is the renewed Saeko Hiiragi.

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