Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

62 RESULTS FOR: Nina Nishimura
Fan favourite actress Yuna Shiina is returning to JAV exclusive to Madonna after an eight year hiatus
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Oppaira counts down his top 10 JAV actresses of all time
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Oppaira puts together a tier list of 50 of active MILF actresses
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Oppaira takes an in-depth look at his favourite series from Madonna and shares his favourite entries.
Join me as I give my opinion on some of the most notable new releases from the month of July.
The year is ending so we look into the biggest stories of the year, observations, trends, changes in the industry, and plenty of silly news. This is JAV 2022 in Review.
Oppaira runs through another agency, this time looking at Bambi Promotion
Pan Takes - August 2022

By Panking @ September 12th, 2022

Summer is on it's way out but not before giving us some red hot releases. Some are scorchers while others are lukewarm at best. Get the lowdown on the biggest releases from the month right here!
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in October 2023
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in September 2023
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Some actresses deserve better! Join me as l highlight 5 actresses who I feel have had underwhelming careers.
Join me as I once again take a look at some of the most notable JAV releases from the month of November and see whether they're worth a watch or better left behind.

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