Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

66 RESULTS FOR: asahi mizuno
Julia once told me she would consider doing lesbian and hasn't. Today I count down my top 5 choices to break her lesbian ban.
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Which JAV Agency reigns supreme? Who has the best cast of lovely ladies? Let’s see how the teams stack up against each other from the big boys of T-Powers to the smaller players like Arrows.
For whatever reason we don’t watch them forever. Which actresses are you no longer watching?
Another ZENRA Exclusive Interview with Riasu Mizutani, a self proclaimed otaku and translator. Someone we never knew we needed!
Here is an index of terms, words, phrases, and slang associated with JAV.
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Dominant or submissive women, how do you prefer your actresses to be?
Oppaira recaps the past year of JAV debuts and picks his favourites in many categories.
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A look at the best selling videos and actresses from June 2021
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Teachers. We hated them, now we love them. Why? Well, 'Recordings of a Female Teacher' has an answer. Check it out!
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Interested in NTR but wary on the genre? Read on to find out more in this introductory entry for newcomers.
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JAV Sales Report - August 2021
We look at some actresses who have gone missing in action and the chances of them coming back.

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