Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

50 RESULTS FOR: beauty venus
Yua Mikami has retired from porn. The superstar idol hangs it all up for her retirement. We review her last video and take a quick look at her final year.
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Let's check out some older JAV and see how they compare to modern works!
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Aika Yamagishi uses social media to make her mark in JAV, impacting her newest release PRED-251. Don't know her? There's a top list of her too.
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A report of which actresses and videos were popular in April 2023
Oppaira shares a first impression of seven actresses recommended by fellow blogger Fried Chikan
With her retirement it is time to look at the JAV Icon that is Yua Mikami. From her time before porn, to her career, and her outside activities. Learn about a real deal JAV idol inside.
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Our End of Year series continues with overview in the Best of JAV for 2023. We talk about the best new debuts, the rising stars, top Milfs, petite stars, the best series, and just a little bit of Western porn.
Today we feature one of the best working girls out there today with the beautifully elegant Aika Yamagishi. Read on and find out what makes this stunning slender lady so special.
A review of first impressions of seven more 2020 debut actresses
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Our Red Hot Report this month highlights the BJ demon Sora Amakawa, the plastic Hinako Mori, the double exclusive Karen Yuzuriha, and the big assed Mizuki Yayoi. Check out why these four names are hot off the presses.
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We close out ourlook into Minami Aizawa with her Top Ten Titles. These are the best videos from Minami from her whole career.
Field Reports
Seriously, Jake Adelstein, if you read this site, we should meet up, like how I met up with Himari, oplove, and Momo Sakura in this article. Drop us a line. Let's make this a thing.

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