Reviews, news, and gossip from the world of Japanese porn

71 RESULTS FOR: haru minato
The final part of my titty tier list is here. Which racks have come in last and place at the very bottom? Read on to find out!
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FANZA has dropped their rankings for 2023 so it’s time to check out who are the hottest names in JAV right now with the titles that grabbed most fans attention.
Come check out which debuts Oppaira is interested in this month!
Catch up on some more of the hottest JAV releases from the month of January including some sexy nurses and the latest from S1's busty superstar, Haru Minato.
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Oppaira reviews 10 new releases from January 2024
With Yua Mikami recently departing S1 do they have what it takes to remain on top? Oppaira checks in with recent happenings at S1.
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Our End of Year series continues with overview in the Best of JAV for 2023. We talk about the best new debuts, the rising stars, top Milfs, petite stars, the best series, and just a little bit of Western porn.
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Titties come in all shapes and sizes but which ones are my favorites? Join me as I take a look at my personal top 10 favorite pairs in all of JAV.
Many criticize JAV/porn as being "worthless" or "degenerate", and I'm going to explain why it helps adult men.
May brings up a Zombie spectacular, the coolest female bodyguards, a trip to Paris, and a host of upcoming rookies to check out.
A first impression of 2022 debut actress Minato Maiha
Let's take a look at Riku Minato's brightest and nastiest moments.

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